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Communication/Media Studies Ph.D Fall 2015--Apps, Decisions, and Waiting...

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I'm telling y'all, sometimes dealing with the IRB process makes me rethink this whole Ph.D thing. (I say as I check my email yet again for news)


What?  I've never had trouble with it before.  However, they did make me put in a bit in one of my surveys about creationism and evolution that the survey maybe emotionally disturbing.  lol.  



I was simply being a bit cheeky - no need to call me ignorant (or resort to name-calling at all). I would never email such a thing to a professional.


Yes, I believe we all feel a bit cheeky at this time.  That being said we wouldn't be very good academics if we didn't go into critical cultural studies at every chance.  


Let us not forget, however, that many of us have taken on rather substantial loans and as such, cannot necessarily afford to attend conferences that they may potentially benefit from. As a (recent) independent scholar, there is usually not much available in terms of aid. Regardless, my comment may have been insensitive, to which I apologize for. I fully acknowledge the plight of internationals, and wholly support any and all systems in place that may aid them.


  Yes, but everyone knows this and treats us accordingly with looks of sympathy.  



Random unrelated question:


Anyone else had to deal with racism while they taught a class?  Being of Jewish ethnicity I've had to deal with it quite a few times in my classes.  Last semester one of the girls in my class insisted on handing me racist pictures at the end of class.  It was an odd class...

Edited by The Pedanticist
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What?  I've never had trouble with it before.  However, they did make me put in a bit in one of my surveys about creationism and evolution that the survey maybe emotionally disturbing.  lol.  



We just got a new VP over here, so maybe that's the issue, but the board has gotten very nit-picky. I almost think they feel obligated to find a "mistake" on each document just to say they changed something. Just a bit frustrating! 

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We just got a new VP over here, so maybe that's the issue, but the board has gotten very nit-picky. I almost think they feel obligated to find a "mistake" on each document just to say they changed something. Just a bit frustrating! 


It would be frustrating if they were nit-picky.  I hope that they loosen up a bit for you!  Unless, that is, you're trying to pull a Harvard shocker experiment or the like.

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Random unrelated question:


Anyone else had to deal with racism while they taught a class?  Being of Jewish ethnicity I've had to deal with it quite a few times in my classes.  Last semester one of the girls in my class insisted on handing me racist pictures at the end of class.  It was an odd class...


I've definitely - unfortunately - dealt with racism and sexism with my students, both directed at me and just mid-discussion. To be fair, I usually teach the diversity/representation/media matters classes so these are things we discuss. But I've had some blatantly sexist comments and some really aggressive questions about my ancestry. 


Again, to be fair, I teach in Utah.

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It would be frustrating if they were nit-picky.  I hope that they loosen up a bit for you!  Unless, that is, you're trying to pull a Harvard shocker experiment or the like.


Ha! What kills me is the study will most likely be expedited if not exempt completely. I think the new VP is just flexing his muscles - I fully expect them to go back to normal soon.

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So, are there any more questions you would ask on an interview visit? Hopefully, jujubea won't be the only one in this situation and I know I'd love to hear your questions, too. Thanks!

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So, are there any more questions you would ask on an interview visit? Hopefully, jujubea won't be the only one in this situation and I know I'd love to hear your questions, too. Thanks!

I'd always ask to speak to current graduate students, maybe some that are advised by professors you're interested in, too?

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No. Freaking. Way.

UCSB just accepted me by phone, for the Religious Studies program that I thought I had a snowball's chance in hell getting into.... 




Congrats!!! You're on fire.

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Can some one in the the know give me/us an overview on what "fellowship" means? Is it "assistantship - teaching obligations?" Is it extra $ on top of assistantship? Is it totally dependent on the school?

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I have been lurking here for a while ... I applied to six programs.  Just heard from Oregon via email.  I was rejected from their doctoral program but encouraged to consider the MA program; if admitted, I could petition to join the PhD program after one year.  (I already have an MA in English Lit, btw.) 


Sad ...

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Yes, what Autumn said is how I also understand it.


Thank you guys for the congrats. I am really blown away - I kind of can't believe it yet. It doesn't seem real.


Funding info won't come until late Feb or early March.


I am kissing the ground and giving many thanks ... I am spoiled lucky compared to others who are/have been waiting in agony for so much longer than I - I will try to be extra extra grateful knowing that.


Best of luck to everyone still waiting for a word at all.

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Can some one in the the know give me/us an overview on what "fellowship" means? Is it "assistantship - teaching obligations?" Is it extra $ on top of assistantship? Is it totally dependent on the school?

It depends on the school and program. The Comm department at my university calls the funding packages "assistantships" but the Mass Comm department calls their funding "fellowships" - same level of teaching/research responsibilities for both.

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YES. I would be so much saner if I just knew I was in SOMEwhere. I promise I wouldn't whine about not having all my decisions in or the remaining uncertainty if I just had that.


Yes, security please. 


I'm not overly anxious about the schools that typically notify mid-to-late Feb or March. But some of my schools are overdue, historically, and it's making me twitchy lol

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