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Communication/Media Studies Ph.D Fall 2015--Apps, Decisions, and Waiting...

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Hello communicators!

I'm from Spain and I've received a Fulbright scholarship to start a PhD in fall 2015 in an American university. I've already sent several of my applications but I'm stuck with one. I would like to ask you, since you might be more familiarized with how this works in the US, about the SoP. 

In Europe in general they ask you to focus a lot on your intended project, like you have to have it very clear by the time you apply what yuo want to do. 

I know that in the States the thing is different because many people apply to phd without having achieved a MA before that. 


Question 1: how crazy would it be if I present two different projects in the SoP, involving different professors?

question 2: in general, how super defined were your projects? is it necessary to present a project at all at the SoP or is it enough by saying your interests?

question 3: my GRE is 163 verbal, 156 quan and 4.5 the essay. Is that a good or a mediocre grade?


Thanks in advance to those who feel like giving me a hand. If things look confusing there, imagine when you are in the other side of the planet!

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I'm at the University of Oklahoma which is the only school I applied to, so I can only answer for where I am.


1 - I didn't mention a project in my SoP at all. I stated my areas of interest and why OU was the school I believed to be the best fit for what I wanted to study.

2 - See question 1

3 - OU wants applicants based on percentile. Based on what you've put down you'd be fine here. I don't know for other programs.

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Hi everyone!


So I actually had applied to a few schools last year but was unfortunately rejected. I spent some time thinking and decided that this is something I really want to do, so this year I spent some time upgrading my credentials. 


This year, I enrolled in a Post-Baccalaureate Diploma program in Communications at Simon Fraser University, and earned a 3.4 GPA last semester. I did well enough actually that one of the professors at SFU agreed to be an internal reference for SFU's MA program, which is actually my top pick! So I'm really pleased about that. Also, a former professor asked me to come and assist her with a research project, so I now have research experience for a project I worked on between September - October. Other than that, I've redone my statement of interest to make it more focused (a feminist approach to portrayals of masculinity in new media) and targeted. I've already started contacting some potential supervisors as well.


Last year, I was told I was shortlisted, but didn't quite make it in the end, so I'm hoping all this is enough to put me over the top. My undergrad GPA was 3.32 over the last 60 credits, and I think that might have been what held me back? (Most programs I'm interested in have a cut off of 3.33, so close!!) Anyway, if anyone has any extra feedback for me, it'd be much appreciated. I'm putting the finishing touches on a few things now! 

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How many pages have most people used for their SOPs?


Mostly 2-3. Some programs specified length as either shorter or longer, but I kept to 2-3 for the most part. 


Edit: and it was about 50 percent background, 30 percent research interests, and 20 percent match with that program and POI (though I tailored the other 80% of content to match that specific program as well.)

Edited by grad_wannabe
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Mostly 2-3. Some programs specified length as either shorter or longer, but I kept to 2-3 for the most part. 


Edit: and it was about 50 percent background, 30 percent research interests, and 20 percent match with that program and POI (though I tailored the other 80% of content to match that specific program as well.)


Exactly the same on all counts. Wait, 2-3 single or double spaced? I much prefer it when programs indicate length in terms of word counts. -_-

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Exactly the same on all counts. Wait, 2-3 single or double spaced? I much prefer it when programs indicate length in terms of word counts. -_-


Single-spaced, and at 11 pt font to squeeze it in!


Word count is preferable, I agree, though one of my apps required a 5000 word count and the other just 1500!

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All of my apps are submitted and now I just have to wait. The recent holiday season really drove home the point that I have NO IDEA where I will even live next year. So odd.

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All of my apps are submitted and now I just have to wait. The recent holiday season really drove home the point that I have NO IDEA where I will even live next year. So odd.


Yeah. I hate the uncertainty. It's nice that enrolling in a PhD means having a (somewhat) concrete plan for 5 years. 

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Yeah. I hate the uncertainty. It's nice that enrolling in a PhD means having a (somewhat) concrete plan for 5 years. 


Word. I have never had five years of my life certainly mapped out. Not since I was a very small child.


That I have no idea where I will live next year has been somewhat of a norm for me - knowing where I'm going to be for five years or more .... now that's odd :)

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Word. I have never had five years of my life certainly mapped out. Not since I was a very small child.


That I have no idea where I will live next year has been somewhat of a norm for me - knowing where I'm going to be for five years or more .... now that's odd :)


Me too, actually!! I've moved a ton over the past several years and am quite ready to commit to a place.

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I know it's early days and all but I already wish we could get automatic responses after hitting that submit button. 


I got an email from one of the faculty members over the break and almost had an episode lol the coordinator was out sick so she was just confirming receipt of funding applications but just seeing her name in my inbox was jarring. 

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