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Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)

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Hey guys. I, too, am a newbie to this forum (though I've been a lurker since August or so). I'm a creative writing applicant, and have yet to hear from the schools I've applied to (UCR, CSULB and SFSU).

But congrats to all those accepted! And good luck to the rest of us!

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For those of us in OSU-limbo, does anyone recall when waitlists/rejections have formally gone out in the past? Not that the past is a wholly great predictor, but it could provide some solace for those of us with fingers and toes tightly crossed.


I was an OSU admit from the waitlist a couple of years ago (although I was on the MFA side, but I don't think the process is all that different), and I didn't know I was on the wait list for some time, maybe a couple of weeks.  I do seem to remember that rejections did not come out at the same time as the acceptances, as seems to be the case this year, so everybody except the straight admits was in limbo.  


Wasn't there a waitlist notification on the results board?  Or am I making that up?  It seems to me that if you haven't heard anything at all, there's a decent chance you're unaware that you're waitlisted.  This is all speculation, of course, and I'm no longer in Columbus so I'm not at all in the know for the present round of admissions.  

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Regarding Cornell comp lit, POI told me they would be in touch in February. Judging from the results board I would say around the second Friday of February, probably....

saw one emory comp lit interview 15th jan, does this mean that my emory chances are busted? :(

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saw one emory comp lit interview 15th jan, does this mean that my emory chances are busted? :(

I got my invitation to Emory comp lit recruitment weekend/interview bonanza on Jan 14. They're flying us out Feb 5, so I would probably expect to have heard from them by now if they were going to extend an invitation. Dunno if they make any offers without interviews. I hope that is helpful and minimally depressing  :unsure:

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saw one emory comp lit interview 15th jan, does this mean that my emory chances are busted? :(


I didn't apply to Emory (or Stanford) so I can't tell you anything on that. However, until you receive an actual rejection from the university, just don't give up hope!  ;)

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Has anyone applied or heard anything from USC complit? I know last year they notified really early. 


Looks like someone just reported a USC English acceptance a bit ago...perhaps complit ones are coming out soon too? Wonder if their Creative Writing/Lit. notices will be coming soon as well...

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Looks like someone just reported a USC English acceptance a bit ago...perhaps complit ones are coming out soon too? Wonder if their Creative Writing/Lit. notices will be coming soon as well...

 Was this you, 1Q84? I haven't heard back yet.


ETA: whoever got the acceptance heard from Bruce Smith, a HUGE name in Shakespeare. I am immensely jealous, but congrats to whoever it was!!

Edited by jhefflol
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 Was this you, 1Q84? I haven't heard back yet.


I wish. I'm dying right now. Haven't heard back either.


First entry person PM'd me about it, not sure if she or he wants to make it known. But apparently two calls gone out thus far. 

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I wish. I'm dying right now. Haven't heard back either.


First entry person PM'd me about it, not sure if she or he wants to make it known. But apparently two calls gone out thus far. 


Congrats to her!

One of my letter writers did her PhD at USC in early modern studies. I'm curious to see if that will have any effect on my application at all. I'm anxious to hear back either way!!

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I didn't realize you'd applied or I'd have messaged you as well! I didn't want anyone to freak out about the Results Page--it ain't over 'til it's over.


Thanks for the thought though  :)  Congrats!! I'm excited for you!

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I didn't realize you'd applied or I'd have messaged you as well! I didn't want anyone to freak out about the Results Page--it ain't over 'til it's over.


Ooh la la! Congrats again, Hypervodka! 28.6% of the way to a clean sweep! :P

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Hypervodka: You're really raking in the acceptances. Luckily for everyone else, you can only attend one program.


Yes, but we can at least be happy and proud for her. And really, her acceptances only effect those on the waitlist, which, now that I think about it, I haven't heard anyone on here being waitlisted. I wonder if those notifications usually come later?

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Yes, but we can at least be happy and proud for her. And really, her acceptances only effect those on the waitlist, which, now that I think about it, I haven't heard anyone on here being waitlisted. I wonder if those notifications usually come later?


I have heard that they come later because some schools wait for a decline so that they can hand out a regular offer of admission. As if the process wasn't horrifying enough...


On that note, not sure if this was intended or not, HesseBunuel, but I think it is pretty early in the game to get snarky. Congrats hypervodka!

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Waitlists do apparently arrive later. 



I have heard that they come later because some schools wait for a decline so that they can hand out a regular offer of admission. As if the process wasn't horrifying enough...




Good to know. I hadn't given much thought to waitlists prior to right now.

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Waitlists do apparently arrive later. I'm still hoping for one from OSU, as I have not been accepted nor rejected yet.




CONGRATULATIONS, hypervodka! What an amazing start to the application cycle!

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