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Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)

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I've seen some GCers with "implied" rejections from Columbia, NYU, and Berkeley; I've been particularly stunned to hear some of my friends and colleagues who are not on GC say the same. What even is an implied rejection, and how does one calculate such an outcome?


In order to test one of my implied rejections I personally did email to ask a POI, who told me (in a very nice and circumvented way) that I could be a good fit but just had mediocre materials and also offered to "remain in contact" with me. Anyway I was relieved that I knew.

Edited by quena
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Ditto to the above. Though I wait until wait-lists have gone out to consider myself out of the running. Also, for one of the schools I was accepted to this year, I was not a first round admit, and I understand from my offer letter (for reasons I'm not going to go into here) that more admits will be extended in March. So! While I understand the sanity saving measure that this practice promotes, there still is hope!

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Omg. Totally in shock. Got my first acceptance from UCR with Dean's Distinguished Fellowship. I'm so relieved I'm shaking. I thought all the acceptances had gone out over the weekend. I hope others get their email today or soon too!


Congrats!!! That's such an awesome program. 

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Omg. Totally in shock. Got my first acceptance from UCR with Dean's Distinguished Fellowship. I'm so relieved I'm shaking. I thought all the acceptances had gone out over the weekend. I hope others get their email today or soon too!



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Omg. Totally in shock. Got my first acceptance from UCR with Dean's Distinguished Fellowship. I'm so relieved I'm shaking. I thought all the acceptances had gone out over the weekend. I hope others get their email today or soon too!

Alright!! Congrats!

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Omg. Totally in shock. Got my first acceptance from UCR with Dean's Distinguished Fellowship. I'm so relieved I'm shaking. I thought all the acceptances had gone out over the weekend. I hope others get their email today or soon too!


AAAAH! Major, major, MAJOR congratulations! What fantastic news! Amazing how fast despair can turn to jubilation, eh?


Wonderful stuff. :D

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Omg. Totally in shock. Got my first acceptance from UCR with Dean's Distinguished Fellowship. I'm so relieved I'm shaking. I thought all the acceptances had gone out over the weekend. I hope others get their email today or soon too!


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Thanks, everyone! :) I guess it's a good lesson on "it ain't over til it's over." In my rush to post, I forgot to mention it's a "provisional acceptance" because I'm an international student and still need to prove funds in excess of the Fellowship funds itself. Damn, it's expensive being international.

Edited by 1Q84
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Congrats!! The trickling out of acceptances is indeed a mind game...

Omg. Totally in shock. Got my first acceptance from UCR with Dean's Distinguished Fellowship. I'm so relieved I'm shaking. I thought all the acceptances had gone out over the weekend. I hope others get their email today or soon too!

Edited by KGB
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Omg. Totally in shock. Got my first acceptance from UCR with Dean's Distinguished Fellowship. I'm so relieved I'm shaking. I thought all the acceptances had gone out over the weekend. I hope others get their email today or soon too!

 YAY!!! Congrats!! How perfect for you!

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Congrats 1Q84!!! I apparently don't get to up-vote things anymore, but so happy for you!


I, too, got accepted to UC Riverside today! When another 19th C Americanist reported an acceptance this weekend, I thought I was out of the game, but today I got an email from the grad school detailing my offer (still haven't heard from the English folks yet).

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I woke up to the news that I've been accepted to King's College London! I am in complete shock! I never ever thought I would receive this offer! I am literally in tears, I am so surprised.

Congrats! I looked in to KCL before deciding where to get my MA. It seems like a great program!


Congrats 1Q84!!! I apparently don't get to up-vote things anymore, but so happy for you!


I, too, got accepted to UC Riverside today! When another 19th C Americanist reported an acceptance this weekend, I thought I was out of the game, but today I got an email from the grad school detailing my offer (still haven't heard from the English folks yet).

Congrats on your acceptance!!!

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I woke up to the news that I've been accepted to King's College London! I am in complete shock! I never ever thought I would receive this offer! I am literally in tears, I am so surprised.



Congrats 1Q84!!! I apparently don't get to up-vote things anymore, but so happy for you!


I, too, got accepted to UC Riverside today! When another 19th C Americanist reported an acceptance this weekend, I thought I was out of the game, but today I got an email from the grad school detailing my offer (still haven't heard from the English folks yet).


Way to go to both of you! Turning out to be a very happy Monday for the GC gang indeed. :)

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Professional etiquette question: When talking with faculty, is it standard / acceptable to mention that you have other offers? To discuss where those offers are, or to discuss the details? Talking with a DGS tomorrow, any advice would be dope!


Ooooh, ooh, I have an answer for this! *raises hand* It's so rare that I'm able to offer any advice on this process, but! Based on feedback I have gotten from my professors since my Berkeley acceptance, it definitely IS acceptable - and even desirable - to casually acknowledge that you've received other offers. My mentor calls it "being catlike" - and the idea is that schools will often throw in a bit more money, extra perks, etc, if they think it may draw you away from another program. I know people who have gotten extra language classes paid for, a few extra $1000 added to their package, etc, just by very gently mentioning their other options.

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Looks like the week is off to a tremendous start! Congratulations to all the acceptees (is that a word? did I make that up in a fit of GradCafe excitement?) and here's to many more acceptances before the week is over! (and, apparently, on the weekends too!)

Edited by Lycidas
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Thank you again, everyone :) 


Ooooh, ooh, I have an answer for this! *raises hand* It's so rare that I'm able to offer any advice on this process, but! Based on feedback I have gotten from my professors since my Berkeley acceptance, it definitely IS acceptable - and even desirable - to casually acknowledge that you've received other offers. My mentor calls it "being catlike" - and the idea is that schools will often throw in a bit more money, extra perks, etc, if they think it may draw you away from another program. I know people who have gotten extra language classes paid for, a few extra $1000 added to their package, etc, just by very gently mentioning their other options.


I'll add to this, though I'm speaking from the perspective of a fully-funded MA: after I received my acceptances, I went to speak to each DGS in person. When I mentioned to the DGS of University B that I had just visited University A's campus, she went into "business mode" and threw in $5000 on top of the initial offer. So I'd definitely say it's worth mentioning.

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Congratulations all!


Chiming in to say that you should definitely consider having multiple offers a negotiating situation.  You don't want to be too aggressive (some schools don't have more funds) but you should definitely ask about the possibility for top-off funds, summer funds, book funds, travel funds, etc.  You should also go back to a DGS once you know what your funding package will be at multiple programs if the program you'd prefer is offering you less money.  You can phrase this diplomatically (I really like your program and would really prefer to be here, but the funding offer at X is making it really hard to come.  Is there any way that the funding here could match the offer at X or come closer?), but definitely negotiate.  I found this particularly difficult.  The gender dimension of negotiating (Sandberg's Lean In addresses that, though there are other-better in my opinion-books as well) can make it uncomfortable, but it's great practice and can make a huge impact on your overall graduate experience.

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Congrats 1Q84!!! I apparently don't get to up-vote things anymore, but so happy for you!


I, too, got accepted to UC Riverside today! When another 19th C Americanist reported an acceptance this weekend, I thought I was out of the game, but today I got an email from the grad school detailing my offer (still haven't heard from the English folks yet).


Congrats, fellow Davis admit! Are you leaning one way or the other? 

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Congratulations all!


Chiming in to say that you should definitely consider having multiple offers a negotiating situation.  You don't want to be too aggressive (some schools don't have more funds) but you should definitely ask about the possibility for top-off funds, summer funds, book funds, travel funds, etc.  You should also go back to a DGS once you know what your funding package will be at multiple programs if the program you'd prefer is offering you less money.  You can phrase this diplomatically (I really like your program and would really prefer to be here, but the funding offer at X is making it really hard to come.  Is there any way that the funding here could match the offer at X or come closer?), but definitely negotiate.  I found this particularly difficult.  The gender dimension of negotiating (Sandberg's Lean In addresses that, though there are other-better in my opinion-books as well) can make it uncomfortable, but it's great practice and can make a huge impact on your overall graduate experience.


I'd echo this - it basically describes exactly the conversation I had with a program last year, and which led to them making me a substantially increased offer. And I very nearly didn't raise it out of fear of breaching etiquette. That would have been a very costly error... 

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Congrats 1Q84!!! I apparently don't get to up-vote things anymore, but so happy for you!


I, too, got accepted to UC Riverside today! When another 19th C Americanist reported an acceptance this weekend, I thought I was out of the game, but today I got an email from the grad school detailing my offer (still haven't heard from the English folks yet).


Hah, I told you so! My application was so strongly geared towards feminism and Native American studies that I was sure they'd have room for you :D 

Congratulations! Hope I'll meet you at the visit day! 

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