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Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)

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Congrats, fellow Davis admit! Are you leaning one way or the other? 



Hah, I told you so! My application was so strongly geared towards feminism and Native American studies that I was sure they'd have room for you :D

Congratulations! Hope I'll meet you at the visit day! 


Thanks for the congrats, all! This is one of those "good problems to have" situations--I love both programs, so it's hard to say yet which way I'm leaning. I'm going to try to get more information about the programs in the coming weeks.


And thanks everybody for the advice re: negotiations! I appreciate it!

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Would someone mind PM'ing me if they were the one who received the UCSB university-wide fellowship?

I'm in a different program/department, nominated for the central fellowship, and dying to know how much it is this year... even ballpark!

I'd be much appreciative!!!

Edited by jujubea
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Another unrelated question: I was waitlisted at the University of Chicago, but they invited me to a prospective students meeting anyway. Chicago is one my top choices, so I do want to maximize the possibility of getting in, but am not sure attending this meeting is going to help me in that regard. Do I take the time out from work to attend this meeting??


Any insight would be appreciated.  

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Another unrelated question: I was waitlisted at the University of Chicago, but they invited me to a prospective students meeting anyway. Chicago is one my top choices, so I do want to maximize the possibility of getting in, but am not sure attending this meeting is going to help me in that regard. Do I take the time out from work to attend this meeting??


Any insight would be appreciated.

Going to the visit would be beneficial; it's always helpful to allow them to give a face to the name, and to have the opportunity to schmooze/maybe impress a little more.

However! If it would be a pain to ask off of work, or if they arn't offering reimbursement for expenses, then you'd have to make the call financially.  

Edited by echo449
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Professional etiquette question: When talking with faculty, is it standard / acceptable to mention that you have other offers? To discuss where those offers are, or to discuss the details? Talking with a DGS tomorrow, any advice would be dope!


Definitely mention other offers. How far that will get you in terms of extras will vary wildly depending on the department. Some institutions offer the same package to everyone for x number of years to decrease competition among students. Sometimes you can negotiate moving expenses. More often than not, you won't get anything extra out of the deal.


But speaking to both the DGS and other faculty at one program about other offers is a positive thing. They know their field and can likely give you some perspective about those other programs/faculty which could greatly aid in your making a decision.

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Congratulations on all the good news everybody!!!! I hope more happiness will be arriving in people's inboxes over the next couple of weeks!

I woke up to the news that I've been accepted to King's College London! I am in complete shock! I never ever thought I would receive this offer! I am literally in tears, I am so surprised.

Congrats windrainfireandbooks! King's is such a wonderful place! I did my undergrad there and I live in London now, so if you have any questions I'll be happy to try to answer them :-) Edited by Katla
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Definitely mention other offers. How far that will get you in terms of extras will vary wildly depending on the department. Some institutions offer the same package to everyone for x number of years to decrease competition among students. Sometimes you can negotiate moving expenses. More often than not, you won't get anything extra out of the deal.


But speaking to both the DGS and other faculty at one program about other offers is a positive thing. They know their field and can likely give you some perspective about those other programs/faculty which could greatly aid in your making a decision.


Thanks for the advice. When is the appropriate time to "talk about money" with the DGS? Once all acceptances have come in? Earlier? Before recruitment weekend? During recruitment weekend?

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Congrats to all the accepts today!  I feel like there's so many.  Saw windrainfireandbooks' KCL admit - amazing!!


In other news, I too got the reject notice from U. Nebraska.  Given my background, it's very surprising.  But again it was definitely a place I was very hesitant to live in, despite the great DH program/community.  Congrats to those who got in!

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Hi, I'm new to this thread but just wanted to drop a note about NYU: if you're not a US resident, don't take those "implied rejections" too seriously just yet! I thought I was out of the game, too, but I got a "good news" email a few hours ago asking me to call the DGS at my leisure. I've seen that NYU gives out their acceptances over the phone, not by email, and I guess they were late in getting to the internationals (of which I am one) in that respect. 


Congratulations to everyone with good news, and sincerely hope those in limbo get more good news by the end of the week. Cheers!

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Congratz to the NYU admits! Great program, great city.

Additionally, I've been admitted to UC Irvine, which I am incredibly excited about. 


Congratulations!! Did you receive an email or call?

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Question, y'all.


After the initial acceptance email, how much are you hearing from your programs? I've got one school that sent a friendly email and that was that, and another that sent an email followed by a phone call, and several further emails from current grad students and faculty. Are some departments just more friendly or better at recruiting than others, or should I assume that a department I've heard a lot from in a short amount of time probably wants me as a student more? 

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Question, y'all.


After the initial acceptance email, how much are you hearing from your programs? I've got one school that sent a friendly email and that was that, and another that sent an email followed by a phone call, and several further emails from current grad students and faculty. Are some departments just more friendly or better at recruiting than others, or should I assume that a department I've heard a lot from in a short amount of time probably wants me as a student more? 


I would assume that some are just better at recruiting! One of my offers was an early notification of a special fellowship, but I haven't received any personalized correspondence since. A different program that admitted me called me the next day to discuss the program, despite the fact that the offers were mostly the same for everyone. I wouldn't read too much into it. If yr in, yr in, and it should be assumed that they'd love to have you. 

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I think some departments have more time and energy invested in recruitment than others. I would imagine if they accepted you they want you there. This is the sort of thing you might not want to read too much into... Difficult for us lit peeps not to do!

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Question, y'all.


After the initial acceptance email, how much are you hearing from your programs? I've got one school that sent a friendly email and that was that, and another that sent an email followed by a phone call, and several further emails from current grad students and faculty. Are some departments just more friendly or better at recruiting than others, or should I assume that a department I've heard a lot from in a short amount of time probably wants me as a student more? 

I would say a little bit of both. Some departments are more organized and better at recruiting, and you'll hear a lot more from them. Some also have more resources to do so (so they're able to do things like fund campus visits and assign peer mentors and have lots of people contact you all the time). Some places might also be working with, say, a new DGS who are learning the ropes (this is the case at my institution, so I have an inside view; she's working really hard to change a lot of stuff, but it probably won't happen instantly).


On the other hand, you might also take all of this into account. A department who contacts you a lot because of better organization and resources is a plus, yes? And if they're contacting you more because they want you more, all the better!

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Okay, y'all, the front page / results site is still down -- I just got a really really generic automated email from Brown, and I wasn't even going to check it because who sends out anything but a rejection that way, but....

I logged in to ApplyWeb and my decision letter says accepted???

I genuinely cannot believe this isn't a mistake.

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Okay, y'all, the front page / results site is still down -- I just got a really really generic automated email from Brown, and I wasn't even going to check it because who sends out anything but a rejection that way, but....

I logged in to ApplyWeb and my decision letter says accepted???

I genuinely cannot believe this isn't a mistake.

OMG Congratulations!!! What program? :D

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