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Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)

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Got an acceptance to UVM. Waitlisted for funding. Applying to MAs was my backup, so not getting funding has left a crushing anxiety on my chest. (I want to make a Giles Corey joke here.) After five rejections, I'm more devastated by the terms of this acceptance. 


Edit: Sorry for the melodrama, I know I should feel more grateful. 

Edited by pannpann
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I have been placed on wait list at U Toronto!


Edit for a little more info:


The Department of English Graduate Admissions Committee at the University of Toronto has read your application materials with much interest and enthusiasm.  Thank you for your interest in the PhD program.  I’m very sorry to say that we are not at this time able to offer you a space in the PhD program: competition was especially intense this year, with over 125 applicants for 18 spaces.  However, we have placed you on a waiting list for a space, which would come with a five year package of combined fellowship and Teaching Assistantship. I will be in touch with you around April 6th, perhaps sooner, to update you on your status.
Edited by 1Q84
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I have been placed on wait list at U Toronto!


Edit for a little more info:



Congratulations! April 6th is at least a bit better than some schools "We'll tell you at 11:45pm on April 14th if you got in or not" policies 

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Congrats to all new admits and waitlists!


Was about to go to work and checked my email quickly on the way out to find that I got into U of Toronto's PhD English program with a huge scholarship! 



I have been placed on wait list at U Toronto!


Edit for a little more info:


Congrats to you both, my fellow Canucks! I hear nothing but great things about U of T!

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Congrats to all of the recent admits and waitlisters! (I'm on the mobile site, so can't upvote any of your posts, otherwise I would!)

I just found out that I got into U of Toronto also, although I will probably decline their offer soon, so that'll mean good news for someone on the waitlist! (I do 20/21C lit and theory--feel free to PM me if you want more info.) That was the last program I was waiting to hear from, so now it's really decision time. Good luck to everyone still waiting on schools!

Edited by lo.lee.ta
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Uhhh ditto what Staggerlee said. I emailed them yesterday and apparently I'm "very high on the waitlist" whatever that means. They also asked for a list of schools I've been accepted to, and I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing.

Also, I just got accepted to the University of Oregon's PhD program. Tempting, since one of my best friends lives in Eugene, but I doubt I'll accept.

Edited by CarolineKS
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Uhhh ditto what Staggerlee said. I emailed them yesterday and apparently I'm "very high on the waitlist" whatever that means. They also asked for a list of schools I've been accepted to, and I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing.

Also, I just got accepted to the University of Oregon's PhD program. Tempting, since one of my best friends lives in Eugene, but I doubt I'll accept.


Congrats on the Oregon acceptance, Caroline.  :D

Did UNC happen to tell you how long the wait list is and/or how many admission spots aren't officially filled? It's my top choice program and I'm waiting with bated breath. 

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Congrats on the Oregon acceptance, Caroline.  :D

Did UNC happen to tell you how long the wait list is and/or how many admission spots aren't officially filled? It's my top choice program and I'm waiting with bated breath. 

Nope :( She said she couldn't give me anything else. They're trying to keep us in suspense I guess. 

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Dude, Caroline, Oregon!! Congrats!! I talked to Lara, the DGS at Oregon, last night, and it sounds like she has made two thirds of the calls, and I don't think there will be a waitlist. She didn't give me a time line, but I suspect she'll finish making calls this weekend.

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