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Posted (edited)

I should've worded my post better with regards to "rejection season"; I just meant that it's the start of rejection season for me, since most of my remaining schools have notified accepted students already. Since we don't have any remaining schools in common, I think you have much better odds of getting some acceptance calls soon!

Thanks, Lycidas! :) (though at least two of my applications will be moving to the implied rejections column if I don't hear by tomorrow). IDK why half the schools I applied to traditionally don't notify until March.

I'm considering emailing Maryland soon. I was promised a rejection by the end of February! I really don't think I'll ever understand the whole phenomenon of rejection via radio silence.

Edited by InHacSpeVivo
Posted (edited)

Don't think it hasn't crossed my mind to crash the Yale admitted students weekend and be all like "Hey, it was a true joy to be accepted! Can't wait to get started!" and feign complete obliviousness to the rejection letter.


Edited by angel_kaye13

Don't think it hasn't crossed my mind to crash the Yale admitted students weekend and be all like "Hey, it was a true joy to be accepted! Can't wait to get started!" and feign complete obliviousness to the rejection letter.

Please pull a Costanza on Yale. You'll be my hero forever.


Hi all, I just wanted to stop in and see if anyone has applied to, or heard anything from,  the Bowling Green State University Ph.D Rhetoric and Writing program? I have been waiting for quite a while and have not heard anything, nor have I seen anything posted on the forums or results page. Many thanks to anyone who can help out. 


After a random check on my Harvard application I have now been officially rejected. I'm pleased to discover I'm completely at peace with it :D


Me too Katla! Right there with you! I knew it was coming, but I was ready to cross it off my list :)


Much respect to the Harvard applicants. I congratulate you for trying! They don't know what they are missing.


No word from Penn yet. I'm guessing the magical phone call would've happened by now. I'm moving on... Decision time!


Just got my SECOND snail mail rejection from Milwaukee. It was a very nice letter, but I am doubly confused because it specifically cited a lack of fit as the reason for my rejection (I only applied is because the DGS said I was a great fit for the program). That time/energy/money could have gone to another app! 


It's also funny that Milwaukee has had time to reject me twice, but Maryland hasn't been able to reject me once yet! Please excuse the early March impatience...


Clearly this is the day for converting implied rejections into the real deal, I just got mine from NYU. Actually, I'm suprised to receive it this early. Now if Stanford and UCLA could come out with theirs I can almost stop checking my emails.


Bye bye, NYU! Bye bye, pompous professors with no tushy holes! I can't believe I actually wanted to continue studying there. It was my first choice, but after getting rejected and berated by a pompous professor for even trying to get into NYU's Comp Lit department, I realized that I'm actually much better off being human. :-D


Bye bye, NYU! Bye bye, pompous professors with no tushy holes! I can't believe I actually wanted to continue studying there. It was my first choice, but after getting rejected and berated by a pompous professor for even trying to get into NYU's Comp Lit department, I realized that I'm actually much better off being human. :-D

Posted (edited)

Official rejection from Penn today (via random website check). It was my biggest reach and came as no surprise, but as my top choice it stung all the same. Congrats to those accepted, the program looks like a dream.


Unless by some miracle Indiana pulls through (I called their grad department and was informed that not all acceptances/waitlisters have been notified), it looks like I'm going for my MA. I feel oddly at peace with this.

Edited by pannpann

Just curious if anyone has heard anything official from Vanderbilt yet. I'm guessing not, judging by the lack of results on the results page...but it has been a month now, which is a little ridiculous. I mean, I know it's an implied rejection, but that delay is a bit annoying nonetheless...


Just curious if anyone has heard anything official from Vanderbilt yet. I'm guessing not, judging by the lack of results on the results page...but it has been a month now, which is a little ridiculous. I mean, I know it's an implied rejection, but that delay is a bit annoying nonetheless...

I emailed yesterday asking if all acceptances and waitlists had already gone out and they are ignoring me  :angry:


Also rejected by Penn. That one stings a little (it would've probably been the best school geographically for me), but I'm really thankful for my acceptances. Decision time!


Rejected from Penn. That was my last school so now it's decision time. :unsure:



Also rejected by Penn. That one stings a little (it would've probably been the best school geographically for me), but I'm really thankful for my acceptances. Decision time!

Penn's loss! You guys have some fantastic options, though! Best of luck with your decisions!

Posted (edited)

Rejected from Penn. "Luck an success"? Alright. Also, I'd just like to say it's so effed up that no email notifications are sent. Not cool. But hey, one more school before the season is over! :D

Edited by bgt28

Urgh. The UCI rejection/wait list notices are right around the corner, if history is any indication (though I've heard elsewise from folks who have already been accepted--it's more of a rolling wait list?). Either way, it's my last notification before I close the books on Fall 2015 app season. COME ON ALREADY.... starting to lose it....



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