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How did you celebrate/recuperate?


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So as you can see by my scoreboard, my first round of admissions isn't going so well. I have high hopes for my last PhD program, but we shall see.


So in order to take my mind off the waiting game, I am interested in hearing how either:


1) you celebrated admittance into a program


2) you recuperated from an unsuccesful first application year and built determination for the next attempt

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I happened to be at home for the Superbowl/my dad's birthday at the time. When I got the acceptance email, I ran around high-fiving my family and doing a ridiculous victory dance.


I texted my boss, who relayed the info to my coworkers. When I came into work the next day, they had balloons and snacks in the school's color scheme. The acceptance itself is really exciting, but I won't start freaking out again until the time comes to actually begin classes.

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I got my first acceptance email while in class so I went iMessage crazy with some friends until I got out, then I called my parents. Then I went to work and got absolutely nothing done haha.

My mom printed out school logos/mascots for both places I've been accepted so far and put them on the fridge at their house. I think it's the cutest thing ever. They're starting the celebration now, I'm trying to wait until I decide on a school.

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I was skiing with my family and we were taking a lunch break. I checked my email and saw that I had received a message from my top choice grad school only 16 days after applying. The subject line was "Admission Decision". I opened it and the first words I read were "It is with great pleasure that I write this email..." after that my jaw dropped and my vision went blurry. I'm normally very talkative (emphasis on the word very), and my parents looked at me when they realized that I had stopped talking for a minute. With choked breath I said "I just got into grad school..." and my mom freaked out, my dad gave me a fist bump, and my brother slapped me on the shoulder. I was excited beyond words. And relieved, because I had gone through months of absolute stress to reach that point (which all of you have endured as well). 


Needless to say, it was hard to focus on skiing after that!

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(I'm not going into psych, but I'm a psych minor, also getting interested in psycholingusitics. Hi.)


When I got accepted, I was on a bus on the way to my first conference. I very quietly called my parents so as not to annoy other passengers, and didn't really celebrate because my presentation was set for 10am and I really needed sleep.


When I got waitlisted at MIT, I was actually already headed to a Maslenitsa celebration (Russian Carnaval--lots of pancakes and alcohol). It was a fancy benefit ($170/plate) my friend had scored free tickets to. I decided this admissions decision warranted a little extra celebration, and now I will fondly remember the night I got wa(itli)sted at the Russian Embassy.

Edited by wuglife427
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Celebrate: beer.

Recuperate: beer.



I was mid conversation with my mom and checking my email when good news came in... 10 PM on a Sunday, of all times.

"What?! What happened?! What's wrong?!"

"I think... I just got accepted?!"

It says I've reached my quota for up-voting so, take this as an up-vote!  

I didn't get in anywhere(I've yet to apply) but reading all of your posts genuinely  made me smile. Congratulations everyone! 

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1) you celebrated admittance into a program


2) you recuperated from an unsuccesful first application year and built determination for the next attempt


I think I've been doing both, alternating.

Like - 1) ice cream, movie theater, just laying around feeling happy

and like - 2) wish I wasn't in a semester so I could just shake it off faster, but being this busy makes it linger over me, weighing me down when I know I should be doing other things


As it is - my summer plans are to do both 1) celebrating, good times, and 2) relaxing the F out and forgetting how stressful all of this was as soon as flipping possible, because I am really getting tired of thinking about it. (I'd be a lot happier if I weren't so busy right now)

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Just got my first acceptance today! I was completely surprised. When I got the email to check the website, I was like "oh what's the pointing of reading a rejection letter..." Then when I saw the "Congratulations" in the first line, I got so excited and restless that I was yelled at and told to close my laptop by my professor in class (I checked it in my differential equations class this morning, which I really shouldn't have!).

Even though I might not go to that school, it was still one of the happiest moments of my life! PhD admissions is extremely hard for international students who don't have any outside funding sources, so this is really a relief for me!

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I opened my acceptance email from Yale while eating lunch alone in a tiny town in Colombia. I just froze, then started crying, then went crazy texting friends. The poor lady at the restaurant thought I didn't like the food, and I was too in shock to be able to get anything out in Spanish. Pretty amazing. I took a bunch of "this is where it happened" photos. That town will forever be special to me!

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(I'm not going into psych, but I'm a psych minor, also getting interested in psycholingusitics. Hi.)


When I got accepted, I was on a bus on the way to my first conference. I very quietly called my parents so as not to annoy other passengers, and didn't really celebrate because my presentation was set for 10am and I really needed sleep.


When I got waitlisted at MIT, I was actually already headed to a Maslenitsa celebration (Russian Carnaval--lots of pancakes and alcohol). It was a fancy benefit ($170/plate) my friend had scored free tickets to. I decided this admissions decision warranted a little extra celebration, and now I will fondly remember the night I got wa(itli)sted at the Russian Embassy.


Psycholinguistics is the best area of study EVER. Kudos.


I celebrated with a mani pedi.  Nothing like having someone massage your extremeties and paint your nails.

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I was drinking beer with graduate students at another interview when I got the call. I didn't even need to answer to know what it meant, so I smiled, slid my phone back into my pocket, gave myself a cheers, and thanked my lucky stars that I wouldn't have to get my Ph.D. in an area that dropped below 50 degrees at night.



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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I had just finished three interviews back to back in one week with snow delays and "waitlisted" emails from two of the schools while still delayed by travel. The interview I just finished at seemed to go horrible. I felt hopeless and doomed. At one point I just sat in the airport and ugly cried for all to see. I eventually got home, and two days later I got an email from the PI late at night asking for a phone meeting tomorrow morning (actually the early morn). I thought this peculiar as it could be hopeful or maybe the PI was just nicely telling me why I was not selected for admission. I couldn't sleep at all that night. The morning arrives, and the PI actually calls 30 minutes later than agreed. I'm basically a complete mess. When the PI finally calls, she first explained why I'm a good candidate and how good the visit went with an ominously monotone voice. Suddenly, the PI excitedly offers me a position in the lab as the new grad student. I almost had a heart attack. I was speechless and realized that this was the school of my dreams and my top choice while all of my secondary choices waitlisted me. I said YES, then the PI was speechless and was not anticipating my answer so quickly. Then we both made Cady Heron screams (from Mean Girls, best movie ever). I was in shock most of the following weekend, and I've celebrated by not doing in school/job work for about five days. Now, I'm used to the idea and trying to be productive again! I can't wait to move and essentially start my new life! Good luck to all still waiting for news!

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Finally got the acceptance I was waiting for!  :) Not sure how I am going to be celebrating yet (although shots sounds like a good idea neural-plasticity), but I know it will include me removing the results search page from my bookmarks on my phone and computer. Now I just have to undo the conditioning process of ritualistically checking it every spare moment.

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Wanting to crawl in a hole and die.

I've been accepted to move to the worst state* I've ever visited in this country. Awful climate and environment aside, I don't blend in well in a conservative Christian monoculture, so I might just reject and not attend grad school this year.

*coming from somebody who, prior to the campus visit, has sincerely liked every state I've ever visited and applied there with the assumption that it can't be that bad.

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Finally got the acceptance I was waiting for!  :) Not sure how I am going to be celebrating yet (although shots sounds like a good idea neural-plasticity), but I know it will include me removing the results search page from my bookmarks on my phone and computer. Now I just have to undo the conditioning process of ritualistically checking it every spare moment.


Congrats! What state are you moving to?

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I can't give you much advice about the climate, I will be adapting to an environment that I am not a huge fan of either. As far as the culture aspect, this is something I have experience with (grew up all over the south and attended a very conservative undergrad when I'm much more of a moderate), so please feel free to pm me if you want an opinion or advice.




Thanks! The state is Ohio, much colder than what I am used to (was in the negatives when I toured  :o ) but the program is a perfect fit.

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Thanks! The state is Ohio, much colder than what I am used to (was in the negatives when I toured  :o ) but the program is a perfect fit.


Brrr. But should be a great place to go to school (friendly people, reasonable-size cities, etc)

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Wanting to crawl in a hole and die.

I've been accepted to move to the worst state* I've ever visited in this country. Awful climate and environment aside, I don't blend in well in a conservative Christian monoculture, so I might just reject and not attend grad school this year.

*coming from somebody who, prior to the campus visit, has sincerely liked every state I've ever visited and applied there with the assumption that it can't be that bad.

I don't know if this will make you feel any better but I'll share anyway. I'm a flaming liberal atheist who currently lives in a conservative Christian state, and it isn't too awful as long as I ignore the fuckwhistles who supposedly represent me in the government. (I'm also straight and white though, so maybe I haven't completely experienced the ramifications of red state living.) Plus universities tend to be little liberal pockets anyway, so that might help. Obviously you know best especially since you've already visited so take what I say with a grain of salt. I hope you're able to figure something out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I check my email like a crazy person every five seconds. I was about to leave my apartment to go class. I checked my email and got my first acceptance. I did a silent victory dance in my apartment since my roommates were sleeping. I was completely useless in all my classes that day. I wanted to scream to the whole world that I got in. I told my recommenders, friends, mom, family and yik yak just to cover all my bases. Celebrated later with drinks with a friend. Then my schools basketball team won their game in the NCAA tournament. The celebrating never stopped.

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The email was in my inbox on my phone. That morning I did not want to get out of bed at all. Just was not feeling it. Then I started going through my emails and saw one from my POI with the subject, "Acceptance." Never have I gotten out of bed so fast. I then proceeded to text/call all of my friends, family and professors that knew I was applying. I had a midterm the next day and could not focus on studying at all. Then I went to a conference the next week with my school and had many alcoholic beverages in celebration. Still can't believe it. 

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