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I specifically hate this week


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Do university administrations and departments usually close down for spring break, though? At my (Canadian) university, the administration continues to work through the break... in fact, they say it's one of the most productive weeks of the semester since it's so quiet on campus. ;) I RA'd for a research centre in third year where spring break was just business as usual.

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Do university administrations and departments usually close down for spring break, though? At my (Canadian) university, the administration continues to work through the break... in fact, they say it's one of the most productive weeks of the semester since it's so quiet on campus. ;) I RA'd for a research centre in third year where spring break was just business as usual.


GREAT question.  I applied to UNC's MSW program and their website says they try to make decisions for the advanced standing program by March 15th, which is the end of this week!  I thought the not knowing if I was going to be accepted was killing me.  Now it's the not knowing if they're actually working through this week that's driving me nuts!!


Good luck to everyone...

Edited by sluetgenau
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At every school I've been to (Canadian and American), Spring Break is just a break from classes. All the graduate students, professors, and administrative staff are still working. In some places in Canada, we close for Good Friday and Easter, but in California, it appears that neither of those dates are holidays. So I don't expect any admissions related decisions to be delayed by Spring Break. In fact, since the load on professors from courses is now lightened, they might even have more time to devote to things like admissions!


On the other hand, for schools with semesters that end at Spring Break, the week prior to Spring Break might cause delays as profs have to submit grades by a certain time.

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University offices remain open during the spring break.



Yeah so my obsessions with email and portal checking remain valid and I don't need to see a Dr. 


Expect for the fact I am on the East Coast and 2/3 remaining are West Coast yet I still check 50 times before 11

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I feel your pain PhDEd. *sigh* Carnegie has been super quiet for about a week. They trickle out acceptances and it's painful. At least I know I'll hear from Penn Friday at noon. 

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I was supposed to get my official acceptance notification this week, according to the email sent to me 3 weeks ago by the head of the department. I wonder if they were unaware that this week is spring break? Anyways, hope to hear something any day now.

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