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I'm pretty sure hear back from all but Cornell in the next two weeks.

Cornell STS doesn't send out acceptances often until mid March, if results are to be trusted. Ugh.

I'm so jealous of the sciences. They've pretty much all heard back at this point.

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5 minutes ago, Sallyplant said:

Damn. Just got waitlisted for UCLA. Has anyone else heard from them? Also is Princeton sending out acceptances?

Did you get a phone call? Or email? I'm also waiting to hear from them...

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Princeton's usually pretty fast about sending out rejections along with their acceptances, so I'm expecting one of the former any time now... xP I thought the timeline of my programs' usual response dates meant I'd have some good news before this one! 

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1 hour ago, Sallyplant said:

Damn. Just got waitlisted for UCLA. Has anyone else heard from them? Also is Princeton sending out acceptances?

Same, I was also waitlisted to UCLA today and I'm expecting a Princeton rejection pretty soon.  Does anyone have any experience getting off the waitlist and how much does placement on it matter?

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2 hours ago, knp said:

Princeton's usually pretty fast about sending out rejections along with their acceptances, so I'm expecting one of the former any time now... xP I thought the timeline of my programs' usual response dates meant I'd have some good news before this one! 


2 hours ago, Sallyplant said:

Damn. Just got waitlisted for UCLA. Has anyone else heard from them? Also is Princeton sending out acceptances?

Yes, Princeton usually sends out acceptances and rejections at about the same time, although it looks like there are just acceptances reported as of now (8:44pm, 2/8), so maybe they're changing things a little this year. Who knows.

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3 hours ago, knp said:

Princeton's usually pretty fast about sending out rejections along with their acceptances, so I'm expecting one of the former any time now... xP I thought the timeline of my programs' usual response dates meant I'd have some good news before this one! 


3 hours ago, Sallyplant said:

Damn. Just got waitlisted for UCLA. Has anyone else heard from them? Also is Princeton sending out acceptances?

Yes, Princeton usually sends out acceptances and rejections at about the same time, although it looks like there are just acceptances reported as of now (8:44pm, 2/8), so maybe they're changing things a little this year. Also, it appears that there are only 3 reports (all are acceptances), so there are surely more acceptances awaiting (unless this is going to be an EXTREMELY small cohort). 

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3 hours ago, nom said:

Did you get a phone call? Or email? I'm also waiting to hear from them...

I got an email from my old professor this morning letting me know I was on the waitlist. My application status hasn't changed or anything.

Also has anyone had their application status change on the Berkeley app?

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13 minutes ago, insidethesun said:

If you're in, the app doesn't change but you should receive an email moving you to the university's system.

Oh okay cool. Yea just wanted to make sure cause I got the calnet ID but I just like double checking cause I'm paranoid like that

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3 minutes ago, Watershed said:

Getting a CalNet ID is a big part in a scholar's life!


1 minute ago, Sallyplant said:

Oh okay cool. Yea just wanted to make sure cause I got the calnet ID but I just like double checking cause I'm paranoid like that

Then you're golden.

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Hmm would be great to hear from UCLA! It's the only one left that I'm still considering at all. Just want to make my decision and be done with it! haha.Then I can finally start planning for the next 5-7 years of my life. On the other hand, I've found that that the worry doesn't necessarily end at any stage of the process... ;P I'm sure there will be plenty of things to fret over once I make my decision... like, you know, moving back from another country and then promptly moving somewhere else entirely within the country...and starting a Ph.D. after being out of school for two years (and with no MA and a BA not in History...). Anyway, I digress! It really is great to have options but the decision process and being contacted by professors is more stressful than I imagined it would be!

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1 hour ago, fencergirl said:

Hmm would be great to hear from UCLA! It's the only one left that I'm still considering at all. Just want to make my decision and be done with it! haha.Then I can finally start planning for the next 5-7 years of my life. On the other hand, I've found that that the worry doesn't necessarily end at any stage of the process... ;P I'm sure there will be plenty of things to fret over once I make my decision... like, you know, moving back from another country and then promptly moving somewhere else entirely within the country...and starting a Ph.D. after being out of school for two years (and with no MA and a BA not in History...). Anyway, I digress! It really is great to have options but the decision process and being contacted by professors is more stressful than I imagined it would be!


I didn't think about how many things there were to freak out about post-admissions.

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10 hours ago, nom said:

Did you get a phone call? Or email? I'm also waiting to hear from them...

I got a phone call from my POI at UCLA this weekend (Saturday, Feb 6th to be exact). He said that there were two other professors in the same field (Latin America) who also had students that they wanted to bring to UCLA, but I was the one ultimately chosen. IIRC, admissions at UCLA are based on geographic field, not period, with one student admitted each year for Latin American history. So, sorry to say this, but I think that if you are doing Latin American history, regardless of the period you focus on, you're probably going to be rejected or waitlisted. I am most likely going to choose UCLA, but I'm still waiting to hear back from Rutgers and Columbia (long shot).

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1 hour ago, Ahtlatl said:

I got a phone call from my POI at UCLA this weekend (Saturday, Feb 6th to be exact). He said that there were two other professors in the same field (Latin America) who also had students that they wanted to bring to UCLA, but I was the one ultimately chosen. IIRC, admissions at UCLA are based on geographic field, not period, with one student admitted each year for Latin American history. So, sorry to say this, but I think that if you are doing Latin American history, regardless of the period you focus on, you're probably going to be rejected or waitlisted. I am most likely going to choose UCLA, but I'm still waiting to hear back from Rutgers and Columbia (long shot).

I am also anxiously waiting for Rutgers. I seriously hope they will notify towards the end of this week, but it seems like there is also a chance that it will only happen at the beginning of next week.

I just want to start planning my life - there are jobs to quit, visas to arrange, a marriage to be had (apparently American visa regulations frown upon the whole "domestic partnership" thing - go figure), visits to book, apartments to rent, a baffling and incomprehensible health system to comprehend (I have gathered that in the USA those who have chronic illnesses or disabilities are expected to pay more, rather than less, for their health-care. Determining exactly how much, though, seems to be a process of equal parts mystical foresight and legal expertise- go figure). Also, at some point, I'd love to be able to engage in some marginally more productive activities than loitering around here.  

I feel comfortable saying that am ready for this to be over.

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2 minutes ago, StrumundDrang said:

Any news from Stanford? It seems that there was one acceptance posted at the end of last month and haven't heard any other results yet... I'm killing myself, working on my master's thesis. :( 

I'm hoping to hear from them too. I check the website (and my email) daily but nothing yet. If last year's acceptances are any indication, we should be hearing from them around the end of the week. 

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Good luck to everyone! :) It does seem like this is a week where news is coming in!

I am really hoping to hear from Columbia and Yale this week. Glad to see Yale admits! Congratulations to all the admits!

I wonder if all the American History admits have gone out from Yale; they seem to be doing a staggered acceptance routine this year. 

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