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Spring/Winter 2016 Applicants

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Wow! i did not know ETS admitted their GRE test is biased against women, minorities, and socio-economically challenged. I fit the criteria for all three areas of bias. 

It maddens me that my quant score may keep me from graduate studies in a concentration that is not math based. 

Agreed! Our field needs people who are hard-working, dedicated, and eager to learn practical methods, none of which the GRE really examines. It's not fair that so many people who would be great SLP's and audiologists are potentially shut out from achieving their dreams based on a standardized test. They say there's a need for more SLP's and audiologists, but how do they expect to meet this increased demand when a standardized test inhibits many people from obtaining acceptances to graduate school for further education??

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I feel like from the out-of-state schools I applied to, UCF would probably be my first choice because there are direct flights from Orlando to New York, and UCF also offers on-campus housing potentially for grad students. Probably a school in New York would be best because that's where I'm from, but I'm just hoping I get one acceptance, and take it from there! lol. I'm trying to (mentally) prepare if I do have to move out-of-state though. 

well I wish you the best and hope we both get in!:) 

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well I wish you the best and hope we both get in!:) 

Thank you! you too :) . I think if I don't hear anything in two weeks or so, I will call UCF just to get an update on my application status (if it's even been reviewed yet, etc). 

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Thank you! you too :) . I think if I don't hear anything in two weeks or so, I will call UCF just to get an update on my application status (if it's even been reviewed yet, etc). 

Yeah that is a good idea. I feel like we will find out pretty soon in November!:) I hope.... Haha. I'm so anxious ahh!! There is nothing more in this world that I want than to get in! 

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Yeah that is a good idea. I feel like we will find out pretty soon in November!:) I hope.... Haha. I'm so anxious ahh!! There is nothing more in this world that I want than to get in! 

I know! & I've called the UCF Graduate Admissions office a few times, but I find it very hard to speak to someone on the phone. No matter when I call during business hours, no one answers, and even when I leave a message, I don't always get a callback, so I have to e-mail them to get a quicker response. 

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Agreed! Our field needs people who are hard-working, dedicated, and eager to learn practical methods, none of which the GRE really examines. It's not fair that so many people who would be great SLP's and audiologists are potentially shut out from achieving their dreams based on a standardized test. They say there's a need for more SLP's and audiologists, but how do they expect to meet this increased demand when a standardized test inhibits many people from obtaining acceptances to graduate school for further education??

What inhibits these people from pursuing their dreams is the limited space at universities for clinical placements, not GRE scores. I agree more people should be able to study speech language pathology and enter the profession. What I believe needs to happen is for ASHA to allow people with an undergraduate degree and clinical year to become certified. Graduate school is just a repeat of everything you cover in undergraduate, in my opinion. Graduate school excludes potential SLPs for no reason other than prestige. This is wrong. Increase academic standards at the undergraduate level, allow college graduates to find an SLP willing to supervise them during a clinical year, and have them take a state/national exam. Problem solved. This is not unlike the situation in other countries, e.g., Germany. And honestly, this is how it worked for hundreds of years before institutions of learning took over as money making machines. 

Edited by Pennsatucky
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What inhibits these people from pursuing their dreams is the limited space at universities for clinical placements, not GRE scores. I agree more people should be able to study speech language pathology and enter the profession. What I believe needs to happen is for ASHA to allow people with an undergraduate degree and clinical year to become certified. Graduate school is just a repeat of everything you cover in undergraduate, in my opinion. Graduate school excludes potential SLPs for no reason other than prestige. This is wrong. Increase academic standards at the undergraduate level, allow college graduates to find an SLP willing to supervise them during a clinical year, and have them take a state/national exam. Problem solved. This is not unlike the situation in other countries, e.g., Germany. And honestly, this is how it worked for hundreds of years before institutions of learning took over as money making machines. 

I think for undergrad certification two years supervised under a ASHA SLP would be sufficient. Praxis should be passed also.

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What inhibits these people from pursuing their dreams is the limited space at universities for clinical placements, not GRE scores. I agree more people should be able to study speech language pathology and enter the profession. What I believe needs to happen is for ASHA to allow people with an undergraduate degree and clinical year to become certified. Graduate school is just a repeat of everything you cover in undergraduate, in my opinion. Graduate school excludes potential SLPs for no reason other than prestige. This is wrong. Increase academic standards at the undergraduate level, allow college graduates to find an SLP willing to supervise them during a clinical year, and have them take a state/national exam. Problem solved. This is not unlike the situation in other countries, e.g., Germany. And honestly, this is how it worked for hundreds of years before institutions of learning took over as money making machines. 

Those are really great points to consider, and I completely agree with you. I've also heard the lack of people obtaining Ph.D's in our field (to supervise clinical practicums) is another reason why graduate programs keep their sizes smaller. I know some schools have introduced accelerated/combined Bachelors/Masters for students, where GREs are not required. While I think this is a good idea too to eliminate the stress of the GRE and having to apply to different universities to hopefully obtain graduate admission, I imagine it is harder to learn all of this material at a faster rate too, with the complex nature of the material already. 

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I think for undergrad certification two years supervised under a ASHA SLP would be sufficient. Praxis should be passed also.

Remember "The King's Speech"? Most famous SLP to ever live didn't even have a degree. School is a waste of resources. lol 

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Once again, has anyone heard any updates from UTD? This waiting game is for the birds....

No I haven't heard from them , in fact Dr Stillman hasn't even replied to my email. Have you tried contacting them ?

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Dr. Stillman replied to me... only because I told him I had to accept or decline another offer soon... and he said he was going to be finishing admissions this week when he returned... 

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Dr. Stillman replied to me... only because I told him I had to accept or decline another offer soon... and he said he was going to be finishing admissions this week when he returned... 

Oh that's great .. I really hope they finish this week though ! Good luck to all of us :) 

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If not by Friday--- oh well I'll have to accept my other offer...kind of inconsiderate to wait this long to tell us

What school did you get into? And what a relief to know you already have another offer. I do agree its pretty jnconsiderate to have us wait so long for an answer. Especially considering we both turned our applications in so far in advance.

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Southeastern Louisiana- much smaller program but I really like it. And agreed-- unsure of there process or really what goes on at UTD..

Congratulations !!

Any idea how many applications UTD received this year for spring or even 2015 spring ?

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Congratulations !!

Any idea how many applications UTD received this year for spring or even 2015 spring ?

When I called UTD asking about the status of my application last month, they told me they got over 700 applications.

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I know! & I've called the UCF Graduate Admissions office a few times, but I find it very hard to speak to someone on the phone. No matter when I call during business hours, no one answers, and even when I leave a message, I don't always get a callback, so I have to e-mail them to get a quicker response. 

really? Interesting. I haven't tried emailing them or calling them yet. They are probably getting a lot of calls and emails from students I'm sure!

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really? Interesting. I haven't tried emailing them or calling them yet. They are probably getting a lot of calls and emails from students I'm sure!

I haven't called them recently, but when I called like two or three times between July and September at different times of the day for different questions, no one ever answered the phone there. There was only one time I called and left a message that someone called me back too. There were other times I called and left messages too, and no one ever returned my phone call. I've found e-mail to be quicker for a response, personally.

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When I called UTD asking about the status of my application last month, they told me they got over 700 applications.

Gosh ! Over 700 for spring , that's crazy. I knew they had those numbers for fall but spring too :( that's disheartening to hear 

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I'm so nervous too, especially because I've never had a grad school interview before, and this is the first time I'm ever applying to grad school. I got the same e-mail as you with the notification of the interview date within the next week or 2, so I will definitely let you know. & I've heard that Lehman tends to ask course content questions, like the 5 subsets of language, so I'll be sure to know that. I'll also try and review some basic anatomy and physiology/cranial nerves, and my professors said a lot of interviews ask about the differences between articulation and phonology (which I'm learning about now), so I'll try to become pretty competent in those areas, and just general questions-why I want to go to Lehman, populations I would like to work with/acquire more experience with, etc; but I'm really unsure of what to expect...what about you?

My interview will be on November 6th at 11. Constantly, I'm worry about it. It's my first time and only school that I'm applying. 

The worst part is that week I will have 2 midterm exam and I can't focus in anything. How to overcome the nervousness?

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My interview will be on November 6th at 11. Constantly, I'm worry about it. It's my first time and only school that I'm applying. 

The worst part is that week I will have 2 midterm exam and I can't focus in anything. How to overcome the nervousness?

My interview is November 6th at 10! & I'm really worried about it too. My school actually has a Career Resource Center, so I have an appointment there in a few minutes to discuss Grad School Interview Prep, which I'm hoping will ease my nerves. I have two midterms today, and I just found out an hour ago that I've been rejected from 1 school I applied to for the Spring, so I feel you with the struggle of concentrating on school work now...but we should be fortunate enough to just have an interview at Lehman, and every experience is a learning experience. Lehman already likes us, as they're inviting us to come for an interview, but now, we need to just learn to control our nerves, so we can see how awesome additions we would be for their program :). 

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Southeastern Louisiana- much smaller program but I really like it. And agreed-- unsure of there process or really what goes on at UTD..

@lsugirl Did you ever get a final word yesterday from UTD? 

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