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1 hour ago, ultraultra said:

Claiming an NU admit here! I'm the one who had e-mailed their POI about something else and gotten the news. I'm not sure whether or not they would have e-mailed me anyway, or if it was just a very well-timed e-mail on my part. Pretty excited as I'd be very thrilled to work with my POI (and they've also been hiring in my subfield this year) and generally feeling pretty optimistic about my other apps based on the two enthusiastic yes decisions so far :).

Even though other admits have been popping up on the results page, they seem to all be at the initiative of peoples' POIs, so if you're waiting to hear from NU I wouldn't worry yet. They just may not be as e-mail trigger happy as mine.

Ultraultra, can I ask who did you email for NU? I emailed them two weeks ago regarding updating my academic transcript and no one has gotten back to me yet. I want to make sure that they receive it! Thank you!

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Am freaking out with all these Northwestern acceptances. Has anyone been emailed directly by grad admissions / the department yet? Or is it only those who personally knew someone at the university?

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41 minutes ago, mmwithgradschool said:

Ultraultra, can I ask who did you email for NU? I emailed them two weeks ago regarding updating my academic transcript and no one has gotten back to me yet. I want to make sure that they receive it! Thank you!

Don't feel comfortable naming them, sorry. They aren't on the admissions committee though (they had just been asking about my application a lot), so I don't think they'd help anyway. Seems like it's probably too late anyway though?

10 minutes ago, Khaari said:

Am freaking out with all these Northwestern acceptances. Has anyone been emailed directly by grad admissions / the department yet? Or is it only those who personally knew someone at the university?

Haven't been e-mailed by the department itself yet! As I said, my POI thinks applicants will hear back next week. Good luck!

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1 minute ago, Determinedandnervous said:

I third the call for claiming the Berkeley acceptance. I looked on my application and it still just says "submitted" as its status. This is making me nervous.

Mine just says 'submitted' too and I'm refreshing the page four times a minute now. 

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2 hours ago, cgfren08 said:

Hoping that history holds true to form and CU Boulder releases results this week. 


1 hour ago, kaneross said:

Guys! I have a question. Are those who received acceptance got fee waiver and funding both or just offer of admission. Please share someone. Thanks.

Depends on the program. CU Boulder relayed that funding decisions would be made following the recruitment weekend. Other programs (Stony Brook and Illinois, in my experience) fund all incoming students, but funding details arrive later after acceptances. All conventional wisdom says a non-funded admission into a doctoral program is essentially a rejection because you do not want to be saddled with six-figure debt.

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4 hours ago, Khaari said:

Am freaking out with all these Northwestern acceptances. Has anyone been emailed directly by grad admissions / the department yet? Or is it only those who personally knew someone at the university?

Re: Northwestern acceptances -- I heard from my POI, but it seems like that's just because my POI wanted to reach out first. Was told that official acceptances from grad admissions would go out by the end of next week.

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6 minutes ago, worryandhope said:

Any thoughts on drawing conclusions from the Northwestern admissions? I applied and it's my top choice as far as fit, but I didn't hear anything. Anyone else marking it down as a rejection? 

I really don't think you should worry yet. As I said above, I had just happened to e-mail my POI and they then told me. We've also been talking about my application there for almost a year, including fairly regularly since September, since they really wanted me to apply. So all that being said, unless you have a close relationship with a POI (who would have felt compelled to give you the news), I think you should just try to relax and be patient. Most faculty probably know by now, but that doesn't necessarily mean they feel compelled to e-mail you. If you're a good fit there with a decent profile, you'll probably be accepted.

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The last 24 hours of this thread is testimony to how sometimes more info is much more stress-inducing than it is helpful. I made myself sick the other week worrying about one committee's decision and since then have been blocking this website and PSR for 16-24 hour intervals in an attempt to stay sane. Highly recommended! 

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