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10 minutes ago, nevermind said:

@123hardasABC - Congrats! If you want any info about moving to/living in STL, I've lived here the past 3 years, so I can answer any questions. :)

I've actually been living here for about three weeks now! You know of any good hiking spots? I'm still working on getting a car over here but as soon as I get one, I'm hiking a new trail every week!

Also, I see you're interviewing at UCSD. Eat a lot of Mexican food for me! And Phil's BBQ. And Slater's 50/50. And In-N-Out. But definitely go to the Stone Brewery at Liberty Station. Okay, I'm drooling now.... (homesick Southern Californian here!)

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16 minutes ago, 123hardasABC said:

I've actually been living here for about three weeks now! You know of any good hiking spots? I'm still working on getting a car over here but as soon as I get one, I'm hiking a new trail every week!

Also, I see you're interviewing at UCSD. Eat a lot of Mexican food for me! And Phil's BBQ. And Slater's 50/50. And In-N-Out. But definitely go to the Stone Brewery at Liberty Station. Okay, I'm drooling now.... (homesick Southern Californian here!)

I had a Skype interview...so no good West Coast food for me yet. :-/

Castlewood and Hawn State Parks are pretty good for hiking, though it's kind of a mushy, muddy mess outside right now. 

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3 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

Beer and popcorn though?!

No two foods go together as well as popcorn and beer do. Dry and salty popcorn vs cold and refreshing beer. I recommend a hefeweizen.


5 minutes ago, nevermind said:

I had a Skype interview...so no good West Coast food for me yet. :-/

Castlewood and Hawn State Parks are pretty good for hiking, though it's kind of a mushy, muddy mess outside right now. 

Hopefully by the time I get a car, it won't be like that :( Well, if you do go to SD, you'll gain about 10lbs via those sweet delicious burritos. 

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interviews interviews interviews all this week, and add to it: i have to give a training presentation at work, which i was totally fine about, until....: the director of the whole company is now apparently going to be sitting in on it. cool. not nervous at all. nope. (relax and back to the w(h)ining on thursday. soon, please, please.)

Edited by haltheincandescent
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That feeling when you wake up, look at your monitor as you walk by, see an email title in your inbox that says "Application status notification," nearly fall over trying to lunge towards the mouse, only to realize it's more pseudo-spam from Healthcare.gov. :(

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5 minutes ago, solomonski said:

That feeling when you wake up, look at your monitor as you walk by, see an email title in your inbox that says "Application status notification," nearly fall over trying to lunge towards the mouse, only to realize it's more pseudo-spam from Healthcare.gov. :(



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Okay guys, so a pre-interview interview is:

  • Telling you what you'll be asked
  • This interview doesn't release who you will be interviewing with so you have to think on the spot, but I was told their disciplines and how to make my answers tailored to each.
  • Told me what my strengths and weaknesses as an applicant are

I got the impression this POI really wants me - joking around at the end she asked if I had any questions and my response was "how do we do this so I get guaranteed acceptance?" and her response was "do as I say"!!! Of course now if I get rejected I'm going to look a right wally...

@123hardasABCWHY'D YOU HAVE TO GO AND MENTION BURRITOS?!?!?! The boy lives in SD half the year and man do I miss Californian Mexican food.


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39 minutes ago, piglet33 said:

WHY'D YOU HAVE TO GO AND MENTION BURRITOS?!?!?! The boy lives in SD half the year and man do I miss Californian Mexican food.

I mention them because I miss them too :( There hasn't been a day where I don't crave a California burrito......

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hi everyone! this is so unrelated, but a program told me last Thursday that I would be notified "early next week" and I cannot stop checking my email. Does anyone have suggestions for ways to stop obsessing about this? I'm refreshing my inbox literally every two minutes. 

On an even more unrelated note, congratulations on all the interviews and acceptances everyone!!! And to everyone else: I hope you hear good news soon!!! :D

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15 minutes ago, maryelizabeth said:

@gingin6789 thanks for letting me know.  i haven't heard from them yet, so here's hoping.


in other news: rejection is protection.  you don't want anyone that doesn't want you. good luck in your endeavors <3


That is such a great thought to keep in mind! Thank you for your support! 

@raaawrThank you for your support as well! :-)

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27 minutes ago, anxietygirl said:

hi everyone! this is so unrelated, but a program told me last Thursday that I would be notified "early next week" and I cannot stop checking my email. Does anyone have suggestions for ways to stop obsessing about this? I'm refreshing my inbox literally every two minutes. 

On an even more unrelated note, congratulations on all the interviews and acceptances everyone!!! And to everyone else: I hope you hear good news soon!!! :D

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and cooking complicated meals. Or obsessive cleaning. That's what I've been doing, at least.

Best of luck!!!

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I've been getting into amateur bartending lately, and I'm so behind on my unpaid internship which I usually do from home. (The unpaid internship is a whole other saga, and hopefully will turn out to be an opportunity of short duration.) These factors combined today, so now I am drinking an alcoholic beverage to bribe myself to do my work. Self-bribery via winter cocktails isn't a sustainable solution—this drink's got vodka, creme de menthe, Bailey's, and heavy cream, so boy is it not good for you—but it is helping for now!

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56 minutes ago, anxietygirl said:

hi everyone! this is so unrelated, but a program told me last Thursday that I would be notified "early next week" and I cannot stop checking my email. Does anyone have suggestions for ways to stop obsessing about this? I'm refreshing my inbox literally every two minutes. 

On an even more unrelated note, congratulations on all the interviews and acceptances everyone!!! And to everyone else: I hope you hear good news soon!!! :D

I've been selling quite a few things on eBay. I make money off things I don't touch anymore, and it takes up quite a bit of time.

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@rosali that's where lifting heavy things comes in. I love it, it's such a good stress reliever and I've got an awesome community in my gym too. It's a good time where I can hang out with people not in academia, or put my headphones on and lift heavy things and zone out, or can mix and match it. 

Workouts definitely don't have to be high impact to be effective. It all depends on your interests - I tried the treadmill/bike approach and didn't enjoy it. I love martial arts so when I'm not injured I train that twice a week and gym thrice a week and do my yoga twice a week . It's amazing for keeping everything in check (moods, hormone swings, food cravings, weight gain/loss). Sometimes I'll throw in some surfing and rock climbing if I have the time, hiking when I can get out and general "adventuring". 

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18 minutes ago, piglet33 said:

Sometimes I'll throw in some surfing and rock climbing if I have the time, hiking when I can get out and general "adventuring". 

I like doing that too, except when I try, it's on a frozen Lake Michigan and I either get all cut up from ice or get hypothermia.

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