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On January 26, 2016 at 6:40 PM, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

Hahaha! I once was adventurous on Lake Michigan... I ended up stranded in the lake in an inflatable dinghy for ~16 hours and the Coast Guard had to come save me. I stay away from lakes now :D


This is not a rare occurrence, the Lake loves stranding people. 

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8 minutes ago, piglet33 said:

@Pink Fuzzy Bunny just like sjoh197, my deadlines have been all over the place. From 1st November to 1st Feb. Weirdly it's the 1st December deadline (my top choice) that I've heard nothing about. Both the november (interview) and february (fellowship nomination) ones i've heard exciting things from. 

I just realized it's the same for me. I've heard from some that had deadlines in mid-November, and some that have deadlines in February. But the December 15 ones? Nope!

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15 minutes ago, rhombusbombus said:

Is making a wishlist of possible school supplies a way to stay sane? or an indicator of impending crazy?

No wine, but I have a nice cup of coffee keeping me company. And some mini shredded wheat!

School supplies? Like what? Notebooks, pencils?

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You guys, I'm exhausted already and it's only the second day. I started the day off by running paperwork around campus, then I sent out emails and stuff and got rosters ready for the class I TA for tomorrow... And I'm just so very tired. 

I've been readjusting to the sound of my upstairs neighbor's footsteps at night, since being back here. He's a nice guy and seriously just has heavy footsteps cause he's a dude. And I'm just an obnoxiously light sleeper. And the building we're in is cheaply built. So we'll see how I sleep tonight. I think it'll get better as the semester goes on. 


Also so anxious cause I saw a couple Davis acceptances on the board. Praying to hear from them soon. 

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heck yes! i want some really nice fine point pens, probably the muji brand.

I've really romanticized the idea of being a TA and grading papers exclusively in purple or green ink.


I'm also dabbling in the idea of having a kind of uniform to help minimize my amount of clothing.


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@rhombusbombus I have a pinterest board for "grad school" everything from supplies to outfits to home decorating on a budget! It's such a good time-waster. I have warm weather stuff and cold weather stuff and cool diagrams and teaching ideas and stuff. It's a right almagamation of everything grad school related. So absolutely make a stationa(e)ry list :D 

@gingin6789 welcome back to being so busy you forget to panic! Oh wait that happens too. Sorry to hear about your upstairs neighbor, when I used to live in noisy places I'd tell myself the noise they made was like white noise, and that actually helped. Focusing on the noise became a hypnosis type way to get to sleep.

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7 minutes ago, rhombusbombus said:

@gingin6789 no earplugs?

Yep, I've tried silicone earplugs (the good ones that actually don't fall out while sleeping), white noise with headphones, fan noise, melatonin to help sleep... Etc etc. I'm just a really light sleeper unfortunately 

@piglet33Good advice! I'll give that a try. My neighbor is understanding and tries his best to keep the noise to a minimum.. I'm just easily awoken. 

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10 minutes ago, gingin6789 said:

Yep, I've tried silicone earplugs (the good ones that actually don't fall out while sleeping), white noise with headphones, fan noise, melatonin to help sleep... Etc etc. I'm just a really light sleeper unfortunately 

That sounds horrible. I lived on the bottom story of my building for one semester before deciding enough was enough, since I'm the same way. I also tried all of those things to no avail.... I'm so sorry :( Now I'm the one on the top floor making all the racket (seriously last night my desk fell apart at 3AM. My poor downstairs neighbor...)


Also, at least if I move to Boulder, I'll be lucky if I can afford an apartment with a refrigerator, let alone have enough money left over to decorate it! 

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Soooo poll time.....

My partner and I are going to the house of one of his coworkers next weekend, whom he is good friends with. I have met his friend's wife at the work holiday parties and such and we are friends on facebook. Anyways we were going to bring a bottle of wine, and I remember that they like Cab Sauv and she is a fan of merlot... but since I can't drink I have no ideas for what wine to bring. Does anyone have any suggestions on a decent bottle that isn't super expensive? There were literally hundreds of bottles at the store. My partner doesn't really like merlot and is only so/so on cab sauv so he had no real suggestions other that "Freakshow" 

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2 minutes ago, sjoh197 said:

Soooo poll time.....

My partner and I are going to the house of one of his coworkers next weekend, whom he is good friends with. I have met his friend's wife at the work holiday parties and such and we are friends on facebook. Anyways we were going to bring a bottle of wine, and I remember that they like Cab Sauv and she is a fan of merlot... but since I can't drink I have no ideas for what wine to bring. Does anyone have any suggestions on a decent bottle that isn't super expensive? There were literally hundreds of bottles at the store. My partner doesn't really like merlot and is only so/so on cab sauv so he had no real suggestions other that "Freakshow" 

Go to a nice liquor place like Binny's or Friar Tuck's and ask an employee. Just say "I have a friend who likes Cab Sauv and Merlot and here is our price range" and they will give you a few options :)


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2 minutes ago, sjoh197 said:

Soooo poll time.....

My partner and I are going to the house of one of his coworkers next weekend, whom he is good friends with. I have met his friend's wife at the work holiday parties and such and we are friends on facebook. Anyways we were going to bring a bottle of wine, and I remember that they like Cab Sauv and she is a fan of merlot... but since I can't drink I have no ideas for what wine to bring. Does anyone have any suggestions on a decent bottle that isn't super expensive? There were literally hundreds of bottles at the store. My partner doesn't really like merlot and is only so/so on cab sauv so he had no real suggestions other that "Freakshow" 

So I'm sorry if this isn't around where you are but I'm loving a 2014 chilean cab sauv at the minute  "los vascos, domaines barons de rothschild [lafite]" 

It's far too drinkable! And it wasn't overly expensive (~£8/$11 when I bought it in december)

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1 minute ago, piglet33 said:

So I'm sorry if this isn't around where you are but I'm loving a 2014 chilean cab sauv at the minute  "los vascos, domaines barons de rothschild [lafite]" 

It's far too drinkable! And it wasn't overly expensive (~£8/$11 when I bought it in december)

haha... we do have that here. I might end up getting that lol. 

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21 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

That sounds horrible. I lived on the bottom story of my building for one semester before deciding enough was enough, since I'm the same way. I also tried all of those things to no avail.... I'm so sorry :( Now I'm the one on the top floor making all the racket (seriously last night my desk fell apart at 3AM. My poor downstairs neighbor...)


Also, at least if I move to Boulder, I'll be lucky if I can afford an apartment with a refrigerator, let alone have enough money left over to decorate it! 

It's ok... If anything, I guess it means I have an excuse for more daytime naps! As soon as laundry is done, I will take a nap. 

Oh wow boulder! I applied there too! I guess it's an expensive place to be! 

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@Pink Fuzzy Bunny my same sentiment if i move to riverside! penn state and uiuc are leaps and bounds more affordable! especially since i'd love to live by myself with my dog


i'm slowly becoming okay with the fact that i'll need 2-4 roommates :( 

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Oh. Time zones. The best part is I even realized there was a difference, but calculated in the wrong direction. Hah. Thankfully, my opposite take put me early for the interview instead of late, but, I still feel super silly (I need to leave work just a bit early! I need to make sure I can use your office starting around X-too-early time! Sure I can grab dinner between the two today!) God. Whoops.

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4 minutes ago, haltheincandescent said:

Oh. Time zones. The best part is I even realized there was a difference, but calculated the wrong way. Hah. Thankfully, my opposite take put me early for the interview instead of late, but, I still feel super silly (I need to leave work just a bit early! I need to make sure I can use your office starting around X-too-early time! Sure I can grab dinner between the two today!) God. Whoops.

Oh i feel you with this. I have become queen of time zones. One of my best friends is 10 hours ahead of me, another is 6hrs ahead, my boyfriend is 5 hours behind (as are 3 of my schools), and my final school is 8 hours behind. At any point in the day I have a reasonable idea of what time it is in all these time zones. It can get pretty confusing!! At least it worked in your favour!

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@piglet33 I totally should have known, because my brother lives in the city I'm interviewing in--but I guess the only time I ever adjust is when I'm there, so I'm used to adjusting in only that direction. 

Either that or I was just not thinking clearly when I saw the time, since I had so much going on this week. Ah well. At least it got me on my toes, so now I'll be super prepared for the actual thing.

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