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Admissions Blog: Hello and Predictions


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I'm not associated with the prediction on the blog, but here's what I think about Stanford: the only reasonable definite prediction to make is this week. But it won't be shocking if that prediction turns out to be false. Stanford was pretty consistent in releasing the second/third week of February for quite a while (and I think almost always late in the week), but last year they released in March. As far as I know, there's no extenuating circumstance that could explain that away as an anomaly. If there is one, and that was just a weird fluke, Stanford will almost certainly release this week. But if that wasn't an accident, there's no meaning to anything, and they could release whenever. Dates of first release posted on TGC for the past five years are below, so feel free to make your own judgment.


Last year: second Sunday in March (3/8)

2014: third Saturday in February (2/15)

2013: second Thursday in February (2/14)

2012: third Friday in February (2/17)

2011: second Thursday in February (2/10)

Edited by philstudent1992
typo on the 2013 date
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1 hour ago, SamStone said:

Wait a second...Stanford is predicted for tomorrow? Have i just missed it, or has no one discussed this yet? 

Are we relatively safe is expecting to hear from them (if not tomorrow) sometime this week? 


21 minutes ago, philstudent1992 said:

I'm not associated with the prediction on the blog, but here's what I think about Stanford: the only reasonable definite prediction to make is this week. But it won't be shocking if that prediction turns out to be false. Stanford was pretty consistent in releasing the second/third week of February for quite a while (and I think almost always late in the week), but last year they released in March. As far as I know, there's no extenuating circumstance that could explain that away as an anomaly. If there is one, and that was just a weird fluke, Stanford will almost certainly release this week. But if that wasn't an accident, there's no meaning to anything, and they could release whenever. Dates of first release posted on TGC for the past five years are below, so feel free to make your own judgment.


Last year: second Sunday in March (3/8)

2014: third Saturday in February (2/15)

2013: second Thursday in February (2/13)

2012: third Friday in February (2/17)

2011: second Thursday in February (2/10)

I completely agree with this except for that my date is slightly different for 2013, but only by a day. 

Last year, they similarly had a very early deadline too. So, that does not explain it. 

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Here are the dates I have:

Feb 16, 2012--Thurs; Feb 21, 2013--Thurs; Feb 13, 2014--Thurs;  Feb 20, 2015--Fri

I would say pretty sure they'll be out Thursday or Friday. 

There's also a good list of dates on Ian's blog. I am still considering posting up an updated version of that list, but have somehow gotten really busy with tutoring these past week.

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4 minutes ago, jacbarcan said:

Here are the dates I have:

Feb 16, 2012--Thurs; Feb 21, 2013--Thurs; Feb 13, 2014--Thurs;  Feb 20, 2015--Fri

I would say pretty sure they'll be out Thursday or Friday. 

There's also a good list of dates on Ian's blog. I am still considering posting up an updated version of that list, but have somehow gotten really busy with tutoring these past week.

Ah, that's where they were, thank you!

Seriously hoping to hear from Yale before the week's end. Even if it's a rejection. Just... something to know.

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Someone mentioned Villanova is going to release their offers at the end of this week. Any idea if this means Friday or.. maybe THURSDAY?!?

Please, let it be Thursday, because that means I might wake up to an email, and then life would be good again.

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16 minutes ago, MickeyRay said:

I think you may be referring to me. Just for clarification: sounds like Villanova is finalizing this week, and by the end of the week we should see invitations for interviews that will be conducted by early next week. Not sure when offers will go out, but probably by the end of next week or something. Good luck!

Yes, probably. Thanks for clarifying!

I'm just dying for any news at this point.. everything I've heard so far from the places I've applied was disheartening.

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7 hours ago, hot.glass said:

How likely is it that we'll hear from UConn today? The stats seem so random over the past couple years.

Yeah. If you look at the results pages for UConn as you probably already did, it's hard tell tell what at all is happening. I don't understand it at all. Rolling admissions? Frauds? Idk. So, I wouldn't count on much. 

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7 minutes ago, jacbarcan said:

Yeah. If you look at the results pages for UConn as you probably already did, it's hard tell tell what at all is happening. I don't understand it at all. Rolling admissions? Frauds? Idk. So, I wouldn't count on much. 

It's a mess. As soon as I hear something I'll be sure to provide the details so we can at least start building good data for this year.

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4 minutes ago, o m g said:

What's your numerical credence that we will either hear from Notre dame or Yale or Stanford today? :P 

Someone in the acceptance thread said the ND committee was running behind because of computer problems... Hoping they get fixed today, lol. Also: I think Yale has been very consistent so here's to hoping they continue that trend today. 

BTW: You should join in our Stanford & Yale group chant. 

Edited by Siegfried42
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36 minutes ago, Siegfried42 said:

Someone in the acceptance thread said the ND committee was running behind because of computer problems... Hoping they get fixed today, lol. Also: I think Yale has been very consistent so here's to hoping they continue that trend today. 

BTW: You should join in our Stanford & Yale group chant. 

I agree with this. To add, Stanford...who knows. If it's predictable at all, this week. Otherwise, I have no clue. Most schools should release within the next two weeks. So, that's exciting. 

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4 hours ago, jacbarcan said:

I agree with this. To add, Stanford...who knows. If it's predictable at all, this week. Otherwise, I have no clue. Most schools should release within the next two weeks. So, that's exciting. 

I just can't believe that nothing major's happened today. Maybe it's my east coast time zone but I'm staring in disbelief as the clock hits 5pm :wacko:

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3 minutes ago, philosophe said:

I just can't believe that nothing major's happened today. Maybe it's my east coast time zone but I'm staring in disbelief as the clock hits 5pm :wacko:

I know what you mean. I was all prepared today to have to write these blog posts, but oh well. Of course, they'll probably all come out when I'm tutoring tonight and tomorrow morning. 

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So unless Villanova forgot to interview me, Boston College forgot to put enough postage on the envelop, (or something weird's going on with Penn State/Fordham/Stonybrook) I only have one Ph.D. shot left: Duquesne. Thankfully, they are teaching a class on one of my professors and have had students from my school in the past, so it's better chances than the others.

Does anyone know the projected date for Duquesne? 

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