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Free applications


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I don't know about you guys but funding the application process has been part of the turmoil. In light of Emory's free app I thought it might be beneficial to collect a list of other free apps?

Perhaps it could gain sticky status?

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In the UK:


St Andrews


Likely others I have not encountered yet...Cambridge and Oxford were free 3 years ago, but that was before online applications so they may have a fee now.

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I don't know about you guys but funding the application process has been part of the turmoil. In light of Emory's free app I thought it might be beneficial to collect a list of other free apps?

Notre Dame was free for domestic students. I almost applied for that very reason...until I realized that I didn't want to go there. :D

Do remember that even though the app itself is free, you still have to pay ETS for another score, plus transcript fees. (I had to send transcripts from 5 schools so the latter was not inconsequential.)

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I don't know about you guys but funding the application process has been part of the turmoil. In light of Emory's free app I thought it might be beneficial to collect a list of other free apps?

Perhaps it could gain sticky status?

Good idea, Coyabean! I can't help with it since not a single one of my apps had a fee that was under $100, but I support the movement.

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Notre Dame was free for domestic students.

Notre Dame had a fee this year. There was a discount for applying early, but it still wasn't free.

Do remember that even though the app itself is free, you still have to pay ETS for another score, plus transcript fees. (I had to send transcripts from 5 schools so the latter was not inconsequential.)

Re: transcript fees, did you notice a difference between public schools and private schools? I have to send transcripts from 2 private schools, both of which are free, and from 2 public schools, both of which charge a fee. What a way to cut costs.

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Carnegie Mellon has a free online app

And the department at CMU that I applied to has a fee-bearing, paper only application. :(

Queen's University Belfast (UK) has a free application.

You can also apply for fee waivers at several schools through one central form: http://www.cic.net/Home/Students/FreeApp/Introduction.aspx Granting a fee waiver is up to the departments, and you have to meet some basic minimum criteria (3.0 GPA).

The schools are:

  • University of Chicago
  • University of Illinois at Chicago
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Indiana University
  • Indiana University/Purdue University at Indianapolis
  • University of Iowa
  • University of Michigan
  • Michigan State University
  • University of Minnesota
  • Northwestern University
  • Ohio State University
  • Pennsylvania State University
  • Purdue University
  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

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On 12/7/2009 at 1:16 PM, Sparky said:

Notre Dame had a fee this year. There was a discount for applying early, but it still wasn't free.

I went back and checked, and applying to the chemistry department is still free for domestic applicants. I can't speak for other departments though.


Re: transcript fees, did you notice a difference between public schools and private schools? I have to send transcripts from 2 private schools, both of which are free, and from 2 public schools, both of which charge a fee. What a way to cut costs.

I attended 5 schools: 2 community colleges ($3/transcript); 1 incredibly well-known university ($7/transcript), my alma mater, a state school ($4 for first transcript, $2 for additional ordered at the same time), and the state university where I did my post-bac work (free). Amazingly, both state universities are California schools (both CSU system)--I would have thought that they, at least, would have the same fee structure!

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My private university transcripts were covered by a one-time transcript fee (I think it was $50 or something) paid freshman year. Now, I just go online and request them whenever I need them. I actually have a stockpile of like 5 or so at my house that I can send out whenever I need them. My study abroad transcripts are $6 each, plus a processing fee of $5. My MA (public) university is $2 each. And my current (PhD, public) university is $6 a pop. I prefer what my undergrad did, obviously.

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My private university transcripts were covered by a one-time transcript fee (I think it was $50 or something) paid freshman year. Now, I just go online and request them whenever I need them. I actually have a stockpile of like 5 or so at my house that I can send out whenever I need them. My study abroad transcripts are $6 each, plus a processing fee of $5. My MA (public) university is $2 each. And my current (PhD, public) university is $6 a pop. I prefer what my undergrad did, obviously.

My undergrad school's fee for transcripts is $20 each! It really sucks. Luckily my grad school gives them out free, but you have to wait ages while they send them across the pond.

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  • 3 weeks later...

While I appreciate it, I cannot understand why any school would make its application free. It means giving up revenue and getting lots of applications from people who aren't that serious about the school.

I was thinking kind of the opposite...particularly if it's a lower-ranked school, perhaps having a free app encourages more people (and potentially good candidates, who otherwise would put their money towards top programs) to apply. And maybe that results in more applicants=lower acceptance rate to brag about? Free apps can add the "why not?" factor--although you do have to pay for GRE scores & transcripts.

I wonder if it's a private school thing (or more common among those). I've noticed private schools tend to have more of those "perks..." i.e. you can order your transcripts for free from some. (Of course, they get their $$ from their really high tuition.)

Who knows, it could be none of those reasons, I never get admissions offices and how they work!

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