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Genetic Counseling Fall 2017 Applicants


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8 minutes ago, gc2017 said:

I'm probably over thinking this but- wearing my engagement ring during interview: yes or no? I am getting married on a Saturday in September (was planned before I really knew I wanted to go to grad school this coming fall), and everything will be planned before classes begin so it shouldn't be an issue, but I am worried they may see it as one. What are y'all's thoughts? 

Wear it! I ended up mentioning by husband in a few of my one-on-ones. Your fiance is no doubt a good source of support and will be important in your state of mind and self-care through grad school, career, and the rest of your life.

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48 minutes ago, Gadgette said:

Wear it! I ended up mentioning by husband in a few of my one-on-ones. Your fiance is no doubt a good source of support and will be important in your state of mind and self-care through grad school, career, and the rest of your life.

I don't wear a wedding ring because it's not my style and I'm kicking myself for not coming up with one for my last interview. I'm afraid I seem like I'm hiding something when I talk about my supportive husband who works from home when I don't even really *look* married.

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Funny story- I got engaged shortly before starting at my current job. We were semi new to the state and knew no one. The week I started my job, my then-fiance left for Africa for six weeks. So I was the new girl who lived alone with her cat, had no friends, and was supposedly engaged to a man that conveniently lived on a different country. My coworkers weren't totally sure my fiance existed.

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On 2/25/2017 at 9:37 AM, GCInTraining said:

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I'll see you there as well! I got the impression we're not able to stay with students... Is that your understanding too?

Yeah, I got that impression as well. I also prefer to get hotels since I don't want to feel like a burden on anyone and I feel I can get a better night's rest in a hotel than a stranger's house. 

But I look forward to seeing you at the dinner!

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11 hours ago, gc2017 said:

I'm probably over thinking this but- wearing my engagement ring during interview: yes or no? I am getting married on a Saturday in September (was planned before I really knew I wanted to go to grad school this coming fall), and everything will be planned before classes begin so it shouldn't be an issue, but I am worried they may see it as one. What are y'all's thoughts? 

The only reason I'm not wearing mine is because I'm a fidgeter and if I have a ring I will play with it, which I think will look worse than not having the ring on. So keep in mind any small quirks you might have that you want to lessen. 

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12 minutes ago, minja134 said:

The only reason I'm not wearing mine is because I'm a fidgeter and if I have a ring I will play with it, which I think will look worse than not having the ring on. So keep in mind any small quirks you might have that you want to lessen. 

ah that is a good point. Mine is slightly too big so I play with it a lot without noticing. 

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21 hours ago, Gadgette said:

I emailed UPitt 2 weeks ago and they said they were hoping to send invites out that week, and I saw at least one. But I still haven't heard. How early is too early to ask them again?

@Gadgette I talked to a current student at Pitt... she said they are still reviewing applications and are planning to send out another wave soon-ish (whatever that means)! She said they tend to review applications in batches based on when they were received. I submitted mine a month early because I was nervous about SOPHAS Express taking forever, so that's probably why I heard back earlier.  If you still don't have word in a week or so, you could check in with them again.  

@TK1616, thanks so much for the update!! I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but it's good to know they are still processing applications.


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24 minutes ago, metabolismo said:

@Gadgette I talked to a current student at Pitt... she said they are still reviewing applications and are planning to send out another wave soon-ish (whatever that means)! She said they tend to review applications in batches based on when they were received. I submitted mine a month early because I was nervous about SOPHAS Express taking forever, so that's probably why I heard back earlier.  If you still don't have word in a week or so, you could check in with them again.  

@TK1616, thanks so much for the update!! I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but it's good to know they are still processing applications.


Thank you!!

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I'm not sure if anyone on here is in the Chicago area, but I just found a cool free event tomorrow that will be discussing CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing.


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4 minutes ago, minja134 said:

I'm not sure if anyone on here is in the Chicago area, but I just found a cool free event tomorrow that will be discussing CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing.


Are you in Chicago too?  I had plans to get dinner with my roommate tomorrow, but maybe I can convince her to go to this with me instead!  It looks super interesting!

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2 minutes ago, Ellaie said:

Are you in Chicago too?  I had plans to get dinner with my roommate tomorrow, but maybe I can convince her to go to this with me instead!  It looks super interesting!

I am in Chicago! I will most likely be going alone since I can't convince anyone to get off work early enough to get out to Merchandise mart! I'll send you a PM.

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I just received an official rejection from McGill, so if anyone is waiting to hear back from them it might be in your uApply account, or they might be contacting you today.  Good luck, everyone!

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This process just sucks. I was so excited in the beginning but after getting 3 rejections its a big ego killer. I already have plans for what to do next year if I do not get in this year. And it sucks that the reason i'm not getting interviews is all because a standardized test :-( I have 1 interview and luckily its a program that was in my top favorites. But it just stinks having so many rejections. I work until 8pm so my dad gets the mail. He knows mail is a bad thing from a college so he knows before I even do that I get rejected and it just blows :-( I had expectations that taking a year off of school to work and get more shadowing experience would really help me to get interviews at least. And it doesn't seem to be true. Looks like programs weigh the GRE more than I was lead on. I was excited thinking I would have options of what school to go too, I was excited thinking I'd be the one choosing in the end. I am grateful for my interview I have, as it was tied for number 1 on my list with another program, but it would have been a good ego booster to know I had more options .

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5 minutes ago, GCFaith92 said:

This process just sucks. I was so excited in the beginning but after getting 3 rejections its a big ego killer. I already have plans for what to do next year if I do not get in this year. And it sucks that the reason i'm not getting interviews is all because a standardized test :-( I have 1 interview and luckily its a program that was in my top favorites. But it just stinks having so many rejections. I work until 8pm so my dad gets the mail. He knows mail is a bad thing from a college so he knows before I even do that I get rejected and it just blows :-( I had expectations that taking a year off of school to work and get more shadowing experience would really help me to get interviews at least. And it doesn't seem to be true. Looks like programs weigh the GRE more than I was lead on. I was excited thinking I would have options of what school to go too, I was excited thinking I'd be the one choosing in the end. I am grateful for my interview I have, as it was tied for number 1 on my list with another program, but it would have been a good ego booster to know I had more options .

I totally understand your frustration.  I graduated in 2014 and took a year off before applying, thinking it was the smart decision and I would end up with a ton of interviews and options.  When I applied last year I only received one interview, and ended up not getting in.  The worst part was everyone asking how applications were going and having to either tell them I was receiving all these rejections or lie and say I hadn't heard anything yet.  I know they all meant well, but it sucked having those conversations over and over again.  

Don't give up hope though!  You have one interview and still have 4 more schools to hear from!  It's not over until it's over.  Even if you do end up having to be a 2nd time applicant (which honestly it seems like a large percentage of applicants are) at least you know what you need to do to improve your application.  

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11 minutes ago, Ellaie said:

I totally understand your frustration.  I graduated in 2014 and took a year off before applying, thinking it was the smart decision and I would end up with a ton of interviews and options.  When I applied last year I only received one interview, and ended up not getting in.  The worst part was everyone asking how applications were going and having to either tell them I was receiving all these rejections or lie and say I hadn't heard anything yet.  I know they all meant well, but it sucked having those conversations over and over again.  

Don't give up hope though!  You have one interview and still have 4 more schools to hear from!  It's not over until it's over.  Even if you do end up having to be a 2nd time applicant (which honestly it seems like a large percentage of applicants are) at least you know what you need to do to improve your application.  

Exactly how I feel except I have zero interviews and only have three schools to hear back from. It's disheartening and discouraging. I think my issue is my lack of experience and my not so great science GPA. But I'm trying not to be so down and hard on myself, it's my first year applying.

I just left from a job interview working with children with autism and I think it went well! Plus I came out to two voicemails for interviews for a few other positions, so that's been helping, knowing I'm competitive job wise.

If I don't get in this cycle, I use the time to gain more experience and maybe take a class or two to raise up that GPA issue. I'll know for sure once I reach out to program directors to see where I can improve. 

Just stat positive and if you know this is for you, don't give up!  

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@Ellaie is this your second year applying? At what point did you ask for feed back? It sucks that 1 small thing such as a test can do so much damage and I actually studied for the GRE for awhile so it's a huge fear of mine having to possibly retake it. You have a decent amount of interviews now so that makes me hopeful if I have to apply again. Did you change your personal statement much the 2nd year around? And did you have the same people write your LOR? Also did you need to retake the GRE? Sorry for all the questions @AspiringGC It can be so discouraging. Some days I feel on top of the world and I am so positive and I think of how much more money I can save with another yr off and how I will have more options next year, but im also bummed out right now. It's just one of those days. Did you apply last year?

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1 minute ago, GCFaith92 said:

@Ellaie is this your second year applying? At what point did you ask for feed back? It sucks that 1 small thing such as a test can do so much damage and I actually studied for the GRE for awhile so it's a huge fear of mine having to possibly retake it. You have a decent amount of interviews now so that makes me hopeful if I have to apply again. 

Yep! This is my 2nd year applying.  Last year I applied to 7 schools and only received an interview at UC-Irvine, so I'm hoping I receive an interview there again this year.  

Most of the schools didn't want to provide feedback until after match day.  Some even specifically said not to reach out until summer because that was the slower time for them.  I think it just depends on the school.  Usually I would respond to the rejection letter requesting feedback and then they would provide their preference.  The one's that thought it was too early to provide feedback just sent me an email telling me to reach out in a few months.  They were all extremely nice about it and most schools spent a good amount of time providing a response about what I needed to improve on.  Ohio State actually set up a phone interview for me to discuss my application with them; the others were just emails. The worst thing about  my application is my cumulative GPA (2.87).  Based on the responses I got from some schools they seemed to weigh GPA very heavily, so I didn't reapply to those.

I took the GRE a couple times and did decent on it (159/159/4), and I really think the easiest thing you can do to improve your score is study the vocabulary.  There was an app I downloaded called GRE Vocabulary Flashcards from Magoosh, and I found it be incredibly helpful if you haven't looked into that. 

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8 minutes ago, Ellaie said:

Yep! This is my 2nd year applying.  Last year I applied to 7 schools and only received an interview at UC-Irvine, so I'm hoping I receive an interview there again this year.  

Most of the schools didn't want to provide feedback until after match day.  Some even specifically said not to reach out until summer because that was the slower time for them.  I think it just depends on the school.  Usually I would respond to the rejection letter requesting feedback and then they would provide their preference.  The one's that thought it was too early to provide feedback just sent me an email telling me to reach out in a few months.  They were all extremely nice about it and most schools spent a good amount of time providing a response about what I needed to improve on.  Ohio State actually set up a phone interview for me to discuss my application with them; the others were just emails. The worst thing about  my application is my cumulative GPA (2.87).  Based on the responses I got from some schools they seemed to weigh GPA very heavily, so I didn't reapply to those.

I took the GRE a couple times and did decent on it (159/159/4), and I really think the easiest thing you can do to improve your score is study the vocabulary.  There was an app I downloaded called GRE Vocabulary Flashcards from Magoosh, and I found it be incredibly helpful if you haven't looked into that. 

Did you get feedback as well from your interview? I will certainly reach out to schools in regards to my rejections. I truly hope I can get an interview from Jefferson as well and hoping I don't need to reapply next year but I need to be prepared incase I do. That is really great that Ohio did a phone interview ! Thank you so much for your response!

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9 minutes ago, GCFaith92 said:

Did you get feedback as well from your interview? I will certainly reach out to schools in regards to my rejections. I truly hope I can get an interview from Jefferson as well and hoping I don't need to reapply next year but I need to be prepared incase I do. That is really great that Ohio did a phone interview ! Thank you so much for your response!

I actually didn't.  I reached out to UCI a couple times to ask them for feedback, but they never got back to me.  Which was weird because when Pam (the program director) called on match day to tell me they had accepted everyone they were going to and weren't moving down the waitlist anymore, she told me to call or email sometime for feedback on my application.  I reached out a few times, but didn't want to be annoying so I gave up on it.  During the application cycle I had to call to ask a question about a LOR and when I spoke to Pam she remembered who I was, so I'm hopeful that I'll at least receive another interview there.

I hated having to reapply and go through the entire process again.  It was a little easier than the first time, but still incredibly stressful.  I do feel like I learned a lot the first time around and used what I learned to improve my application, but I was still so nervous waiting on that first interview to see if the changes I made had actually made a difference.

And of course!  Feel free to reach out to me anytime with any other questions.  I'm hoping you get in!!  If you don't and want someone to read your statement or anything like that next cycle I wouldn't mind doing that for you or anyone else that happens to read this. :)

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Just got my rejection from UT yesterday :(

Still waiting on 3 other schools...the wait is literally killing me!!!

Keep your head up everyone. Congrats to all those who have already interviewed/have them lined up. :D It aint over till its over.

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@GCFaith92 this is my first year applying. But that's exactly how I am. I'm gonna save a lot of money, hopefully have more of a pick from schools, and I'll gain so much more experience (the job I just interviewed for wouls be very relevant experience that I could use, on top of the shadowing im doing with GCs).

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8 hours ago, GCPH said:

Just got my rejection from UT yesterday :(

Still waiting on 3 other schools...the wait is literally killing me!!!

Keep your head up everyone. Congrats to all those who have already interviewed/have them lined up. :D It aint over till its over.

The little swirly icon that shows up when my email is loading is painful at this point. 

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19 hours ago, GCFaith92 said:

This process just sucks. I was so excited in the beginning but after getting 3 rejections its a big ego killer. I already have plans for what to do next year if I do not get in this year. And it sucks that the reason i'm not getting interviews is all because a standardized test :-( I have 1 interview and luckily its a program that was in my top favorites. But it just stinks having so many rejections. I work until 8pm so my dad gets the mail. He knows mail is a bad thing from a college so he knows before I even do that I get rejected and it just blows :-( I had expectations that taking a year off of school to work and get more shadowing experience would really help me to get interviews at least. And it doesn't seem to be true. Looks like programs weigh the GRE more than I was lead on. I was excited thinking I would have options of what school to go too, I was excited thinking I'd be the one choosing in the end. I am grateful for my interview I have, as it was tied for number 1 on my list with another program, but it would have been a good ego booster to know I had more options .

I am literally in the same boat and situation as you.  I have received 3 rejections, 1 interview offer, and am waiting to hear from 3 more schools.  The GRE is the only thing that I don't believe is stellar on my application.  Besides that, I have about 2 years of crisis counseling experience, have a history of community service at hospitals, rehab/care centers, etc. I have volunteered with an organization who supports individuals with metabolic disorders for 9 years. I also have interviewed and shadowed multiple GCs, and have volunteered in their clinic at one of the best cancer centers in California.  Receiving rejections has been hard, I truly thought that I would get many interviews based on my grades and experience. At first, I was like how can my GRE score bring everything down? I have been told that its not everything, but who knows what they are exactly looking for.  There are sooooo many different components of the application that they are looking at, as you know!

 A GC told me that every program is unique and many qualified individuals get turned away each year.  Each year they are looking for something different. I have interviewed about three GCs that didn't get in the first or even second time and they are phenomenal GCs now.  My best advice to you, is to stay strong and don't feel defeated. You have an interview and thats amazing!  Think about it, you passed many different admission screening processes to get that interview.  They know you are qualified to be a GC on paper, now its time to meet you and see if you are a fit for the program, as well as, the program being a fit for you! So prepare well for your interview.  It only takes one interview to get in.  I have friends who applied to like 13 grad programs, only got one interview, and were accepted!  I totally understand how you are feeling, If you ever want to talk feel free to message me.  I hope you have an awesome day!

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