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Can you ask them to find you a student host to stay with during the weekend? That way you will save on hotel costs.

Sorry for the confusion. The don't help with the cost of travel to get there (i.e. airfare). Housing will be taken care of, and I think most food too.

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For anyone waiting to hear from UPenn- I spoke with the secretary today. She said they received about 250 apps this year and will begin their evaluation at the end of January.

Thanks for the update! I applied to the U of Penn as well. Did anyone request the fee waiver? My file is complete, yet is it saying incomplete because the fee has not been paid. I sent in the waiver to the department. Anyone else having this problem?

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It's been kind of slow in here for a couple of days... So I thought I say something...

Is anyone else really freaking tired of waiting?

Same as Focused. I'm SO tired. The silence is actually worse than seeing acceptances that are not yours. It doesn't help that I work in front of a computer all day, because I check this website 100+ times a day.

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It's been kind of slow in here for a couple of days... So I thought I say something...

Is anyone else really freaking tired of waiting?

i speak for myself and all my close friends waiting for grad school results and can affirmatively say that this is a horrible, exhausting experience that i never hope to ever experience again. it's an experience that often unfairly makes us question whether or not we are capable as students and researchers in this field, and it really sucks.

i have to say, though, that i really feel for those few sociology applicants and the many other kinds of students (i only know of my friends applying to clin. psych and b-schools) that require interviews. that would just add a whole new layer to this dramorama.

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Congratulations to the UPenn admit! That's wonderful!

Do you want to share details?


And now I saw the UC Davis one! Looks like someone had a great day!

Edited by Astronautka
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Congratulations to the UPenn admit! That's wonderful!

Do you want to share details?


And now I saw the UC Davis one! Looks like someone had a great day!

yeah, congratulations to those two admits.

oh god... i'm nervous

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Same as Focused. I'm SO tired. The silence is actually worse than seeing acceptances that are not yours. It doesn't help that I work in front of a computer all day, because I check this website 100+ times a day.

totally agree with you. I also work in front of a computer, so I completely understand what you're saying.

It's even worse if there are two applicants in the same apartment. Now it's a forbidden topic.

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I am starting to think that the person who posted the UPenn admission made a mistake and was really a Penn State admission.

Does anybody want to prove me wrong?

I wouldn't be surprised because last year their results came our really late.

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totally agree with you. I also work in front of a computer, so I completely understand what you're saying.

It's even worse if there are two applicants in the same apartment. Now it's a forbidden topic.

I am forcing myself to turn off my computer and do other things. And I am trying really hard to not come here (or to facebook or any other chatty site) when I am online. very difficult.

Based on the history of the results page, the earliest I can expect to hear back is mid Feb. Or later. Quite a few in late Feb or March.

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totally agree with you. I also work in front of a computer, so I completely understand what you're saying.

It's even worse if there are two applicants in the same apartment. Now it's a forbidden topic.

Not to one up you, but at least your both applicants. I waited a year to apply after my husband got admitted. I had already decided we'd go wherever was a better fit for him and I would apply there for the next fall. So I have someone already in a Phd program being all positive and "I'm sure you'll get in." On top of that all of our new acquaintances are also already in grad school so they are much the same way. Although this website can be depressing when others are getting acceptances, I like to know that I'm not soo crazy and there are others who are waiting as well. It's good to know your not alone.

Edited by MelMcC
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Not to one up you, but at least your both applicants. I waited a year to apply after my husband got admitted. I had already decided we'd go wherever was a better fit for him and I would apply there for the next fall. So I have someone already in a Phd program being all positive and "I'm sure you'll get in." On top of that all of our new acquaintances are also already in grad school so they are much the same way. Although this website can be depressing when others are getting acceptances, I like to know that I'm not soo crazy and there are others who are waiting as well. It's good to know your not alone.

Same here. My husband applied last year and now we're at the top school were he got accepted. I waited a year and now I'm applying and limited geographically. My husband was also VERY positive, but now he's wondering what my plan B is going to be :P

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Same here. My husband applied last year and now we're at the top school were he got accepted. I waited a year and now I'm applying and limited geographically. My husband was also VERY positive, but now he's wondering what my plan B is going to be :P

Also just to add this because it made me feel better. My husband, being his positive self, gave me some very good advice that is helping me with the waiting process. He said to make sure not to put to much weight into any one post in forums like these.

Take him for example, at the school he ended up going to people started reporting their acceptance in early February, this made him sweat because he hadn't heard anything. Then on March third someone posted that they had checked their status and they were rejected and told that all acceptances had already been sent. After that my husband was devastated and sure he that he'd been rejected. But low and behold on March 13 over a month after first round acceptances he got accepted with 5 years TA funding. I know that not everyone has a happy ending but don't lose hope until you know for sure, because this process can be unpredictable.

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Also just to add this because it made me feel better. My husband, being his positive self, gave me some very good advice that is helping me with the waiting process. He said to make sure not to put to much weight into any one post in forums like these.

Take him for example, at the school he ended up going to people started reporting their acceptance in early February, this made him sweat because he hadn't heard anything. Then on March third someone posted that they had checked their status and they were rejected and told that all acceptances had already been sent. After that my husband was devastated and sure he that he'd been rejected. But low and behold on March 13 over a month after first round acceptances he got accepted with 5 years TA funding. I know that not everyone has a happy ending but don't lose hope until you know for sure, because this process can be unpredictable.

Hmm... kind of similar situation for us! He heard later from his top schools. In fact, he never heard back from one of his top schools, so he assumed he was rejected. He called and was told by an admin person he was indeed rejected. ON APRIL 15TH, he gets an e-mail from the DGS from this top school telling him that a spot had been open and that they would be offering him admission. Apparently, he had been on the waitlist the entire time since February, but they sent his notification to the wrong e-mail address. Now we are here at that top school... We had to make the decision in a matter of minutes, since it was April 15th already. Crazy!

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