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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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The father of a colleague of mine just passed away. Puts this "if I don't get into this or that university I'll be so devasted" thing into perspective...

I'm so sorry to hear this ShereKhan; that's awful. My thoughts are with you and your colleague's familiy. I don't know what to say.

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Hello all,

Just discovered this forum a few days ago (wish I had known about it back in the fall!) and wanted to say thanks for the helpful updates and insider info. And congrats to all the acceptanes so far!

I applied to ten (incredibly difficult) schools, and have only had rejections/likely rejections so far. So I might need to commiserate with others at the end of this process. But I'll keep the hope alive for now. Good luck to all!

So far...

Rejected: Stanford, UCSD, Yale, and sounds like Princeton and Berkeley

Waiting on: MIT, Harvard, UCLA, Columbia, Georgetown

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FYI, with MIT it appears that they notified some accepted applicants over the phone last year during the middle of the final week of February, with other applicants not getting any phone calls but finding Fed-Exed notices of acceptance in the mail towards the end of that week (and a few during the early part of the first week of March). Most of the other applicants were rejected via mail during the first week of March, and I believe one individual reported a waitlist letter during the second week of March. So yeah, basically it looks like this could be another one that will have people scratching their heads, but gives us an idea of what to expect in advance.

The be honest, the whole MIT application process left me scratching my head. I found their application form the least intuitive. My very good friend, who applied to a non poli sci program, had to have her references send in jointly signed reference forms and reference letters by mail only! (That meant that he had to sign the form, express it to his references who live across the US, and then have them express the same form to MIT along with the letter). For a school that has such a great computer science and technological innovation reputation, its bizarre they can't fix their own application processes.

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The be honest, the whole MIT application process left me scratching my head. I found their application form the least intuitive. My very good friend, who applied to a non poli sci program, had to have her references send in jointly signed reference forms and reference letters by mail only! (That meant that he had to sign the form, express it to his references who live across the US, and then have them express the same form to MIT along with the letter). For a school that has such a great computer science and technological innovation reputation, its bizarre they can't fix their own application processes

MIT is a crazy crazy place. Just the general idea that if something works, no need to change it. It's weird that there's noone in the poli sci department you can write to to check the status of your application. They should look at the applications of some of the other schools

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I feel better after talking to a member of one of the adcom's I have applied to. It's a joint program and he says that they are still deciding, but I am hopeful. He also gave me some insight into another part of the admissions process. He is from a big state school (that is all I will say) and says that often it is a balance of knowing how badly that applicant wants to go to big state school. If you are one of the strongest applicants, you may not get offered money simply because they will assume you will go Ivy and leave them. A tier 2 school would rather offer someone middle of the road often times because that person is likely to stay with them and not leave it until April 15th. Thus, they are often hesitant to pick the best applicant for fear they will defect and choose another school.

He also told me I would not be living in a cardboard box come August and that he is confident I will do fine. Oye. I wish there would be some news.

Edited for spelling.

Edited by gsams
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I did not ask. I could call and ask my advisor. I think they notified over a large period of time last year.

Was that in response to my post? Is the "big state school" Indiana?

Edited by anxiousmike
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Anyone got any insider news on when Columbia will send out notification?

Anyone know if Princeton has made its final decisions/waitlist?

I've heard from an inside source that Columbia plans to notify on Feb 19.

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Do you guys think it's time to start a "What would you have done differently" thread?

By the way, I contacted UPenn and apparently they have sent out all admits messages.

Never mind.

OMG seriously? This is ridiculous. I had a 3.9 at a top university, 650V/740Q, tons of research experience (both field and legal research), great personal statement, aced a grad school course, am helping a prof edit a book right now, and there was a prof there whose interests were completely in sync with mine. I honestly don't understand why I'm getting rejected almost everywhere. Okay, that's the end of my vent. It's just really frustrating and shocking that I'm not having more options...

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OMG seriously? This is ridiculous. I had a 3.9 at a top university, 650V/740Q, tons of research experience (both field and legal research), great personal statement, aced a grad school course, am helping a prof edit a book right now, and there was a prof there whose interests were completely in sync with mine. I honestly don't understand why I'm getting rejected almost everywhere. Okay, that's the end of my vent. It's just really frustrating and shocking that I'm not having more options...

I sympathize with you almost 100%. The flow of offers has stopped for me since Michigan, Rochester, and couple other universities. I have a 3.8 from an Ivy and 1400+ on the GRE with a great SOP (I spent 4 months on it with professors and graduate students giving me feedbacks.) Not to mention I have a great array of recommendation letters from the Ivy. I am getting rejected by some other lower ranked institutions + Stanford and Princeton (Probably).

This is frustrating because I have great great potential advisors at HPS. We will see whether Harvard makes an offer or not, even though it seems unlikely.

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OMG seriously? This is ridiculous. I had a 3.9 at a top university, 650V/740Q, tons of research experience (both field and legal research), great personal statement, aced a grad school course, am helping a prof edit a book right now, and there was a prof there whose interests were completely in sync with mine. I honestly don't understand why I'm getting rejected almost everywhere. Okay, that's the end of my vent. It's just really frustrating and shocking that I'm not having more options...

Hey, I hear you. We're on the same boat. Or so it seems ;)

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