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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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Ok I'm gonna ask because I am too curious. Is she the one who posted personal info on there and got stalked and I think at some point there was a car accident?

I think she posted personal info here, and then asked an anonymous question there. Everyone knew it was her because of the schools she was asking about. It was not cool on any level. This whole episode has caused me to rethink the way I conduct myself online.

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I really find people who get dirty online weird. I mean, grow up! If you see a post that you dislike, just do not comment back. and I hoped normative discussions would not be on such boards but I guess my assumption is wrong.

About cpaige, rossiya, whatevs... Frankly, I thought she could get into better programs as well. What is wrong if she thought that? (which she said she didn't imply anything like that). If she thought she deserved better and wanted to get into a better school, I think people should not conclude that she's an arrogant person. You know what the problem is? I think jealousy. People read too much into such things. And trust me, I got (de facto or officially) rejected by 6 schools with no acceptances and every time someone on the board gets into one of those schools, I get sad. But I do not watch their posts like a predator and try to make them look bad or anything. Instead, I try to compare and see why I did not get in.

And oh btw, do you think your writing sample was too qualitative for American universities? (I'm still trying to figure out what I did wrong and I remember reading ur personal statement) I wrote about political culture and democratization rather than the institutional approach and that only works with people such as larry diamond :)

Edited by curufinwe
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I see. Then I should start using some numbers on my writing sample for next year :)

By the way, even though we study different regions, we do study the same topic. So I'll keep my eyes open for future publications and make sure I'll increase your citation :)

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1. I do not think I'm "too good" for the schools I got into. I asked a question on that site about my options so that I could make the most informed decision possible. In hindsight, it was stupid because it's an anonymous message board, but everyone has stupid moments. I said nothing, I believe, to imply that I'm too good for any school.

2. I'm not an "internet personality"; I'm a real person, with real considerations as to where I go to graduate school. I'm sure you are all trying to make decisions as well and want to make the best, most informed decision. Please just give me a break.

For the record, I never thought you were saying that you were too good. One issue with the internet or texting is that is difficult to convey emotion or expressions that help convey your true intentions. Sometimes it seemed like you were being elitist, but after we discussed the issues about rankings and all this before, and I was cordial and respected your opinion which is why I was pushing to bring up your consistent negative ratings. I didn't think anyone should get negative ratings for disagreeing with others or posting conflicting viewpoints. As for point 2, that is why I was defending you above. My only criticism, which you admit to, was posting identifiable information. I have done that before so I am not judging, but rather hoping we all learn a lesson. In the end I wish you and everyone else around here the best career possible. As for the jerks on PSJR, they can mostly all go get screwed for all I care.

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I assume everyone who applied to Cornell received the "Second Field Request" from Tina Slater today? What's the deal with it? My sense is that if there are other departments which one might be interested in applying she'll forward the documentation?

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I assume everyone who applied to Cornell received the "Second Field Request" from Tina Slater today? What's the deal with it? My sense is that if there are other departments which one might be interested in applying she'll forward the documentation?

Yeah I received the same note. But I find it difficult to believe that another department will seriously consider new applications at this time (especially since it will be clear that the field is indeed your "second choice"), let alone accept them. But maybe Cornell does something differently than other schools?

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Yeah I received the same note. But I find it difficult to believe that another department will seriously consider new applications at this time (especially since it will be clear that the field is indeed your "second choice"), let alone accept them. But maybe Cornell does something differently than other schools?

I don't know. I imagine she wouldn't have sent the notice out if it hasn't been known to happen. I'm considering giving it a try in East Asian Studies since things aren't so sunny on the PhD front and Cornell is awesome for China stuff...it's just that whole lack of funding business. Ick.

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Got an official rejection from Vanderbilt (form email). Not all that surprising, but boooo...

Just Georgetown and Notre Dame left for me and then the waiting is over!

Edited by mcnollgast
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I need some quick advice from anyone or everyone. I just missed the call and got a voice mail from the Chair of a department offering me admissions at his university, but I already accepted somewhere else. I have to call him back. What do I say and how do I nicely decline the offer. It's really nice that they do this personally, but I'm glad I missed the call because I hate getting stuck in these surprise situations.

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I need some quick advice from anyone or everyone. I just missed the call and got a voice mail from the Chair of a department offering me admissions at his university, but I already accepted somewhere else. I have to call him back. What do I say and how do I nicely decline the offer. It's really nice that they do this personally, but I'm glad I missed the call because I hate getting stuck in these surprise situations.

Phone again late, late, this evening and leave a message on his voicemail.

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No - just call him up at a reasonable hour and say that you're honored to have been offered a spot, but that you have already accepted an offer elsewhere. It's the courteous thing to do.

curiousgeorge, if you take this ill-advised course, he will want to know why you accepted an offer before 4/15 and where you are heading. Further, he will be happy to inform you that decisions made prior to 4/15 are not binding. Do you have a response ready?

Edited by Keller65
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