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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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On 2/8/2010 at 10:39 AM, bacata55 said:

No, actually I have no news about my application.... how did they inform you? email... webpage?

postal. I'm down in the dumps about this one actually, i really thought it was where i'd end up.




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News from UW-Madison (If anyone is still waiting):

Our department has indeed sent out offers of admission. Assuming that we get a reasonable yield on these offers, I don't expect to admit more students. However, there have been years in which the yield runs low and we go back to the pool. It's not exactly a wait list, but we have not officially rejected applicants so that we may admit later if necessary. Feel free to check in with me again in late March to see if the situation has changed.

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Just got an e-mail from Duke, so I immediately clicked on the link, titled "Admitted Students," went nuts and called my mom, dad and brother to tell them I had been accepted, then saw the other link, which directed me to a rejection letter. Oh well...

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Just got an e-mail from Duke, so I immediately clicked on the link, titled "Admitted Students," went nuts and called my mom, dad and brother to tell them I had been accepted, then saw the other link, which directed me to a rejection letter. Oh well...

Wow I'm sorry to hear that, it sounds like a terrible experience...

I wish Northwestern also sent out official letters so I can officially cross it off my list.

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Just got an e-mail from Duke, so I immediately clicked on the link, titled "Admitted Students," went nuts and called my mom, dad and brother to tell them I had been accepted, then saw the other link, which directed me to a rejection letter. Oh well...

Wow I'm sorry to hear that, it sounds like a terrible experience...

I wish Northwestern also sent out official letters so I can officially cross it off my list.

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Princeton receptionist said admit weekend would be March 21-23. Haven't gotten ahold of anyone at Harvard yet.


Does that mean that Princeton will conflict with WashU or is it really Sun - Tue? Thanks!

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i know duke's really competitive, but i thought i had a really good shot since my gre/gpa were well above their average, i've taken graduate coursework, and have tons of research experience. ugh. bad day. i'm ready for some good news from texas.

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News from UW-Madison (If anyone is still waiting):

Our department has indeed sent out offers of admission. Assuming that we get a reasonable yield on these offers, I don't expect to admit more students. However, there have been years in which the yield runs low and we go back to the pool. It's not exactly a wait list, but we have not officially rejected applicants so that we may admit later if necessary. Feel free to check in with me again in late March to see if the situation has changed.

Thank you!

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Does someone want to do me a HUGE favor and call Jennifer Evangelista at UCSD and ask if we can be sure we'll hear this week? I would do it but I called last week and have a pretty distinctive boomingly deep voice so am afraid it'll be recognized from last week. Doubt it but I'm paranoid and don't want to take any risks with that place. It's 858-534-7381.

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i know duke's really competitive, but i thought i had a really good shot since my gre/gpa were well above their average, i've taken graduate coursework, and have tons of research experience. ugh.

Something's strange at Duke, because this describes me as well. And I'm Mearsheimer's Minion! Don't they know who they are messing with!?

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