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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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Anyway, my point is that you got into some great schools that are probably rated more highly than some of the ones that rejected you, so don't read too much into where you're going to get in based on decisions you already know. And for the time being, you can at least know that you've got some good options on the table, which makes a lot of folks around here envious. Hope to see you in Madison in April!

Yeah, I definitely feel you on that. That's why I added the disclaimer by saying I can't complain too much. For my subfield OSU and Madison are about as good as it gets, but I'm holding out for some others for some personal reasons. But if everything else came back as a rejection, I'd be really pleased to enroll at either school. It's easy to lose perspective in this whole process, so you're certainly right.

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Yeah, I definitely feel you on that. That's why I added the disclaimer by saying I can't complain too much. For my subfield OSU and Madison are about as good as it gets, but I'm holding out for some others for some personal reasons. But if everything else came back as a rejection, I'd be really pleased to enroll at either school. It's easy to lose perspective in this whole process, so you're certainly right.

I almost forgot about NYU! Do you know when we are supposed to hear back? I would like to visit the Department in case I get in.

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It seems like NYU notified on the second Wednesday of February last year (along with UCSD and UC-Berkeley - and some Yale), so the rest of the week might be very interesting.

I am sooo excited to hear back whether it's a rejection or acceptance. I just want to be done with waiting.

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Just been rejected by the LSE. I'm an LSE graduate, having got not only a first class degree in July but also receiving university prizes for best results in second year, best overall degree results in the politics dept., and also the politics undergraduate dissertation prize as well as having LORs from the head of the politics dept. and from the Prof who heads the PhD course I applied to and yet I STILL get rejected! Honestly, what more can I do?!!

I've often heard that schools are reluctant to accept students who have gone there for their undergraduate studies, in the sense that professors like to meet new students and also that it is recommended for students to diversify their contacts. I still applied to the place I went to college for, and I don't want how much this is true and how much it's just the urban legend of boards like this, but this might explain why you might not have been accepted despite your strong qualifications!

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So I asked Wisconsin's grad coordinator for their full placement record from the past few years and got this instead:

Thanks for writing to ask about our placement record. Our students do well on the academic job market and are placed at a significantly higher rate than the APSA average. We place graduates at the full range of institutions, from small teaching colleges to the top research departments. In the past few years our placements have included Virginia Tech, Alabama, Colorado, William & Mary, Michigan State, Pittsburgh, Wesleyan, TCU, Princeton, Lafayette, Marquette, Ohio University, and Haverford.

It's a good range of schools, but is it a bad sign that they won't give me a full rundown of where students have gone, year by year?

The places that I applied to last year were quite varied in their responses to similar questions. For the most part, I received answers similar to the one you did. It seems that some places simply do not keep the records in such a way that they are readily available. Although some do, and I am happy that TAMU has a full list so I can at least have an idea about what to expect on the market. I would not read too much into it, and I suspect that many other schools would give similar answers.

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I don't know about OSU, but I do recall someone earlier in this thread saying that UNC is done with admits and will possibly be announcing its waitlist. So it's possible that you were waitlisted there, but unfortunately probably unlikely that you got in. However, if I were you, I'd check the results page to see if other international students got into UNC and OSU because they might have international applicants on a different timeline than American. I'm not sure.

Thanks so much! There are few applicants for political science around me and they did not receive any information either. I cannot figure out the admi results of international students. The results did not show whether they are domestic or international, right? How can I do that?

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Thanks so much! There are few applicants for political science around me and they did not receive any information either. I cannot figure out the admi results of international students. The results did not show whether they are domestic or international, right? How can I do that?

Unless someone corrects me, I do not think that you can tell except in any rare case where the poster claims to be an international admit.

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So I asked Wisconsin's grad coordinator for their full placement record from the past few years and got this instead:

Thanks for writing to ask about our placement record. Our students do well on the academic job market and are placed at a significantly higher rate than the APSA average. We place graduates at the full range of institutions, from small teaching colleges to the top research departments. In the past few years our placements have included Virginia Tech, Alabama, Colorado, William & Mary, Michigan State, Pittsburgh, Wesleyan, TCU, Princeton, Lafayette, Marquette, Ohio University, and Haverford.

It's a good range of schools, but is it a bad sign that they won't give me a full rundown of where students have gone, year by year?

It's a neutral sign. Some schools won't even post placement records. But, yes. Stanford and other top institutions list everything...

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Thanks so much! There are few applicants for political science around me and they did not receive any information either. I cannot figure out the admi results of international students. The results did not show whether they are domestic or international, right? How can I do that?

I am actually an international applicant, and I got accpeted to OSU last week. Though not officially admitted on the website ('cause I need to submit more financial document), I did recieve an official letter (just like everyone else) from the department.

p.s First post in the forum, haha. Good to know everyone is sharing the same anxiety with me during these weeks.

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I am actually an international applicant, and I got accpeted to OSU last week. Though not officially admitted on the website ('cause I need to submit more financial document), I did recieve an official letter (just like everyone else) from the department.

p.s First post in the forum, haha. Good to know everyone is sharing the same anxiety with me during these weeks.


Maybe I would receive the rejection letter soon.sad.gif

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I have to say that of all the programs I've had to wait on, UCSD is the most painful. I think my chances for admission are slim, but if I do get in then that's definitely where I'm going. If luck has it, my search process could end relatively early, but we'll just have to see. If I had to predict I'd say we're hearing Wednesday- that's what happened last year. Anybody have any information indicating otherwise?

Anyways, congrats to those who got good news today. Here's hoping for some good events tomorrow!

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So I asked Wisconsin's grad coordinator for their full placement record from the past few years and got this instead:

Thanks for writing to ask about our placement record. Our students do well on the academic job market and are placed at a significantly higher rate than the APSA average. We place graduates at the full range of institutions, from small teaching colleges to the top research departments. In the past few years our placements have included Virginia Tech, Alabama, Colorado, William & Mary, Michigan State, Pittsburgh, Wesleyan, TCU, Princeton, Lafayette, Marquette, Ohio University, and Haverford.

It's a good range of schools, but is it a bad sign that they won't give me a full rundown of where students have gone, year by year?

I think you should email them back specifically asking them for year by year placement. It's fair. And it will be funny when you get back a bunch of BS about how they don't keep a running list.

Bigger concern: forget about placement for a second. What is their definition of "the past few years," and how many of those positions were TT? Call their bluff on this one. I dare you. The results will be hilarious. Remember: for a rare moment, we have the bargaining leverage over the schools.

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With regards to schools not accepting their own graduates, this is not just an urban legend. There are many schools that actively prefer not to take people who did their undergraduate degree for a PhD. It's different for masters students and it isn't ALL schools, but it's a lot of schools. It's about diversifying both the department and the students' intellectual influences. I don't know whether British schools are like this though...I know in some European countries this is decidedly -not- true, but I don't know about the UK.

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Sorry to double post, but it does seem strange that if you were applying to the department and had the chair as a reference they wouldn't have told you, "Sure, I'll write it, but you should know we typically don't accept our own undergrads for PhDs" so maybe it isn't true at LSE. I'd think your department would tell you if they felt this way.

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Sorry to double post, but it does seem strange that if you were applying to the department and had the chair as a reference they wouldn't have told you, "Sure, I'll write it, but you should know we typically don't accept our own undergrads for PhDs" so maybe it isn't true at LSE. I'd think your department would tell you if they felt this way.

Yeah, I would tend to agree with this. Seems very bizarre. Why don't you just talk to your professors? Surely they will be able to tell you what happened?

I did my undergrad in the UK as well and I am not aware of a general policy/attitude that discourages students to stay at their undergrad institution, but it might very much depend on individual faculty members.

I applied to LSE as well - what was your course?

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Berkeley acceptances are out. Proud to claim the first one on the results board! It was a nice surprise this early in the morning... it's on 6:30 on the west coast. Makes going to my crappy job just a little easier today. Good luck to everyone else.

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