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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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In at UCLA but I didn't add it to the Results Search yet. Via email.

Congrats! Not only are you a PhD admissions rock star, but you give all of us waitlisters some hope that if there are enough people in your situation that things might work out for us, too wink.gif

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Are any of the UCLA admits Comparativists?

I know Tan is Pol. Theory, what about the rest? Thanks alot.

Im really, really hoping for UCLA to break my string of rejections. (0 for 3 so far).

At least I guess all admissions will be done there on Monday.

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Looking at the results page, it looks like the UCLA acceptances are being sent out by individual professors, so it might be a case that some responsible for sending them out are not working today.

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I wonder why there haven't been more UCLA acceptances posted. Perhaps they haven't sent them all out; then again, it is the weekend, so maybe people just aren't checking. In any event, congrats to the admits!

Maybe a couple of subfields got ahead of themselves this weekend, and the rest will come early next week.  Just a guess.

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Thanks for replying. And also massive congrats to yourself, SP and Tan. I'm glad admissions is going well for you guys! :)

Thanks sunseeker, and certainly don't lose hope for UCLA as these are definitely being sent out by subfield.

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I'm in at Rutgers! Their website updated tonight. Finally, after two rejections this week, I know I'm going to grad school! :D

Hey! I just joined the forum. I got accepted to Rutgers in January and just went for a visit. I'm pretty sure I'm going to say yes to Rutgers on Monday. What's your field? Do you have a regional focus?

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First, congrats to everyone and anyone who heard good news today. It's good to see that even weekends can be exciting on GradCafe!

I'm so ready for the decision process to be over. I'm definitely doing some hand wrining over U of Minnesota. I'm pretty sure that I'm a no-go at MIT, as it was one of my big reaches, and with Notre Dame and SUNY-Albany, I expect I'll be admitted (more so at the latter) but they're both moot points as I wouldn't attend anyhow. It's Minnesota that I'd really prefer to have out of the way. Of course we aren't supposed to hear anything until the first week of March.

If people want to take a look at the post I put up about my profile, I'd be interested to hear what people think. I really am unsure as to whether I will get in, although all along that's been on the reachier (if that's a word!) side. However, it's not like MIT where I feel I'd be a sure-fire reject. Anyways, like I said, can't wait for this whole thing to come to a conclusion!

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Hey! I just joined the forum. I got accepted to Rutgers in January and just went for a visit. I'm pretty sure I'm going to say yes to Rutgers on Monday. What's your field? Do you have a regional focus?

I'm a comparativist with a Middle East focus. (I'm also interested in democratization, Islamist groups, and international terrorism). So it looks like we have three of us so far (amandaaimeparis as well) on TheGradCafe who will be in the incoming cohort. Cool!

I guess that was your January acceptance on the Results page? I'm guessing since you got in almost a month before the rest of the admits you were the department's nominee for the University Fellowship? (Not sure if you were told, or want to say if you were.) Either way, that's quite an achievement. Looking forward to meeting you!

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I'm a comparativist with a Middle East focus. (I'm also interested in democratization, Islamist groups, and international terrorism). So it looks like we have three of us so far (amandaaimeparis as well) on TheGradCafe who will be in the incoming cohort. Cool!

I guess that was your January acceptance on the Results page? I'm guessing since you got in almost a month before the rest of the admits you were the department's nominee for the University Fellowship? (Not sure if you were told, or want to say if you were.) Either way, that's quite an achievement. Looking forward to meeting you!

I actually wasn't told I was the nominee for the University Fellowship, but if I am that would be great. I don't know if you looked at my profile but I'm also a comparativist with a Middle East focus. I am interested in Islamist movements, authoritarianism, democratization, Bedouin, Shi'i political thought, and the relationship between economic conditions and political violence. I saw you studied in Jordan. I lived in Egypt for three years. I think that Eric Davis is pushing for a lot of Middle East people this year, which is really exciting.

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Harvard University, I suspect that since many other admit "lines" to the govt. dept. opened last week, this week will bring the final govt. dept. decisions. On a related note, we will see if user "SuddenlyParanoid" becomes the Michael Phelps of graduate school admissions (and no, I don't mean the pothead, arrested for drunk driving version).

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curufinwe, I have a hunch Brandeis might disclose their decisions this week. How much is Brandeis a bellwether for you?

With the trend of rejections, I'd be so happy if Brandeis sent an acceptance. Otherwise, I don't see myself getting in to any other places.

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With the trend of rejections, I'd be so happy if Brandeis sent an acceptance. Otherwise, I don't see myself getting in to any other places.

I would rank Brandeis slightly above CUNY, and, depending on your interests, in striking distance of Brown. If you are sent an acceptance, it could be a game change.

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