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What did you study in undergrad?


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I'm one of those who's switching sides in the transfer to graduate school. In my undergrad I am majoring in Applied Economics and International Affairs and Commerce. In all these four years I have taken two political science courses: Intro to and International.

I really like Econ and the tools of it, but I slowly became jaded about the subject matter and the assumptions they make. I still love micro, but hate macro.

I'm wondering how many other field switchers are out there!?

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My undergrad was pretty standard for my potential grad field: International Relations and Poli Sci majors, Arabic minor. I guess my philosophy minor might be a tad different, but far from unique. I never even really got to take that many straight-up electives, either. Just Intro to Psych freshman year. Basically everything else has been in my majors/minors. I totally liked it that way, but it's pretty boring, I guess!

Edited by rwfan88
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English (writing emphasis) and Peace Studies. With the latter, I took a lot of IR courses, but I also took a bunch of other social science courses. Very interdisciplinary (read: I got to take all the classes I wanted and none of the ones I didn't).

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undergrad in business administration. but 24 credits before graduation, i realized i wanna go all academia and that i like politics. so i finished my degree and am currently doing an MA in polisci.

imagine how my parents are disappointed that they'll have a child in academia that could've earned A LOT of money :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started undergrad as a History/Sec. Ed major, then added PoliSci minor, then dropped education and became a double major in History and PoliSci

If I had to do it over again I would have done History/PoliSci double major and an Econ minor. I would like to do more historical/qualitative research (hence my history background), but I wish I had taken more econ/stats classes just to have more of a background in quant methods. No use living in the past though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Politics and Gender Studies. I really enjoyed both and tried to bring a perspective from each into various classes. My gender studies work makes me a hate a lot of essentialism, though. And for that, taking psychology was incredibly infuriating. My department doesn't have a lot of gender influence, but our gender studies department is one of the finest in the world and it is growing. The interdisciplinary work will in the future, too. We have one young prof who only does gender and politics research which is AWESOME, but I didn't get to experience all of that.

Two of the places I have applied and one of my acceptances had a great gender studies and politics connection. I might minor in it in grad school.

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