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What you think the adcoms are saying about your application


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two different situations:

"Top liberal arts school, decent GPA, although it is not honors. His GREs are terrible, but his recs and SoP are excellent. Plus he is an amazing fit. Let's put in the yes pile"

"Hahahaha his GRE score are terrible and he didn't get honors. His WS theory is stupid and well he made a grammatical error in his SoP. Never in a million years."

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"Why is someone who is about to get a JD trying to get into a Master's program? What horrible flaws is he hiding? Oh wait, his law school doesn't calculate a GPA but still gives out grades. He must be failing law school, and wants to make a career out of being a perpetual student. Well, not at our school, buddy."

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This is my favorite thread in the Waiting it Out section. I've not actually posted on it because, like many people, my confidence in my applications changes with the wind. On my good days I imagine them saying "Oh yes, I remember this guy. He was engaged and thoughtful and his application materials aren't half bad." On my bad days I imagine them saying "Oh... that guy? He was a little hot-headed and I wonder if he has the stamina to complete the PhD" (<-- I DO!). Anyhoo... tomorrow is Monday. The hope returns!

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:wub: oooooohhhh....... You should get that published so I can read it and drool. :wub: What an awesome topic!

There are good books out there on the subject

Two I cited a lot in the paper:

Burleigh, Michael. Sacred Causes: the Clash of Religion and Politics, from the Great War to the War On Terror. 1st U.S. ed. New York: HarperCollins, 2007.

Steigmann-Gall, Richard. The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945. NEW YORK: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

And then they sited this one but I didn't use as much as I could:

Matheson, Peter. Third Reich and the Christian Churches. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark Publishers, 1981.

There are some others but I had to be choosey or else I would walk of out of the library with two dozen. If you search your university library for "nazi, hitler, church" you'll get a ton. The Brown Priests are interesting, they could easily be a paper by themselves.

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Committee member No. 1: Sooo.... he's an ***rchist...?

*intense laughter from everyone*



Commitee Member No. 2: Ms. [secretary], please have our people forward this application to the department of homeland security.

[ :( ]

Edited by koolherc
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D- in calc, and she's applying to the stat department?!?!?!

.....maybe we should let her in and see if she spontaneously combusts during the first quarter.

Don't lose hope! My husband failed a programming class (or more, I can't remember) and was accepted into a computer science grad program

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I had a dream that I was talking to some people on gchat when all of a sudden my POI starts chatting with me and says I've been admitted. I got so excited that I accidentally wrote what was intended for my friend to my POI, something along the lines of "oh my f***ing god! I cant believe it! they actually are letting me in! I cant believe they didn't see through my application!" My POI gets so offended that he changes his mind and rejects me right then and there on gchat...

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  • 2 weeks later...

"He changed majors and schools how many times?!?"

Yup (5 majors, 2 schools). My transcripts are kind of indecipherable without an accompanying narrative :(

Also, "4 jobs over 3 years, can fudge through 3 languages without full proficiency in any, and to top it off, has dual citizenship? Talk about indecisive. Someone get this kid some Ritalin."

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I thought I would start this up for this years application pool!

All my thoughts keep returning to the adcom thinking

*Good GRE, good GPA, great experience..WOW...but wait she didn't take calculus? And only one semester of physics, biochemistry and organic? Tsk Tsk!*

Well, I'll be honest... How the heck do you do anything at all in neuroscience without calculus? Not even first year differential/integral?

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ADCOM 1: 3.8 GPA from prestigious liberal arts school, seven kick-ass LORs from semi-famous faculty...

ADCOM 2: Meh GRE scores. Kinda weak SOP.

ADCOM 3: Independent research experience in Algonquin religious practices? Who's doing that these days?

ADCOM 4: She's...a Native American Muslim? Too much diversity!

ADCOM 5: Her writing sample deals with the circumpolar bear cults in Wisconsin?

ALL: WTF? *toss* NEXT! *maniacal laughter*

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ADCOM 1: 3.8 GPA from prestigious liberal arts school, seven kick-ass LORs from semi-famous faculty...

ADCOM 2: Meh GRE scores. Kinda weak SOP.

ADCOM 3: Independent research experience in Algonquin religious practices? Who's doing that these days?

ADCOM 4: She's...a Native American Muslim? Too much diversity!

ADCOM 5: Her writing sample deals with the circumpolar bear cults in Wisconsin?

ALL: WTF? *toss* NEXT! *maniacal laughter*

I dunno... you sound pretty darn awesome to me and any adcom that doesn't admit you would be losing out.

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There are good books out there on the subject

Two I cited a lot in the paper:

Burleigh, Michael. Sacred Causes: the Clash of Religion and Politics, from the Great War to the War On Terror. 1st U.S. ed. New York: HarperCollins, 2007.

Steigmann-Gall, Richard. The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945. NEW YORK: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

And then they sited this one but I didn't use as much as I could:

Matheson, Peter. Third Reich and the Christian Churches. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark Publishers, 1981.

There are some others but I had to be choosey or else I would walk of out of the library with two dozen. If you search your university library for "nazi, hitler, church" you'll get a ton. The Brown Priests are interesting, they could easily be a paper by themselves.

(I obviously haven't been on the GC enough since I just saw this!)

I'm SO excited to check out those books!!! Thank you! :D

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I keep imagining I have the magical power to hack into email and discover if I am already rejected and just don't know it. I haven't imagined what they are saying since I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be that good. It would probably be along the lines of "Not good enough" "Is this a CV?" "Why does her SOP start with her reading Derrida inside a garbage can? Despite it being for a Beckett rehearsal, that's just too strange. She voluntarily spent hours inside of a garbage can."

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oh goodness me, that is EFFING BRILLIANT hahahaaha. Automatic acceptance everywhere.

Thanks! When writing it, I was like this really shows them what kind of person I am. But everyone who knows me, knows what a fun and amazing crazy person I am, and I think they may just get "crazy person."

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Thanks! When writing it, I was like this really shows them what kind of person I am. But everyone who knows me, knows what a fun and amazing crazy person I am, and I think they may just get "crazy person."

I didn't! But I suppose I could report a similar experience, those who know me understand. To outsiders, perhaps it's not as hilarious as we think it is hahaha (but obv they're wrong)

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