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Rejection from Ohio! But I've committed to Smith. Going to visit tomorrow

Have so much fun starandsound. I went to Smith for under grad and loved working with Andrea and Len very much. Ps I Really miss boating on the pond.

Also just wanted to thank folks for their responses to my last post. I needed some honest feedback about funding and not being the idiot that walks away from a good deal. NYU will likely be my home for the next two years. Headed up there next week to visit but if anyone knows anything about their program I would love info. Only apprehensive since it is the program I knew the last about while applying.

Still no info from northwestern but I have serious doubts about funding from them.

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I will lurkin thank you so much! I'm really looking forward to it! Len has been so much fun to talk to and I'm really excited about the pond and I want to write in the Japanese tea house.

I think NYU sounds like a great choice. I have heard that northwestern doesn't offer a lot by means of funding.

Maybe message me your info? I'd love to be in touch since you're a fellow smithie! I want to read your writing! That goes for everyone on here actually. I feel like we've all been through so much together! After these months of waiting! Ha

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Aaaahhhh Noho! I'm jealous. Have some delicious ice cream for all of us.


Officially accepted the offer to extend my internship. It's not gonna be neat and easy financially, thanks to the aforementioned breakup, but I'm excited nonetheless - especially about having a reading of one of my plays this fall! Congrats to everyone who's headed for school this fall. For the rest of us, we're gonna have our own great adventures....right? :D

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Hey, ok so yes. I am receiving 75% of my tuition in aid. And yes I have accepted! Very excited. I've also applied for housing on campus because it would be so great to just be completely involved. Smith gives very good funding and I've met some of the people there and they're wonderful.

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Oh and thanks lavender! And congrats on the internship!!! Those who aren't off to grad this fall can celebrate saving money and having free time (woohoo) so think of the rest of us fondly haha. I'll post info here as I find out more. So far, I am thrilled with smith.

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Thanks, MCW :) I'm pumped. And on a related note, I have still not heard officially from cmu or Arizona state, although I'm fairly certain I'm out. It's irrelevant, since I've accepted at smith but.., I would like to know! Haha

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Hello all, 


I've been radio silent and creeping these last few weeks. Here's my school run-down so far:


-Yale: no


-Ohio: no


-Haven't heard from Indiana, Iowa, or Juilliard (which is the 15th, according to their email)


-I've been waitlisted at Arizona State, which, by their Youtube video, looks to be a pretty great program. And Guillermo was great to speak with on the phone. Anyone else know much about ASU?


Congrats to those who are in and good luck to those of us who are not just yet.



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So I bit the bullet and contacted Iowa. They were really nice and returned my call right away. I asked about the status of my application. Maybe I should have been more specific (I should have asked if they interviewed applicants), but they said they would let everyone know their status of application on or around 4/15 like Juilliard. On the website it said they interview finalists. I'm not quite sure if 4/15 is when they announce finalists. Would make sense, because I haven't talked to a single person who's heard anything. But we'll see. I gave my first and last name and I would think if they interviewed candidates already they would've stated that. But again. We'll see. Any thoughts? 


Also, did anyone apply to Huntington for their playwriting fellowship? Still waiting to hear on that. 


I didn't apply to Princess Grace this year, but good luck to those who did!

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4/15 is the deadline to commit at most schools.  I buy it out of Julliard cause they don't grant a degree, but dang Iowa!  They have to be stretching the truth on this one, or else they are just committing to letting EVERY OTHER SCHOOL pick first.

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That's weird that 4/15 is the date to commit to most schools. Maybe they want to make sure that students are committed to Iowa over all of the other MFA programs. That's strange. I guess we'll soon see. Looking at the results search it seems that one round of applicants usually finds out by or around 4/15 for an interview, or rejection, and another round finds out by May making me think that 4/15 really is the date that finalists are announced. At least that's what I'm thinking. 

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There's sort of a "grad students rights" document signed by a whole bunch of grad schools- it states that students have until 4/15 to commit to a school.  Not every school has signed it, but most have, so it's kind of an industry standard.  That means that most programs try to make offers well in advance of the deadline so that prospectives can visit and be love bombed.  And I know that UT has made all its offers, so has Yale and Ohio, and Brown, and UI Carbondale and Columbia and NYU and Brooklyn, and if you hang out on the general MFA Draft '14 board, the vast majority of fiction/poetry schools (including Iowa) did their interviews and initial notifications in February/March, and are well into the musical chairs wait list game.


It seems sort of crazy on Iowa's part to be waiting this long.  There aren't that many playwriting applications.  If IWW can handle the insane amounts of fiction applications by March, the playwriting section should be able to cope with its much lower numbers.

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It seems sort of crazy on Iowa's part to be waiting this long.  There aren't that many playwriting applications.  If IWW can handle the insane amounts of fiction applications by March, the playwriting section should be able to cope with its much lower numbers.


just gonna throw this out there: if the school is having this much trouble selecting out of what should be a managable size applicant pool, you kind of have to wonder what *other* things they might have trouble with and whether you want to end up at that sort of school.

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Congrats on Arizona State Starandsound!


I dunno. Iowa required 2 plays to be sent and I know that it's a popular program to apply to. So it's not too much of a surprise. It does surprise me that they let applicants know on, or around the date they have to make a decision to attend other schools. Maybe to make their choice easier if someone has taken another offer. Not sure. 


This makes me think: 

How many applicants do you think each school has? I would think Yale has the most, but what number of applicants do you think is the average at certain schools? Usually for acting, or directing MFA applicants they're pretty upfront with the number. It would help put it into perspective. 

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That's the thing- it's not the decision deadline for other schools, it's the decision deadline for IOWA.  The University of Iowa signed the April 15th agreement.  So if you get a funded offer from them, you have till 4/15 to accept it.  I don't know how many people Iowa accepts, but maybe they get their funded acceptances out earlier?


Yale has reported getting 500-600 applications.  Julliard gets 300-400 (which includes tons of recent MFA grads).   But every other number I've heard quoted has been much, much lower.  Like 60 applications for really fantastic, well known and well-funded programs that get like, 800 fiction application. 35 for less well-known but still successful and well funded programs.  I've never heard a self-report on Iowa's numbers.

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