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Notre Dame


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Based on the results search, it seems that they usually contact their acceptances by phone the first weekday(s) of February. That means they should be calling tomorrow and Tuesday.

Has anybody else applied to ND? I think I only saw one other person's signature that said they were applying to ND.

Good luck to us!

Although I'm losing hope quickly!

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Based on the results search, it seems that they usually contact their acceptances by phone the first weekday(s) of February. That means they should be calling tomorrow and Tuesday.

Has anybody else applied to ND? I think I only saw one other person's signature that said they were applying to ND.

Good luck to us!

Although I'm losing hope quickly!

I've been laying low thus far... trying not to get too discouraged with this whole process. I know I'm definitely out of the game for good after this round of apps, so hopefully I'll hear something positive!

I applied to ND, Mich, NYU, Penn St., UPenn, Johns Hopkins, and Columbia (but to TC)

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I applied to ND last year. Its an intense program, but dont let that intimidate you. They were my first rejection, which came fairly quickly. Youll hear by March at the latest if its a rejection. I think youll hear soon if youre accepted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last year, first-round acceptances and rejections went out at the same time. Others were in a 'holding round,' mostly waiting for those accepted to reject. From my understanding, first-round acceptances have already gone out, as recruitment is scheduled for March 5. You may hear more closer to and after that date.

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I got into Notre Dame. The notification was an email. Pretty excited as it was high on my list. I'm sure they'll start notifying others soon! Probably just did it alphabetically, as my surname starts with A :)

Congratulations ghanablackstar8! It'd be much appreciated if you could let us know a little more about admission specifics- where you notified via email or phone? Did they say anything about the cohort size? Did you go for an interview? Do let us know!

Edited by karakiz
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Hello again,

In terms of my notification - I just received an email on Monday. It was from the DGS, and said "congrats" etc. It mentioned some of the strides being made in the dept. in recent years. Also, touched upon things like funding, stipend, etc. Finally, it mentioned the "admit visit day" in early March, I believe, and offerred an invitation to attend.

I did not have an interview. During the application process I did email several profs discussing my interests. Also, I sent an email after submitting my application to ask when a decision could be expected. :)

To everyone who has heard good news from all over - Congrats. To those waiting - be patient and good luck! I wish much success and happiness to all of us in our grad-school pursuits.!!

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