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When do we hear from schools? (NY applicants)

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I just got accepted into LIU Brooklyn! However, their program is under probation right now so I feel kind of conflicted. But they're the only acceptance I have and I have a waitlist from Adelphi. 

Does anyone have any information on the LIU Brooklyn program? 

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8 minutes ago, bianxrose said:

I just got accepted into LIU Brooklyn! However, their program is under probation right now so I feel kind of conflicted. But they're the only acceptance I have and I have a waitlist from Adelphi. 

Does anyone have any information on the LIU Brooklyn program? 

Congratulations! I too am accepted but I'm not sure if I will accept their offer. My friend's friend attends the program and told me that the SLP department head was just fired. They seem to be going through a major restructuring. They are extremely disorganized.

You also may have been accepted to the online cohort. It's not well known, but that was what I was accepted to. 

Good luck! 

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12 minutes ago, bianxrose said:

I just got accepted into LIU Brooklyn! However, their program is under probation right now so I feel kind of conflicted. But they're the only acceptance I have and I have a waitlist from Adelphi. 

Does anyone have any information on the LIU Brooklyn program? 

BTW I see you applied to St. John's and Touro. Have you heard back from St. John's? I haven't. If you have not heard back from Touro, don't lose hope, two years ago my coworker found out in May that she was accepted to Touro.

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5 minutes ago, 2bridges said:

BTW I see you applied to St. John's and Touro. Have you heard back from St. John's? I haven't. If you have not heard back from Touro, don't lose hope, two years ago my coworker found out in May that she was accepted to Touro.

Unfortunately, I was rejected by St. John's because apparently they didn't receive my stuff on time. I haven't heard from Touro yet but I know someone who was. 

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1 hour ago, bianxrose said:

Unfortunately, I was rejected by St. John's because apparently they didn't receive my stuff on time. I haven't heard from Touro yet but I know someone who was. 

I think the Speech@NYU deadline for Fall 2017 is in May or June, if your interested.

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For people still waiting on decisions, do you plan on contacting the colleges to hopefully encourage them to pick you and to sort of see what the status of your application is? I know the faculty members are swamped and many are probably using this April break to get work done with these decisions, but man oh man is it tough to wait it out! Part of me wants them to take as long as they need because I'm hoping someone is fighting/pulling for me to get in despite my stats. But I'm curious as to how everyone is dealing with the wait thus far.. 

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@SpeechLaedy  So I am currently on a few waitlists and one of them is my top school! I almost sent them an email last week to let them know I am still very much interested and that if I do get accepted I will accept! However, I got nervous and decided against the email! Basically, I chickened out. 

Does anyone here think an email would do any good? I was thinking something short and sweet. I would thank them for the continuing consideration but basically make sure the school knows I that I am still interested and that I would 100% accept if they offer me a position?

I could also add in something about the two people who interviewed me thanking them and mentioning something they said from the interview that confirmed the perfect fit for me in their program? Or possibly how the interview/visit to campus made me more excited at the possibility of attending their program?


Does this look desperate? Overall, I do not want to be annoying or cause them to look upon me negatively. At the same time I  do not want to regret not sending an email if it might give me an extra edge when they are looking over the list to fill in open spots? Any suggestions or input is very appreciated!! 



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I think you guys should send these schools emails on monday or sometime next week considering today is the deadline for most students to accept their seats! So I'm assuming starting next week is when a lot of schools will send out second rounds of acceptances or people will be accepted off of waitlists. I think that sending an email reiterating your interest in the program can only help you!! Don't make it lengthy, like @ahun17 said, short and sweet will be just fine! 

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