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I, too, caved, and was notified that I've been placed on the waitlist. I get the feeling that it might be a long one, so I'm afraid to be optimistic. But I would LOVE to go to UVa - such a great program and lovely place. Anyone have any info on the waitlist? Or want to commiserate with me in Limbo? I'm waitlisted at 2 programs and for first-year funding at the third.

I'm too chicken to contact them.

I haven't heard a peep from UVA throughout the ENTIRE process. If I've been waitlisted, I DON'T WANT TO KNOW - it'll send me on a spin (another raised hope) - and if I've been rejected - why oh why won't they let me know already?? (I would be shocked beyond belief if they waitlisted me. I can't imagine why - my app this year was a total bust - unless they enjoy unfocused SOPs etc LOL)

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I was one of the people who posted a waitlist reply. I emailed Dr. Hunter to ask whether my application was still under consideration, and he replied within minutes that I am "quite high up" on the waitlist. He said, "Sorry this is going so slowly. We are waiting on some decisions." I don't know whether he meant decisions on applications or decisions from admitted students, but I'm guessing the latter.

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I was one of the people who posted a waitlist reply. I emailed Dr. Hunter to ask whether my application was still under consideration, and he replied within minutes that I am "quite high up" on the waitlist. He said, "Sorry this is going so slowly. We are waiting on some decisions." I don't know whether he meant decisions on applications or decisions from admitted students, but I'm guessing the latter.

I'm so confused by this, I too e-mailed him today (early this morning) and have yet to get a response. This is beyond frustrating, its almost April!

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I also just heard from Professor Hunter as well. (Poor guy must be working overtime to keep up with all of our e-mails!) He told me that I am "right at the top" of the wait-list and asked me to hold off on decisions for a bit. It seems that several of us have been told this, though—does anybody have a sense of how long the list is, or how likely we are to get off of it?

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My impression is that the list is a bit longish judging from the number of posters who have been told some variation of the same thing ("close to the top," "right at the top," "pretty high up"). I'm trying to keep hopeful, but doesn't look good since there will be a number of students vying for the spots who aren't represented on the forum.

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I just got in off the wait-list!!! Good luck to those still waiting—there is clearly still hope, and the "near top of the list" assurance seems to mean something after all.

Congratulations, ratiocinator! How exciting for you! Yay. :D

Everyone else: hang in there, there's still hope!!

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I just got in off the wait-list!!! Good luck to those still waiting—there is clearly still hope, and the "near top of the list" assurance seems to mean something after all.

Congrats! Good to hear that there's movement happening over there!

And yes, to those who did hear that they are high up on the list, I think it's sincere - my waitlist email included no such suggestion, talking in terms of "possibility" instead of probability. So they're not telling everyone that.

Rumor has it that UVa tightly controls their matriculation rate and generally goes fairly deep into the waitlist. I'm hoping that holds true this year, and that it's deep enough to get to me - I'm still clinging to that "possibility"!

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Preferring the safe anonymity of a phone call instead of a direct email, I contacted them today. They told me that they had received hundreds of applications and it was taking them a while to get through them all. I asked if they had given out all of the acceptances already and these would be the rejections and I was told that there would be both, and everything should be sent by the end of the month. Good luck to everyone!

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Okay, it was me! And believe me, if I can get off that wait list, anything is possible. I had lots of rejections from lesser schools. Needless to say, I am ecstatic. All those agonizing weeks of waiting paid off!

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I wonder if I should write them. I haven't heard a peep since I sent in my app.

Update - just emailed Prof. Hunter. GAH.

Quentinc - congratulations!!! What's your specialty field?

Bran - does that GAH mean bad news...? :(

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Bran - does that GAH mean bad news...? :(

no news yet, the GAH is just... I emailed to find out. and I kind of promised myself I wouldn't (because if I'm waitlisted I DON'T WANT TO KNOW LOL). I just got an away-from-office auto-email saying that Prof. Hunter is only sporadically on email between the 25th and 28th. Considering it's the 31st, he should really stop that auto-email LOL.

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no news yet, the GAH is just... I emailed to find out. and I kind of promised myself I wouldn't (because if I'm waitlisted I DON'T WANT TO KNOW LOL). I just got an away-from-office auto-email saying that Prof. Hunter is only sporadically on email between the 25th and 28th. Considering it's the 31st, he should really stop that auto-email LOL.

Final update - got a very nice email back from Prof. Hunter - I had a strong app, blah blah, but it's a reject ("we had an unusual number of strong applicants this year").

Oh well. Expected.

Here's to 2011!!

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Did anyone else applying for a PhD at Virginia get an offer for the MA program? I applied to Virginia because I love their program, but I absolutely never expected to be offered anything. Their MA is completely without funding though, so I'm currently trying to decide what to do (out of state tuition makes me want to cry). Anyone else in a similar situation?

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