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Make the (irrelevant) emails stop!


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I got a badly worded email today that had me excited for a few hours. This came after I interviewed with them Thurdsay...

"Dear Michael,

We recognize with the downturn in the economy, the challenge of funding a graduate education is greater than ever. You may be struggling with questions about how you will be able to afford your studies at California College of the Arts (CCA)."

They sent this out to everyone who applied. My heart was racing for awhile.

Edited by michaelwebster
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Same... It's a love/hate relationship... Can't live with em, can't live without em

Yep, an emphatic 'yes' to that. Sadly enough, my iPhone is my life. :lol: Still, with my nerves quickly becoming shot (again) I'm trying to keep it out of my sight as much as humanly possible.

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I'm so with the OP on this topic. I think I have the worst kind of emails too because most of them are from my potential schools. I almost get an email everyday from one of my schools regarding my application which is getting annoying and uneventful to say the least but at least they know I exist so that's a plus. But today, I received this extremely irritating email that scared the crap out of me:

Dear ----,

I am pleased to inform you that your admissions file has been recently forwarded to the Department of Mechanical & Materials Engin for committee review.

Who the heck starts an email off like that "pleased to inform you" and then ends with telling you it's been sent to the committee! What the heck, seriously! Trying to give me a heart attack for no reason. I'll just take all these stirring emails as since you like to spam me with so much irrelevant matters, that means I'm in. Yes I'll think that.

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Don't you just hate stupid phone calls? I was in the shower this morning when I heard my phone ringing. I got out of the shower half-covered in my towel, ran to the phone and... A lady asking for some Mrs. Whoever (wrong number). Result: both my desk and my floor all covered in water. Thankfully there are not neighbors on the other side of the road to see me running half-naked through the window. sad.gif

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Yep, an emphatic 'yes' to that. Sadly enough, my iPhone is my life. :lol: Still, with my nerves quickly becoming shot (again) I'm trying to keep it out of my sight as much as humanly possible.

Oh, me too...and failing miserably! :huh:

Hope you're having better luck! :lol:

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I just had to revive my own thread (sorry!) to share this:

Not only did I just get an email from the Dean's office at my potential school (on a Sunday morning!) that sent my heart rate through the roof ... the email ended up being a long letter from the dean himself about how bad the budget cuts were going to be this year. One more reason I'm not getting in ...

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What program are you applying for there? I applied there...and they are the ones that sent me the email this week that had me crap my pants before I realized it wasn't what I thought it was hahah.

Political Science MA. Honestly, why two in one day? Because when you see the second, you're like, no way can there be two shit emails in one day! It must be my decision! But there was two shit emails.

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Political Science MA. Honestly, why two in one day? Because when you see the second, you're like, no way can there be two shit emails in one day! It must be my decision! But there was two shit emails.

I think I would have ______ed my pants if I got a second email from them. March 1st...if I wasn't obsession over the results page before, I will now.

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I found out how to have my university account text me my emails, but it only texts the first two lines or so. I've been bringing my netbook everywhere in my purse just in case. :(

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I've apparently found myself on one of my prospective university's lecture series mail list. Not relevant to me considering I am more than 3000 miles away, buuuut I dont want to unsubscribe lest it look like I am not interested in the school...

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yes, yes, YES to everything on this thread.

I interviewed with MIT while I was on campus visiting my fiance, and while I was there I made some friends and exchanged some emails. I didn't know their last names, and when I got an email from unrecognizedname@mit.edu my heart positively stopped. From one of the new buddies, of course. I don't know WHY I freaked out so much, I knew for a fact final decisions weren't being made for a few days. I guess I can't help it at this point!

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Well yesterday i received a slightly relevant and irrelevant email...

Short story (hang with me): I visited the school last year during this time, knowing it was a year before I would apply. Meet with admissions, sit in on a class, go on a tour, etc. On the tour I met the asst. director of the program who was quite literally going through applications with another director in his office. One of the girls on the tour joked about having him pull her file and "star" it...and he did. So I made a joke about how she should have baked him cookies or slipped him $20 and the director turned to me and said "What's your name?"; he offered to "star" my application as well and I explained that I wouldn't be able to apply until next year at the earliest. He gave me his business card and told me to email him when I did and he would gladly star my application.

Now a year has passed and I feel like a weirdo emailing the guy...but I did. Just a quick one paragraph email to help recall the memory. He emailed me back yesterday to let me know he remembered the story and the deal...and he was pleased to hear that I applied.

Now I want to email him and say "Now that we're good buddies, can you tell me if I got in yet?!?!!?" laugh.gif

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Haha, thought u guys might find this one funny. I drafted a letter to a school on my yahoo accout asking application status, and then sent it to my hotmail acct.( the one I use to communicate w schools). I then opened my hotmail acct. forgetting I sent myself the email and nearly gave myself a heart attack.... Yes everyone, sometimes we are our own worst enemy, lol

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What's worse than the irrelevant emails is when your school email account is down. "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable." Thanks school! I have emails to obsess over. angry.gif

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I think I would have ______ed my pants if I got a second email from them. March 1st...if I wasn't obsession over the results page before, I will now.

They got me again today with an email on how to finance my grad education. Like, really? Does this mean you want me to finance it at your school? If not, stop telling me shit I already figured out my freshman year!! It's like they know they're my top choice and they're deliberately torturing me.

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Yeah, Barnes & Noble sends me crap constantly, as does Facebook. It is really annoying. It is made all the more annoying by the fact that my email is linked to my phone, so whenever I get an email, my phone buzzes or rings, and then the adrenaline starts pumping, and then I discover its from B&N or Redbox or something else irrelevant. I need to hear back soon!!!

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They got me again today with an email on how to finance my grad education. Like, really? Does this mean you want me to finance it at your school? If not, stop telling me shit I already figured out my freshman year!! It's like they know they're my top choice and they're deliberately torturing me.

Dammit NSSR sent me it again! Stop! Honestly, if you don't want to admit me, then just reject me. Don't get rid of me by sending me so many shit emails I have a heart attack and die.

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Dammit NSSR sent me it again! Stop! Honestly, if you don't want to admit me, then just reject me. Don't get rid of me by sending me so many shit emails I have a heart attack and die.

They got me this morning...almost died when I saw "NSSR Admissions"

Thank you very much for your interest in the MFA in Creative Writing program at The New School....etc etc.

I didn't apply to the creative writing program! ARGH!! blink.gif

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ARRGHHH irrelevant emails are SO ANNOYING!!!! Mainly I've been getting useless emails from my discussion section TAs and some instructors regarding assignment submission, this week's schedule, late policy, all that junk which is all covered on syllabus, but they keep sending it because NOBODY in my classes read syllabus carefully.

And of course, there's my major advisor who never stop sending strings of emails (average 5-6 times per day) about research opportunities I'm not even interested in. I've already had several full-time research experiences and have applied to four internships this summer, so no thanks, I don't need any, stop flooding my inbox.

And occasional emails from the dean of college or the chancellor about recent events on campus, protests, budget crisis, etc. Seriously, I'm graduating this May, I COULD CARE LESS.

And emails from athletic department about upcoming events such as boxing match between us and this other school, etc. I. DON'T. CARE.

I have disabled all email notifications from facebook, twitter, and other networking applications.

I lost count of how many emails I've deleted in just past three days.

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