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March is a scant four days away. THIS will be the month that most of those of us who are waiting will finally find out what's what. And I know that's what we said about January. And February. But it pretty much has to be March, right? ...Right?!

Congratulations on surviving the waiting so far. Only... theoretically... perhaps... maybe... one more month of application anxiety. Good luck!

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I'm a newbie here, but I'm glad to be here with those who are in the same boat as I'm in.

With that said, I am now waiting with bated breath.

I didn't really freak out at all this month because it took so long for my applications to be officially filed (my top choice sent me the completed application confirmation the second week of February), so I'm guessing that March really is it.

Good luck to everyone!

Edited by VUbrat08
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I'm a newbie here, but I'm glad to be here with those who are in the same boat as I'm in.

With that said, I am now waiting with bated breath.

I didn't really freak out at all this month because it took so long for my applications to be officially filed (my top choice sent me the completed application confirmation the second week of February), so I'm guessing that March really is it.

Good luck to everyone!

I know what you mean. I didn't submit my actual application until 10 days before the deadline, and one of my profs didn't even submit her letter until the day before the deadline (everything was done online so I could see when my profs submitted the letters), and I didn't get an email until last Tuesday telling me that my application was officially complete and was being forwarded to the admissions committee. So I'm not expecting any decisions until close to March 15, which is the date by which they will have their decisions ready. Here's hoping!

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Ditto ditto ditto. Looks like some scoop for NSSR says the first batch of letters goes out March 10th...I don't know if I can wait that long.

I'm okay with getting rejection letter(s), but it's the waiting that's so rough for me. I'm usually a patient person with stuff like this, but with this, I'm sure my bloodpressure is higher while I sit and wait. Sigh.

Cheers to Marchblink.gif

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I'm just hoping those rejections come soon.

I mean, come ON - I KNOW I'm not getting in this year, why keep me in suspense????

Hurrah March!!

I totally know what you mean. I just want to get it over with so that I can move on do other things with my life like self improvement or something. It's like we're all in limbo. :(

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I totally know what you mean. I just want to get it over with so that I can move on do other things with my life like self improvement or something. It's like we're all in limbo. :(

I'm applying again next year - and am technically already working towards that (researching more schools, mulling over SoP, focusing research interests, starting to mull over writing sample that needs to be expanded and improved, etc.), but I would like that low-level limbo to just GO AWAY. Once in a while I catch myself thinking - OMG, what if I DO get in this year? I just got new job (since I was pretty sure that grad school would be postponed for a year), two new students (ditto), have loads of shit to get together (financial mess), HOW WILL I DO IT?? - But on the other hand, if you get into ANY of the schools I applied to, you just don't say no, do you??

So I want those rejections. since I can't see myself turning Yale down. EVER. (But I doubt they would take me this year. So why make me suffer? Why not send out the rejection already?) *sigh*

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Why did I only apply to two schools!? Why haven't either of them given me an official notice!? Freaking out. Come on March, we've been pals for a long time now, don't do me wrong.

Hey, two schools are enough if you get accepted at one of them. If you think you are a good fit at those schools and your applications were quality, then two may be all you need. King David may have had five sling stones in his quvier, but he only needed one to kill Goliath. Of course, those sling stones were the size of small cannon balls. Here's to applications that make an impact like a cannon ball. :D

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Somebody should have told me. I had no idea. When I decided to apply to a graduate program in the US I just thought it was a matter of sending papers, and then magically around March, somebody would send a nice acceptance email, and that's it. But no! then I discovered there were interviews (awful and tricky interviews!), and then people being accepted and people being waitlisted, and then the results page of GradCafe, and now... I AM TOTALLY OBSESSED with knowing my outcomes!

And also, pretty sorry for not putting more effort on those applications. I did discover this site too late.

*thanks for letting me rant*

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*munches on carrots out of sheer nervousness*

I think I have to buy popcorn for something else to actually munch on. I wish I had my Gone With the Wind DVD here with me to pass the time...

No, this month can't be over yet. Wait, I need March to come. No. I actually need a decision- acceptance or wait-list by March 7th SO I can SHARE some news with my family before I head back to school!

Anyone going home for their spring break and wishing they had some kind of news to share with the 'rents?

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Anyone going home for their spring break and wishing they had some kind of news to share with the 'rents?

It's Passover that's looming for me. A whole whack of judgmental family members all in one place at one time, all around to ask me "So do you have any life plans already?" Or "I don't see why you don't just call them and tell them to make up their minds faster. Do you want my cousin to call them? He went to graduate school, I think, so they might know him. Or was it grad school he went to? I can't remember. Something about electricians. But I'll get him to call them."

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It's Passover that's looming for me. A whole whack of judgmental family members all in one place at one time, all around to ask me "So do you have any life plans already?" Or "I don't see why you don't just call them and tell them to make up their minds faster. Do you want my cousin to call them? He went to graduate school, I think, so they might know him. Or was it grad school he went to? I can't remember. Something about electricians. But I'll get him to call them."

Lmao!! Same for me! Thankfully I've taught my parents to keep mum about my applications... My extended family knows that somewhere down the road I thought of applying... But they're not completely informed on where and for what. Good luck with the electrician thing! Happy Passover!

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