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Everything posted by sebastiansteddy

  1. Well all the power to you! But before your visiting day, I'd recommend reading at least something (an article at least) your POIs have written.
  2. You might want to read some articles or something before you go to visit. But... if you haven't read anything your POIs have written, how do you know they are "of interest" to you?
  3. CONGRATS! I am waiting on Irvine, and not sure whether I should assume I am rejected or not. I really want to know, because if I somehow am accepted, I'd arrange to visit there and Riverside on the same trip. Just wish I knew. But anyways, more importantly, CONGRATS! That is a huge accomplishment!!!
  4. Oh, I must have completely missed that. I'm not concerned though, I was just curious.
  5. I received my USC rejection letter today, and I am pretty far from CA. I am happy with the acceptances I have, so I am not upset, but I am curious: has anyone been accepted there yet?
  6. http://english.osu.edu/graduate-studies/admissions-info/open-house-new-students Here is the link.
  7. My advice would be to visit as many of your programs as you can, including Ohio if possible. Maybe once you visit it'll be easier to think everything through.
  8. CONGRATS!!! When I spoke to Dr. Garcha last week, he said that the department CANNOT accept more than 18 students for financial reasons. He sort of implied that they were not going to accept many, but keep a wait list. In other words, he made it seem like they were going to accept close to 18, and then go to the wait list as someone declines. I think that makes the odds better for those on it, so you have a decent shot!! (The above is my impression of what he said, not anything he explicitly stated.)
  9. When I was deciding on MA programs, I just observed. But this time, I might e-mail the professors of the classes I am sitting in on and asking what text(s) they'd be discussing that day so I can read them ahead of time. Is that excessive though? ETA: Even if I do read the materials ahead of time, I still wouldn't participate in discussion. I haven't been there all semester like the others, and they will have established themes in their points of discussion... it seems unfair to chirp in all of a sudden after they have worked hard to establish an arc to seminar discussion.
  10. For most of my POIs, I'd say I've read between 30-75% of the relevant works they have written, but certainly not EVERYTHING. Do I need to catch up? ETA: By relevant, I mean relevant to my research interests.
  11. Anyone have advice? Do you have to have read everything they've written? Only their most recent work? Only their most well-known work?
  12. But yes, to answer an earlier question, I am TERRIFIED of meeting POIs! Do you have to recognize them by appearance? Will they be wearing name tags? Do you have to have read EVERYTHING they have ever written?
  13. It would be amazing to get into Penn, but not holding my breath.
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