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  1. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to nickspoon in What area of research is your focus/did you apply for?   
    You forgot the (obviously, since it's mine) most important area of CS, theory!
  2. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to Deadmeat in Dejected After First Rejection?   
    Highly doubt you will be rejected in all 7 places! Just think positive and you will be ok. I think this whole thing isn't that stressful, it's sorta just like dating. Be yourself, give it your best shot, and if they say no to you... well then IT IS THEIR LOSS! Someone out there will want you, don't worry about it.
    In the meantime have a Cookie, they make everyone happy.
  3. Upvote
    dat_nerd got a reaction from Mecasickle in Has anyone heard from MIT EECS?   
    There's a good number of MIT computer science decisions that have been emailed over the past couple days. With the number of CS acceptances posted with comments and stats, I highly doubt that they are spam.
  4. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to FCP in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    My favorites from pages 31-50 - in no particular order. I hope everyone likes my summary of this thread. 
  5. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to lypiphera in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    "DON'T DO IT!"
    This is the response I got when I asked a grad student friend of mine if he had any advice about going to graduate school.
  6. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to pears in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    RubyBright, i have nothing to say..just this to show.

    ps: to heck with it, this is TOTALLY my new avatar.
  7. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to saphixation in rejected for funding , chances without funding   
    Delaware requires a 4.0 minimum AW score on the GRE. I'm guessing the reason you were rejected so quickly is because you didn't meet that minimum, and I suspect even if you reapplied without funding, you'd just get cut again for the same reason.
  8. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to csRequiresCoffee in UW CS admissions   
    I've seen a few admits to the UW CS PhD program - for those that were accepted/rejected, would you mind sharing your stats and what area of CS you are going for?  UW is my first choice and I haven't heard anything yet...
  9. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to Vincenzo in Last Semester Undergrads?   
    You have us.
    Admittedly a bunch of [twitch] lunatics, but...
  10. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to pears in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    bedmas: at least you have the patience to pull off a pokerface! my reactions are starting to look more and more like grumpy cat's every day...
    them: "why would you want to go there? i mean, it's a state school. you're smarter than that. why not just go to (insert hyper-competitive ivy program here) instead?"

  11. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to annieca in Last Semester Undergrads?   
    I don't know which part of me said it was smart to do two reading-intensive classes, my thesis and two of the most prestigious MUN conferences when I knew I would be waiting for decisions. 
    This has literally been my train of thought this morning:
    "I should check my South Carolina app...I need to do a little more research on the debt crisis for LiMUN...and I know absolutely nothing about my topics for ScotMUN which means I probably should start that...and oh yeah, I should check when I have a meeting with my diss supervisor although I don't think he remembers me..." 
    Scatterbrained, much?
    Don't worry everyone - it should be over soon!
  12. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to MajorityMinority in SOP mistakes: what to avoid   

    You're welcome.
  13. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to eaboo316 in Anyone else losing their damn mind?   
    I was losing my mind for the whole month of January and on February 1st...my first acceptance email out of thin air!! So so happy!!
  14. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to selecttext in Freaking out!!!   
    dude, you have 9 to go. stop looking at the results page.
  15. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to Soleil ت in We are not appliCANTs...   
    I'm not convinced I won't be denied across the board.  The difference between me and you is that I won't let it ruin my positive attitude and I sure won't make it another person's problem.  I'll try again, harder the second time and with the same positive outlook.
  16. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to ohgoodness in Anyone else losing their damn mind?   
    my professor sent me this after the princeton rejection: http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/1saNa8/www.chaosmatrix.org/library/humor/reject.html
  17. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to Soleil ت in We are not appliCANTs...   
    We are appliCANs!
    Take a deep breath, appliCANs.  We've made it to February in one (or perhaps just a few) pieces.
    Congratulations to all the appliCANs!  You're experiencing something many people dread and ultimately avoid out of fear and anxiety.  No matter what happens, we've already done the hardest part!  Woohoo!
    AppliCANs of 2013, rah rah rah! ♥
  18. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to slaNYC in What should I ask grad students exactly?   
    I talked to students when I was making my decision and I found it to be really helpful.  These are some questions that I used to guide our conversation. You'd be amazed by some of the answers.
    1. What is the one thing you wish someone told you before starting this program?
    2. What has been the biggest surprise to you about the program? 
    3. What are some of the challenges you faced in the program?  
    4. What are some of the successes you have had in the program?
    5. What are the cohorts like? Do they support each other? Does it tend to be competitive?  
    These were really open questions and it offered an opportunity to get information I wouldn't have expected.  I of course also asked about my advisor, places to live, commuting time, expectations etc.  
    Good luck. And remember these people are your potential peers. It was so great when I started my program to have some people I sort of already knew because I had been in touch (I stayed in touch with one).  
  19. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to Ohm in Golden Rules - What I've learned through the application process   
    It's been a hell of a journey but finally I've completed all the applications and am now just waiting for the application outcomes (fingers crossed!) 
    Meanwhile, I'd like to share what I learned in the entire process (and probably answers to most of the questions asked in this forum). I know this might be repetitive with previous posts, but I still want to do it for some reason!  
    Applying is NOT easy work. It requires extensive research on the universities, professors, their areas of interest, your possible areas of study, etc. If you do it fast, you're doing it wrong. The more you research, the more options you find Your chances of getting into the university of your interest is purely based on your match with what the program has to offer. You may have GREAT stats, a 4 GPA, 360 (or 1600) GRE, 120 TOEFL, 20 top journal publications/conference submissions, but you still will not be selected if your area of work/interest is not a major research area in the university, be it MIT or Harvard or Cambridge or any university for that matter. The safety rule is to apply to 6-8 universities of which (say you're applying for 7) 4 should be in your grade, 2 above your grade and 1 below your grade (commonly called the 'safety' school). An example of profile evaluation can be found here. Prepare your recommendation letters WELL ahead of the application process. Discuss with possible referees and decide who will recommend you for which program. Give them their resources and to avoid all last-minute non-submissions, running around, reminding and forcing, here's a useful tip: Get signed hard copies of recommendations in a sealed envelope from the referee beforehand. This can be done as much in advance as you need. This will help in case the referee retires, changes his mind, gets too busy, or in some unlucky cases, dies Most of the schools accept paper recommendations if directly mailed to them. Also, regarding the people who recommend you, it is not necessary that they be top professors, department heads, etc. Not everyone can get to work with the top people, mad if you have great recommendations from ordinary professors, it still will work just fine. DO NOT FORCE/SIT ON PEOPLE'S HEADS. Work extensively on your SOP. Do not keep any stories or beating around the bush. Make it as direct as possible. If the question is 'What made you passionate about your area of interest' do NOT start a story from your childhood describing how you grew up playing with construction blocks, etc. etc. Give them the life-changing even if any. Just be direct and honest. It's not a creative writing competition.Have many people proof-read it before you finalize it yourself. Also, never ever read another person's or sample personal statement(s) before you have finalized yours. Their style will stick to you and you will become repetitive. Contacting possible guides in the university of interest will be of good help. Ask them for open positions in their labs/under their guidance. Make a strong impression in them in your email. Keep in touch with them. Compile all your documents and keep scanned digital copies of all in a separate folder in your computer. This will come to be highly useful when you are uploading them to the websites. Go through the application forms slowly and check every detail before submitting and payment. Check the email ids of the referees and verify if the correct, latest versions of the documents have been uploaded After you submit the form, BE PATIENT. Do NOT write to/call departments constantly asking for updates on decisions as it will irritate them and might even result in rejection of the application. Keep your referees updated regarding the decisions.  Not everyone can get admitted everywhere. It's also heavily dependent on luck. So do not be upset when you get turned down by some schools despite you doing everything properly. Talk to a lot of people who've applied before. Clear all your doubts and get to know the exact process before you start. It will help in avoiding small mistakes. Be clear on what you want. If you want to get into a school only if they offer funding, then there is no point in keeping the offer without funding. You do not want to spend and regret. In the end, if nothing works out for you, take it as tough luck and proceed with life. Don't beat yourself thinking you're not worth it, cause at the end of the day, there's no one 'not worth it'
  20. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to amlobo in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    I, too, am sick of having to justify "why" I'm applying to grad school.  I'm an attorney now, so people ask me why I'd want to torture myself with years of grad school when I have a decent job already.  Ugh.
    But, after working in a job that is definitely not for me, I can say to you all:  if you have a chance to do what will make you happy, do it.  Ignore the haters!  Lol
  21. Upvote
    dat_nerd got a reaction from josefchung in For those who received "admits" from U Texas Austin   
    The letter actually didn't contain any of that information, but apparently we'll get more info later. I assume that the deadline to accept the offer is also April 15, as that is the agreed deadline for nearly all PhD programs that provide funding.
  22. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to MadScience in What should I ask grad students exactly?   
    First of all, congratulations!!!
    Since we are in different programs, some of these may not apply, but some of the questions I have asked  are (and these are to students working in the labs I am interested in joining):
    1. Could you describe the lab dynamics, especially in regards to how students are guided through their initial year? This will help you to understand if you are expected to figure everything out on your own, or if maybe they will pair you with a senior member of the lab as your "go to" person for any questions you may have. It also helps you to understand if the lab is very competitive (in a bad way) or if everyone gets along and likes to help one another out.
    2. How often do you consult with the PI? Is he/she very involved or more hands off?
    3. Were you assigned a research project or did you choose your own?
    4. What is a typical week like in your group? (this will help you understand if you are expected to be there 80+ hours a week, or if a 40-60 hour work week is more typical as long as it is productive)
    5. Are there any opportunities for leadership positions (i.e., student organizations)?
    6. How do you like X University? How do you like working for Dr. Y?
    7. What are some fun things to do in the area?
    8. What communities are the safest to live in? Do many students commute? What is parking like on campus?
    Those are just some ideas though to hopefully get you a better understanding of what living there and working there might be like
  23. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to hiroshiman in Anyone else losing their damn mind?   
    I'm now fairly convinced there was a typo in one of those two sentences.
  24. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to fermion in Has anyone heard from MIT EECS?   
    Area IV admissions meeting will be held on 30 Jan 2013.
    Final Roundup is on 1st FEB 2013.
  25. Upvote
    dat_nerd reacted to Vincenzo in Anyone else losing their damn mind?   
    Get hopped up on bunny love?

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