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Everything posted by DontHate

  1. The only places where it would help with funding would be the places where funding is negotiable (as in, not the Ivies or Stanford). Some places just give everyone the same package.
  2. NYU and Yale for next week
  3. Let's say you interview somewhere and you know that the final decision will be made partly based on who they think are most likely to accept their offers. Would it be a good strategy to tell the school directly that they are your first choice and you would accept the offer? Or is that somehow a faux pas?
  4. Only 11 days left in February! The notifications must be coming soon!!!

    1. musichistorygeek
    2. HigherEd2013


      I look at my calendar every day. 11 days sounds like such a short time. It would be nice to get into March :)

    3. Sorawit


      Only 9 business day left in Feb...

  5. Maybe you can write something new if you have to apply again, I guess?
  6. I wrote a whole new paper twice, once when I applied for an MA and again this year for PhDs. I don't think writing a new paper is too much work to secure 5-7 years of your future.
  7. I'm not at all an expert in this, but I think Chicago is ranked higher in those areas.
  8. Two Espressos, I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. I submitted a sample with a spelling error in the very first line and I got an interview.
  9. Isn't a no-foam cappuccino just a latte?
  10. I know that, at Stanford at least, Middle Eastern language and literature study is very "in" right now. So if you emphasized that in a statement of purpose for a Comp Lit PhD you should be good. Not enough native-speakers apply to those programs.
  11. Keely I'm totally down with your choice. I expect to see some better television coming out of LA in the near future thanks to you.
  12. also: http://graduate-school.phds.org/rankings/comparative-literature/rank/basic
  13. http://www.gradschools.com/search-programs/comparative-literature
  14. Awesome! I'm glad you're feeling good about it.
  15. Good work taking off the mean posts.
  16. I am now a latte macchiato. My life is complete.

  18. You should become a rejection consultant, make bank.
  19. ^ I assume your name stands for "DontHate enthusiast" and I must say, I'm on board with this name.
  20. More important than an upvote is a smile. Just promise me that you're smiling, wherever you are.
  21. I guess it depends on the relative size of different departments. Some schools have much larger Comp Lit departments relative to language depts (like Stanford). This makes it pretty easy to find a language teaching position.
  22. You could become an artist's muse
  23. Except generally comp lit students have the option to teach foreign language classes, which is considered much more marketable than adding yourself to the already flooded pool of English PhDs qualified to teach freshman comp. I suppose there would be a high demand for language instructors in the most popular languages, like Spanish and French.
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