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Everything posted by ion_exchanger

  1. Hey guys, I just learned that one of my interviews is going to be an ( I don't know how else to explain it) admissions committee style interview. My guess is that there are going to be a panel of people interviewing me. Does anyone have experience with this type of interview? Maybe one or more people interviewing me alone, or even a group of us?
  2. Congrats again for the new acceptances. I'll never get tired of saying that!
  3. I think when you have made a decision and know for sure, then you can let the schools know as soon as you are ready. If you have weighed your options and are ready to make the call, then its absolutely fine to let them know Monday, as long as you have allowed yourself to truly make an informed decision. I won't know my official results until March 1st and the earliest, and I plan on taking a week or so to really weigh my options. I want to let everyone know ASAP so that people on the wait lists can have a chance as well.
  4. "So if you get accepted to X University, are you going to really consider going there?" Because...I really paid applications fees, got recommendations, and struggled over a perfect SOP for schools that I really have no intention of attending.
  5. Exactly. I also put the research outlines of my interviewers in it so that I could glance quickly at it to remind myself of what their research involved when I walked into my interview. I always say, it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
  6. I'm a little late, but I didn't take notes during the interview. I brought a small fancy folder pad that had notebook paper, pen holder, and slot for extra CV's, but no notes. The interviewers have already been provided your files. Some of mine had read them, some didn't. My first interview actually gave me a fancy folder with info in it, for those who didn't have things. When they gave us a bunch of info, they gave us small bags to carry it. You can bring a purse just so you don't have to carry all of your things in your pocket. Ladies, I will suggest carrying safety pins, and maybe even a travel sewing kit. You never know when a wardrobe malfunction may strike! This happened to someone on my interview.
  7. Accepted at my biggest reach, knowing I at least have somewhere to go next year: 1. An iMac. I have one at work, and LOVE it. 2. My Michael Kors dream handbag. 3. If I go to a school in my state, maybe I can convince my parents to buy me a new(er) car.
  8. Congrats! I definitely know the feeling, the first acceptance feels like a HUGE weight is lifted. My first acceptance was exactly a week ago, two weeks before my 2nd interview! Anyone else going to head into your next interview with a little more confidence?
  9. Sorry to hear that cleverfool, Brandeis is a great school that I found out was a great research fit when it was too late. I agree that I'd rather have rejections sent through snail mail. In the midst of interview detail emails and acceptances, I'm sorting through rejections. Not cool.
  10. Hello. I recently finished my first interview experience, and my school moved fairly quickly. Apps were due on the 1st of December, and I was invited for an interview just 13 days later. After the interview, I received a decision just 6 days later. Obviously every school and program is a bit different, but this had been my experience. Good luck to you!
  11. The number of people, male and femaile, wearing suits at my interview was about 50/50. This goes for the other departments that were there interviewing at the same time. The interviews were very exhausting, but they are great about not making you wait too long for the decision.
  12. I believe I asked something along the lines of: "I know that graduate students have long/irregular hours, but is there a specific block of time where you would like all students to be available in the lab during your work day?" I received varying answers which usually led to them telling me that they don't micromanage, and that productivity trumps time spent in the lab, and that if you are producing results then you are spending enough time in the lab. Some go into stories of how thye had a person who worked from 8pm to 4am, and they never saw them, which they did not like.
  13. Great question. For all of my posts, I put them up within the hour, if I have computer access. Rejections I posted almost immediately, as if I am quickly trying to get over it. Acceptances I usually told my closest family and friends, and put it up after that. I doubt any of them patrol these forums and would be upset if I told these anonymous people before them. Does it make anyone else just a teeny bit mad to see someone post an interview invite 2-3 weeks later than received? All of a sudden I get hope, and then realize that the date of notification was the same day everyone else got their invites, and I'm sad all over again.
  14. It depends on the school. For one of mine, all interviews were sent out on the same day. For the other two, interviews were sent out over a period of a couple of days. I remember seeing someone post an invite for my dream school, and I was sad for a day thinking that they all went out on the same day. I got my invite the next day, and someone else received their invite 3 days later.
  15. Thanks guys! My other interviews are in 2 weeks, and 4 weeks next month. I know! I sort of figured that the decisions would come about a week later, based on the trends on the results page. I hope that your decision was positive as well. I'm so relieved to at least have somewhere to go next year! Good luck to everyone!
  16. Just received an acceptance to University of Pennsylvania Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Program! My dream offer!! Freaking out right now!! To think that this time last week, I was sitting at the welcome dinner stressing about the next day's interviews!
  17. Oh gosh, someone posted a UPenn Neuroscience acceptance. They interviewed the same weekend that Pharm and BMB interviewed. Freak out!
  18. Ah yes, how could I forget the ApplyYourself's jumble of letters and numbers. I turned on the remember my username feature on my computer, so I only had to remember the first number/letter for each app, which I had on a post it note on my desk.
  19. Congrats NeuroTU! Did anyone come online and say how their GSK interviews were? Inquiring minds want to know!
  20. Dress pants and a sweater sounds fine. The invitation usually does have a few guidelines. Mine said for men not to wear a suit. I actually ended up wearing a suit outfit with pants and a matching suit jacket with a sweater underneath (i'm a female). A word of advice to women, really think about whether you want to wear high heels. My five interviews were spread around 3 buildings, which weren't that far from each other, but involved stairs and rocky paths. Additionally, there may be lots of walking and standing during interview days. I wore flats and am glad that I did.
  21. LOL! I love this! I did this throughout the application process. I told myself that it was because I was making sure that my choices had viable living options.
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