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Everything posted by aGiRlCalLeDApPlE

  1. Just reading the thread's title made me happy. Congratulations
  2. Northeastern University (deadline 1 Feb)
  3. Guys, I don't mean to freak you out, but Comparative Literature and French started notifying. I'm super nervous now, and I'm feeling very low actually.
  4. Yes, waiting sucks. I can't get myself to focus on anything now. Even when I'm working, I keep checking my e-mail and the Results page. I'm planning to take a 10-15 days trip by the end of this month, where I won't be able to check my e-mail. I hope this works. Getting in anywhere for me will completely change my life, so, I'm keeping my fingers crossed until that day comes, hopefully.
  5. Right, I guess. I hope any of mine sticks !
  6. 11? It almost killed me just to apply to 3 schools, I just submitted my last two yesterday. I hated myself for having to wait for the last minute cuz I had a problem in paying online, and a problem with my LOR writers. How late after the deadline can my letters be sent? I hope more than a week!
  7. Well, thanks for your input. I e-mailed the dept. but I hope they reply soon. I think it's ok if the letter is submitted a little later than the deadline, right??
  8. Hi, My letter writer is having a hard time filling in the form to U of Oregon. In the section that asks to rate the applicant, each dropdown menu gives you this percentages in order (Upper 1-2%, 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, Lower 50%, No basis) Which is the highest and which is the lowest? Please help immediately because she is already bored with filling in all these forms.
  9. Alright, I mean surprisingly high score that I thought would be beyond my reach, like 115+/120? Mine was 101/120, which was pretty much satisfying for me.
  10. You can definitely say that again. Whenever I check the programs' websites, I feel like I'm their best fit ever, which makes me much confident. And sometimes, when I'm daydreaming mostly, I feel like I'm a horrible applicant and the adcomms will throw my app right away. Very confused feelings, it reminds with every time I took the toefl test. I was never able to expect my score. I always said to myself "my score will be either too high, or too low."
  11. Don't you have time to call or e-mail them? My schools' websites state directly what they need regarding to the GRE. I don't think it should be the kind of info that tend to be hidden between the lines. I think you might find a clue when you start your online application?
  12. What's weird about a school not asking for the GRE? Some schools don't require it at all, and others say it's recommended but not required.
  13. And why other majors like Chemistry, Psychology and even linguistics, notify applicants so early?? It kills me..
  14. I think that's heroic. This is my second round of apps and I don't think I'll be able to do a third one. My husband has been quite patient and supportive, but suggesting ti apply for a third year? I don't think so. He'll just say that we have a life to live and we can't continue wasting year after year of our lives trying to get accepted somewhere. The thing is that my job already requires me to get a PhD and I can get it from here of course, but I don't want to, cuz there is a huge gap between here and there in regards to education. So, I'll pray every night to get an acceptance somewhere this year or else ....
  15. How is everyone dealing with anxiety? I'm almost sure that I won't get in anywhere, and this makes me hesitant about submitting my last two apps. Does anyone feel the same?
  16. Thanks a lot, I'm relieved.
  17. Does anyone know if English programs always interview applicants before finalizing their decisions? I really really suck at interviews, especially on Skype. If so, can you name some schools that definitely make interviews?
  18. Seriously, how do you pronounce Ntozake Shange ???
  19. Oh my God, I already started checking the Results page!
  20. Can I tell from my ETS toefl account if my score report has been delivered? My application doesn't show that and I'm curious to know if the school has received it !!!
  21. Are there still volunteers? Mine is relatively short, and I'm applying to Comp. Lit. programs. Thanks in advance
  22. I wonder how much they can tolerate grammar and/or spelling mistakes???
  23. Just discovered my first grammar error, first page, first paragraph... There is no turning back. I'm screwed.
  24. I ordered my toefl score report on Dec. 5 and I'm afraid it won't be delivered until Monday/Tuesday, i.e., 3-4 days after the deadline. Am I in danger?
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