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Everything posted by aGiRlCalLeDApPlE

  1. Hello everyone, Does anyone here know how to search for comp. lit programs? Is there a list that I can use, instead of checking program lists in each and every school? thx
  2. I'm not a Fall 2013er but I have to admit that, checking in this thread is a real encouragement for me. Reading about how you guys are so excited and see you planning for the new life awaiting you, makes me jealous (in a good way), and it makes me work harder so that I can hopefully be a Fall 2014er. Best of luck y'all
  3. I am writing a new paper since I don't even like my own MA thesis. I applied using a chapter of my thesis last year and after I was rejected, I knew why I hated it. I was writing a paper for a conference and I think it will be my WS.
  4. Check this link; It ranks schools by specialty, it might help. http://grad-schools....nglish-rankings
  5. Thanks... Of course I prefer the computer-based. I almost forgot how to handle a paper-based test !
  6. Is the current GRE test paper-based? They don't offer Computer-based tests?
  7. Hi, thought to share this with you:
  8. I ran out of upvotes, but thank y'all. I got your point now
  9. Thank you so much for your concern proflorax. We live far away from the events, we just watch the news
  10. I'm very thankful for your answers, especially for those who were accepted last year and still contribute to this forum. Regarding the issue of POIs, again, is it possible for any of you to share a sample of their letters to POIs? I keep postponing this task cuz I always feel that I'll screw up. Any volunteers?
  11. Hi everyone, Since it's August and the countdown has already started, I thought to ask about your priorities, how would you arrange them at this stage? My list of priorities is: 1) Writing Sample 2) GRE 3) Personal Statement 4) Letters of Rec. That's how I think of the process. I wanted so much to get a paper published and/or presented in a conference. The conference in which I was going to present a paper was cancelled due to the recent "revolution". So, what does your list look like?
  12. You can apply to comparative literature programs. Your native language in addition to English would be an advantage. Good luck
  13. How is everyone doing regarding the writing sample? Does any of you have to write more than one?
  14. Very interesting. I hope you share more, especially on POIs. Thanks
  15. Thanks, I'd love it if anyone here is willing to share his experiences with contacting POIs.
  16. But what would be the subject of my e-mail, other than introducing myself and showing interest in a professor's work? What should I ask at the end of the e-mail? I'm really worried that I'll be misunderstood, I don't know why, but I always have this feeling. It feels as if I'm paying a bribe for someone to get what's not mine, you know what I mean?
  17. Hi, I have a question about POIs? How can I approach one? I'm never encouraged to contact anyone cuz I don't really know what to say and how to say it. Any tips?
  18. No problem. I didn't ant to see you disappointed when you get replies, because we've already talked much about that. I'd recommend you follow the Fall 2014 applicants thread for future questions. Good luck.
  19. Great. 3 people is not that bad to start with. Maybe more will join us later. Who's ready to volunteer to start the blog? I'd recommend wordpress.com What do you think?
  20. I'm interested. I've recently suggested that we start a blog for lit people on gradcafe, but no one seemed interested. A blog would be a good place for discussion, especially that we'll all be in the same boat (preparing for grad school). I hope this works
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