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Everything posted by InHacSpeVivo

  1. It's been posted elsewhere, but is worth re-posting here, I think. Have you seen the April 15th resolution? http://www.cgsnet.org/april-15-resolutionYou may want to consider letting the school that gave you an offer letting them know you'll have an answer ASAP (which all the waitlisters would appreiate anyway ), but you're waiting to hear from other programs.
  2. I may or may not be equally guilty of this. I must echo everything lazaria and kurayamino say. As a former academic editor (and as I always tell my students), a lot of feedback is much better than none; the better something is, the more there is to say about it! Plus, this is feedback from rockstar scholars, which can only improve your final product. Honestly, journal acceptances are as much a crapshoot as PhD apps. The paper I used for my last app cycle got me in to 0/11 programs was accepted at a high quality journal on the first try. Meanwhile, a paper I just had rejected (not even a revise/resubmit!) is the same I used for MSU, to which I was accepted. Despite their sting, this is precisely why I never equate rejection with scholarly potential.
  3. I don't think most schools have off, actually. NC, for one, is still in session (which exaplains Chapel Hill).
  4. Well, my fingers are still crossed for funding from the other program I've heard from (which is much higher on my list than the school where I have funding secured). It is a huge relief to have somewhere to go, but, honestly, I really don't get why there is such a lag between acceptances and rejections at some schools. I get not notifying waitlisted students for those programs that prefer to make a full offer, but if the adcomms know who IS getting accepted, surely they know who is definitely getting rejected. What is the point of making us wait another few weeks (or month in some cases) to find out officially. *sigh... rant over*
  5. Congrats, Caroline! That's awesome! Fingers crossed for a conversion. ;-)
  6. Amen. It's really frustrating still not having news from TWELVE schools. I looked back to my last app cycle, and most of my notifications didn't come in until the last week of February/first week of March, but those were all rejections, which is more than a little nerve-wracking.
  7. Based on talk around town I'd say too soon. That being said, I'm traveling to Canada the second week of March and, given PSU's history of non-notification, I'm planning to email them if I haven't heard by the time I get back.
  8. Congrats Caroline and Lycidas! This fines for any Boston admits, but as a six year resident (four of those in Boston proper), I'm happy to share any info via PM. It's funny, I was just saying correspondence is common in Saturdays, but I'm shocked by the number of Sunday notifications this year! And good luck to all the OSU fellow nominees!
  9. I emailed the assistant director who directed me to the DGS.
  10. Well played, Hannalore! JSYK, I told the DGS I would let him know ASAP. There are at least six programs that would cause me to drop the offer if they gave me funding, but one of them just needs to let me in!
  11. Mercyhurst: Sadly, I am out of up votes. Please know that if I wasn't you would have one for a number of reasons. ;-) First being that two of your examples happen to be places where I applied (and I certainly hope there isn't a ton of difference between UMD and U of K, being that I likely didn't get into the former and still have a shot at the latter). I put a *lot* of thought into this while I was researching programs and, of course, have been second-guessing some of my choices a lot lately given that it's just sort of the time of year. After speaking with several profs (and given a historical lack of success in the app process), I decided that it would be best to spread my apps across the US News "tiers," so to speak. I was in a good position in that there were several strong fit programs, but I would be more than happy to teach at, say, a LAC, so I didn't want to front load with only T10 schools that historically get more applications for fewer spots. While 10/15 schools to which I applied are R1s (the remaining five are R2s), the English rankings are spread out all across the board (one top 20, three 20-35, five 50-65, four >65, and two outside the top 100). Many of the schools that are lower on the US News rankings have editorial opportunities at, for example, a regional MLA journal, in addition to teaching assistantships. There are a few T20 that, in retrospect, I feel like I should have at least tried, but having accumulated so many rejections, I'd rather get in a program in the 50s or 60s (and I would be happy anywhere I applied) then get completely shut out again by placing as much emphasis on prestige as fit. This is all just a personal decision and, basically, a really long way of saying I'm very vested in this question myself. I'm very much hoping that publications, etc. will be weighted in my favor, but only time will tell. I'm hoping the tide is turning in this direction. Antecdotelly, someone in my cohort who works her butt off but is not among those of us with teaching assistantships was admitted to a #52 school, which is more than the TAs I know who applied (myself included) can say at this (albeit early) juncture. Of course, I'm hoping this principle will apply when I'm looking for jobs. It's also interesting to note the number of programs in that 25-65 ranage that have fantastic placement ratings. Granted, not iveys, but in my view a TT position at a big state school, for example, is nothing to scoff at in this market (and Clemson, for example, a 2/2 teaching requirement for faculty).
  12. Have you, by chance, read Hideous Progeny by Angela Smith? I'm using it for an independent study this semester on representations of the "unruly" female body (Smith is one of the reasons I applied to Utah). Also, it is so awesome that you got McRuer for your grad conference! (Though it's also just another reason to be bummed when I finallly get my UMD rejection.)
  13. Hanna: I e-mailed the director to inquire, so it was a response to that.
  14. This has been the source of so much anxiety! I found a typo after submitting my first seven apps (including Maryland) and, of course, revised for the later apps. Honestly, the only SOP I feel really good about is the last one I submitted, UF. It will be interesting to see how this plays out; though so far, it seems to be going well at least for some of us! And, hey, MAs are great (says the girl with two)... Also, just got word on funding from Georgia State. They offered funding, which means even if I get 12 more rejections I will be going to a PhD program this fall!
  15. Seriously. Though it was ages ago, one of my profs got her Chapel Hill acceptance Valentine's Day, so just keep that in mind. Milwaukee notified the second Saturday of the month last year. I know acceptances have already gone out to two of the five emphases, but I haven't heard anyone mention Plan H, which is what I applied to... so, my fingers are crossed (a friend from my cohort got into another emphasis a couple weeks ago, so that could be super cool).
  16. Love the sidelong glace, WT... subtle Don't worry, the Boston feed will be up on Center Ice (provided it hasn't been comandeered by the NHL network). I have a very funny story about 2011 Cup series, but another time perhaps... Between Friday the 13th and Valentine's Day I've been expecting a big 48 hours. No news yet, but here's to hoping!
  17. Congrats, Hesse and WT! In 2013, I didn't get *any* offers--including "consolation" MAs for the schools that offered them. That is a big deal, especially at such a fantastic program as UMD. On a selfish note, I'm hoping these MA decisions mean I'll hear something soon.
  18. An artist specializing in watercolor style might be your best bet. BuzzFeed recently released a list that included a few great US artists: http://www.buzzfeed.com/lj3313/28-incredible-watercolor-tattoos-and-where-to-get-b2ju#.ybwgoqrBX7
  19. That's a bummer! I applied there in 2013, but, like you realized that it was second to English. So, hey, it's a good thing (plus, you still have W&M, which is awesome!).
  20. Thanks! That's good to know. What's awful about PSU is that they sometimes never send rejections. *sigh* Their administrative assistant is super nice so I may e-mail her next week so I can officially mark that up as a rejection. Now, if only the puzzle that is Maryland could be solved! BTW, I LOVE your avatar Zigglar (I may or may not have a green light tattoo).
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