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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    Master of Public Policy

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  1. basically choosing between hks and yale jackson. waiting on the $ situation from hks.
  2. Thanks! Says its Davis scholarship. Not sure what it is, probably has something to do with the International Fellows Program (IFP) which I applied. I will most likely turn down the offer though..
  3. i just logged in and saw there's a link of status update
  4. got in with 50k/yr! making it even harder to decide...
  5. Thanks so much!!! I was wondering why they didn't say a word about it.
  6. exactly same boat! as generous as Jackson is, Im still leaning toward HKS.
  7. got in for MPP!!! so happy!!!!!!
  8. I didn't get an interview, but just got admitted by email with fellowship!! anyone else?
  9. no i haven't heard anything about financing. i only got a welcoming email from the graduate school. im assuming that in the mailed acceptance letter they sent there's gonna be a word of it? btw congrats!!
  10. Hey y'all-- For those who applied to HKS MPP for Fall 2014, does anyone else get an email about financial resources today? I'm an international student, which is probably why they sent it. I'm asking because I'm reapplying, and never got this email last time in the process. Any input would be appreciated!
  11. Program Applied To (MPA, MPP, IR, etc.): MPP/phd/law school Schools Applying To: im trying to get people's idea about what kind of program fits me well, but im definitely looking for top programs in prestigious schools Undergraduate institution: Top 3 public university Undergraduate GPA: 3.9 Undergraduate Majors: Economics, Interdisciplinary Studies (many classes in politics, some history, soc and psyc; thesis in political economy), minor in Mathematics (calc 1,2,liner algebra, differential equation, mathematical statistics, etc. GPA 4.0) GRE Quantitative Score: 800 GRE Verbal Score: 750 GRE AW Score: 4.5 (didn't prepare at all and screwed this up) Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable):1 Years of Work Experience: 1 Describe Relevant Work Experience: fulltime analyst in economic consulting; internships in finance that are not quite relevant Languages: English, Chinese Quant: very good. but i didn't take multi-calc and real analysis.(i can fix that if needed by taking classes in community college i guess) Strength of SOP: im worried that i don't have much relevant experience other than coursework and thesis. internships and current job are all in private sector Strength of LOR (be honest, describe the process, etc): two politics profs and one manager from work; one prof knows me very well, one i advised my thesis; the manager should be an economist I am actually debating between MPP or PHD in public policy. Also considering law school seriously (since my job is pretty much about econ analysis in anti-trust litigation). Really don't have a clear idea what's the best for me, but ideally i like programs that have both qualitative and quantitative edge. I always thought I am going to get a PHD in economics, but recently I finally figured out that I can't do it if it's full of math and regression. Being able to talk about ideas means a lot to me. Please give me some honest opinions! Thank you so much!
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