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Everything posted by captiv8ed

  1. It would; definitely be creepier if you were moving to a small college town, but I think you can blend in in Atlanta. We are packing up at the very end of June, dumping belongings into a storage unit and then going camping for the month of July. We will move in the first week of August. COngrats on finding a place coya!
  2. Hey everyone! I will be moving to Pullman to get my PhD in sociology. I am moving with a husband, 3 kids, and 2 dogs. I have found and rented a house for the fall. I wanted to share this site that I finally stumbled upon. It lists all of the landlords in town. Some of the links are dead, but this is where I found our place, so maybe it will be helpful for someone else. http://www.pullman-wa.com/housing/mapapts.htm Incoming students, have you gotten a chance to visit? We have been out there twice and were really charmed by it. I am moving from the west side of the state and the other contender was Iowa. I am really excited and confident about the choice I made.
  3. Wow, you are back in grad school application fee territory!! Are you applying for a lot of different places? We totally lucked out. My school is on the other side of the state, about 6 hours away. We were seeing all these ugly apartments online, and that was about it. Very few 3 bedrooms, or ones that would take dogs. With three loud boys and two loud dogs, we wanted to live in a house not an apt. We also LOVE charming old houses. I was searching on all the sites I found and wasn't finding anything! A lot of the companies maintain their entire inventory online and they were all showing as rented through spring of 11. Finally I turned up a list of all the property managers in town and started clicking on links. I saw an extremely cute 3 bedroom house that would take pets and my husband grabbed the phone and called on it. We pulled the kids out of school the next two days and drove across the mountains to look at it. We didn't even look at any others. We did a drive by of a few and we had one other one we would apply for if this one fell through. But it didn't! I know we should have looked at a million of them, but for some reason, I just couldn't! We didn't have a lot of time there and I was so enchanted with the one we got. Did you use Pro Rents? We lived in Atlanta for a short time back in the early 90s and ProRents was the most amazing company
  4. Why would 26 be too old? I understand the concern about the low GPA, but 26 is honestly not very old, especially for the types of degrees you are talking about. The admissions committees often like to see some work experience, so I think they would expect students to be a bit older. For the record, I have a friend who was accepted (and is currently attending and doing fantastic) Berkeley School of Law. She started when she was 40. I started (not went back, started) college at 35 and I will be starting my PhD program in the fall. I will turn 40 in my first year. My husband is 42 and in his junior year. He is doing great and the teachers seem to appreciate his insight and work ethic that I believe stem from his age.
  5. thanks JustChill ;) and newms

  6. There are definitely right leaning sociologists. David Poponoe and Brad Wilcox come immediately to my mind they have more conservative views of the family. I was also told that the sociology of religion folks at UNC are more conservative.
  7. OK, ours went through! And it is with a large real estate company that does property management as well. So yes it can be done.
  8. I listed my stipend as a living allowance stipend. They seemed pretty used to such things. I told her we don't know where my husband will be working and I might take out a loan to cover the difference if he can't find a job, and she seemed pretty unperturbed by that. But I haven't heard back whether we got the house or not! Really frustrating! 2-5 business days for a decision and we are now on day 6! Wasn't the whole wait to hear back from grad schools torture enough??!!
  9. Exotic, I am so sorry you are going through this! I guess if I were you I would see if it is something to worry about and then if it is, get in touch with your DGS, explain your situation, and ask what resources are available. Find out the insurance situation, find out if there is a support group, talk to an advisor and a counselor at your new school. Best of luck to you!
  10. I think your list is the right size. This will be another tough admissions year I am sure. I applied to 7. I was going to apply to 10 but it felt too overwhelming and expensive for me. I have a family to consider and had definite geographic preferences. I got accepted to 3 of my choices. The one that I had pegged as one of my top choices didn't really feel like a good fit after I visited. So I am glad I had a couple of others to look at as well.
  11. robida, that is really beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Good luck in your academic pursuits.
  12. I haven't met anyone. I went out to the school, but not at the same time as anyone else. I met a couple of grad students who are already there, but that is it. What is considered a small cohort? Mine is 8-10, I think that is medium sized, yes? The school I turned down has a cohort of 3, that is small!
  13. Do you like any of the programs you got into? I think I would just go for it if you do. I feel ya though. I accepted a school I am sure I will do fine at, but it isn't very highly ranked, and I definitely considered redoing next year. But I am pushing forward and going with the one I got.
  14. I am not sure about backpacks, but will you have an office? If so, you could keep a change of clothes and your extra books and whatnot there. If not, I would look into getting a locker. Good luck!
  15. I think you might miss out on some social things, but overall, it should be fine. Are you able to bring your child to events? Mine are pretty good at sitting outside of a class or a lecture, so I always have that option. I know two single moms in grad school (I am sure there are more, but I know two personally). One has three girls and has been doing great, and the other has one special needs child and is also balancing the whole act quite well. good luck though, it is not an easy road to hoe!
  16. Washington State University
  17. I turned down a full admit with fellowship for a wait list with TA funding. I am waiting on one more wait list before I accept. I don't feel like second string at all, especially since this was such a tough year.
  18. After meeting with faculty last week and discussing this, I am no longer afraid to be a qualitative person there. Which is not to say that they aren't heavily quantitative, because they definitely are. But it sounds like the teach quant very well so that people can get the grounding. Now, if only they will take me off the wait list!!
  19. Yes, something like that. If you have other schools awaiting your decision tomorrow, I would let them know that too. Good luck!
  20. I think so, especially since the deadline is approaching, and even if they don't follow it, they must know other schools do. I would send an email letting them know you are still interested.
  21. I am on the waiting list for my top choice and they told me they wouldn't know until possibly late April. Luckily my other choice has given me a later deadline.
  22. Don't know yet!
  23. I think they aer doing wait lists differently this year. One school told me most years they accept a larger number and assume quite a few won't come. This year they were only accepting as many as they could fund and then waiting lists all others.
  24. I am kind of in the same position, but I got into two schools. One I have already turned down. It would have been a decent fit but the living situation would have been too difficult. The other one was one of my top choices. And now I have visited and I just felt so so sad while I was there. The interests don't match up as closely as I had thought they would, and the town just made me really sad. Which sucks because they have offered me a very generous package. I am still not sure what I am doing, and I am wait listed at two others, so there is still information hanging out there.
  25. pea-jay, will you or your partner be working? I just turned down UIC because I could not see how to afford living in the city with three boys. Mine range from elementary to middle, and will be in high school by the time I am done. I just couldn't figure out how to make it work. To the OP, I haven't started yet, but I will turn 40 my first year in grad school. I am currently in undergrad. One of the biggest problems for me has been in my own head, not wanting to say something that makes me sound super old. Realizing that I am side by side with students who were not born when I graduated high school is kind of unsettling.
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