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Sœur d'une Étoile

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  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
  • Program
    MSW, PhD

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  1. Hello All, I am considering applying to McGill. I see that a statistics course is required. I have not taken an explicit stats course, however I have taken many research methods courses - one in my undergrad and in my BSW. I am wondering if those might count toward that requirement? Is anyone applying to Dal of Memorial for MSW? Thanks!
  2. Hi there, Just wanted to put my 2 cents in about the Physiology & Anatomy courses. I took Anat at Dal through distance and it was amazing. Got an A overall and I probably could have got an A+ if I had put a little more time into it. I do not have a strong science background so I was worried, but I really enjoyed this course. There were lectures for ever chapter, an option for an online or paper text book and the online book had links on each page with videos to explain concepts. The assignments and lab questions were easy to understand as long as you read your material. Plus they were online and had links to the book to find the answers. It was a little ridiculous actually. The exams were also online and whn I e-miled the Prof to ask for advice on how to do well - he told me to find a study group and to do everything together! I got together with 2 other students and we did all of the exams and quizzes together, open book. Physiology on the other hand was awful! I took it at Athabasca. I can only say I have never been so stressed out in my life as I was while doing this course. I am not exaggerating and I wish I could have taken the one at Dal in person instead. If you have lots of time, you can take up to a year to do the Athabasca Phsy course, which can work if you are they type that can teach yourself a course by reading the book and doing your own research. But I am just not that type of learner. There were no lectures, but simply a giant book with tiny print, few pictures and a study guide full of errors and spelling mistakes. There were tutors assigned to each student, who marked the assignments, but they were no help as they were not allowed to answer specific questions regarding exams and their comments on assignments were very vague. I basically typed up notes and re-wrote the book to teach myself. I was lucky enough to have a friend who took the same course and we studied together I honestly don't think we would have passed it if we had been on our own through! I watched a lot of you-tube videos which helped somewhat. The labs were okay but very time consuming and only worth a very small amount (9% for 5 online labs and a home lab kit which they send you with 5 labs that each take about an afternoon to do). There were 2 midterms at 15% each and a final at 30%. 2 Quizzes at 4% each and 3 assignments at 5% each. The hardest part about this course was the vast amount of material. The final and second exams covered 8 chapters and there was just no way to remember everything. Needless to say this was my lowest mark of my entire university career and so please check to see what other schools offer Phys before trying this one! This is the only course I have taken at Athabasca and so they may do a very good job in our subjects. However, I think they have a lot of work to do in the Bio department and I they really don't consider the various types of learners.
  3. Just got accepted to the Dalhousie BSW! Still waiting on hearing back about Occupational Therapy and then I'll make my decision. Anyone else doing a BSW at Dal?
  4. Just got my rejection letter from Dalhousie and it was my second time applying. I am not surprised, but it still hurts, espically since I worked my butt off to raise my GPA and make my application more competative Oh well, such is life! I have also applied to some other amazing grad programs - OT and Social Work (which I think a few of us on this forum have done), so I have some great alternative plans! I am SO happy for everyone that got into their dream school and I have my fingers crossed for those of you still waiting and on wait lists! I hope I get to work with some of you in the future as part of a health care team someday! You are all so determined, passionate and hard working and will make incredible SLPs.
  5. What are relief to get some news about timelines for Dal! Even thought it sounds like it still might be a while before we know our statuses. Thanks to everyone who gave input and congrats to those who have already been accepted. I have yet to receive anything form Dal yet. I am hoping that is a good thing and that those of us still waiting will make the next round!! I haven't heard of anyone getting any rejections or wait list letters form Dal yet.
  6. Yay!! I am so happy. I have been following your posts throughout this process and I have to say you are a true inspiration and are going to make an amazing SLP!
  7. Congrats to everyone who got into Western early this morning! What a thrill all of this is. I am hoping to hear from Dal soon. It's April, so they should be telling us soon right? Right?! Gah
  8. Yay! Congrats to DeafAudi and CleverUsername. So excited for you!
  9. Nope, still waiting on Dal too. Hopefully we'll hear something this week or next!
  10. Thanks for letting me know! Wow, that is so late... Oh well.
  11. Hey, so I know there are a couple of us on this thread who are also waiting to hear back about BSW apps at Dalhousie. Do any of you know when people heard back in previous years? I am pretty sure that MSW Dalhousie applicants have already been contracted, but it seem seems like BSW might be later.... From what I hear it is a great program and I so I am excited to find out if I got in!
  12. I totally agree Trejsi. I used to check these forums a few times a week.... now it's at least 3 times a day lol!!! I have also been following the "how are you coping with the torture of waiting" and the "less competitive grad school" SLP forums. They can be pretty entertaining and It's a good reminder that we are all in this together People are starting to share cookie recipes. Dangerous...... haha!
  13. Woah, wait... there is an application status page? I had no idea I could even check that haha! *Update - I figured out how to find it. Look like mine has not been updated yet. It only has my current Dal info (I am taking some undergraduate courses). Ugh, I am so nervous now! I hope we all find out sooooooooon!
  14. Congrats to PsycD and kk!! That is so exciting. I am waiting to hear back from Dal. Last year I got a rejection the 18th and a friend of mine was accepted a few days earlier. I have been stocking the mailbox!!! Good luck to everyone who is waiting. I hope we hear soon!!!
  15. Hey Everyone, Wondering where others are applying and if you have heard anything yet?
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