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Everything posted by Maleficent999

  1. This is exactly what I needed to hear this morning. Thank you! Regarding emailing your cohort beforehand: i was thinking of doing this but a few people at the recruitment day were standoffish. Does anyone feel like they would be annoyed if someone tried to be buddy buddy with their cohort ahead of time?
  2. Maleficent999

    Davis, CA

    I was staying in Sacramento during my visiting day. The events ended around 5pm and that's when I headed back to Sac. The traffic was pretty terrible. It took me an hour to get from UC Davis to midtown. If you can help it, leave earlier or later than rush hour.
  3. I'm currently listening to pandora at work...*quickly adds the sunlounger station*
  4. It 100% depends on my mood and the task. If I'm reading articles leisurely I like to listen to instrumentals, specifically of the Celtic variety (probably because of my Irish blood). If I've had a lot of coffee and I'm writing I like to listen to punk or rock music (on low volume).
  5. Good point, well made. To be specific, I'll be stressing *about quals*. I'll save the stress of how to actually get a job until I'm deemed eligible to stay in my program.
  6. Congrats! I'm going to be stressing until I'm in your same position next year.
  7. I'm definitely grabbing an everlane backpack once I move in September.
  8. I guess it depends who makes them, but yes they can be good. There's a restaurant in my hometown that does a lot of vegan options and corn dogs are one. So much nom.
  9. Note: I work full-time so I'm not necessarily saying you should sit around all summer doing nothing. My point was that we will probably not have another summer where we aren't required to be doing research/teaching/etc for another 5-8 years so we shouldn't be stressing out trying to get a leg up. I was told to "keep an eye on the relevant literature but for the most part, try to enjoy your friends and family."
  10. The advice given to me by pretty much every POI I met: Chill out and enjoy your last summer of freedom.
  11. I put mustard on my corned beef and cabbage. I'm not sure if this is the traditional Irish way but it's so freaking sour and delicious.
  12. It's a matter of preference really. I've owned a lot of different brands of laptops and I simply have had the best luck with my MacBook. It doesn't crash, the hinges haven't broken, no viruses, no lost data, and I find it the most aesthetically pleasing. To me, they're like the Honda of laptops (except price). It'll never die. I've had mine for 6 years and it still works. I'm retiring it only because Apple stopped making updates for it and I need something newer for school.
  13. I put the salt around the rim as you would with a margarita. I can put a little into it too without it exploding but you do have to be careful. As far as spices, I wasn't saying it's a Mexican cultural thing just that I like it specifically in Mexican beers. And anyway, you've never heard of a michelada?
  14. I prefer corona but tecate counts. I do about a squeeze of lime, several dashes of tapatio, and spicy beer salt. Other stuff like chile powder comes after I'm already drunk haha
  15. It's not necessarily weird depending on what part of the world you're from, but I put hot sauce, spices (salt, chile powder, etc), and lime or lemon juice in my Mexican beers.
  16. I don't necessarily agree with the sentiment, but I think Gilbertrollins was saying that the distribution of publications (aka citations) doesn't support it.
  17. I put ketchup on my eggs and grilled cheese sandwiches.
  18. You're right, a relationship isn't my priority and I do feel like I get a bit of flack for that because I'm a woman. If it were him moving for a job, I'd be the jerk for not going with him and I think it'd be expected for me to do so. For me, it's hard to imagine ever prioritizing a relationship over my own happiness and that's kind of a scary thought because ending up alone, while I'm personally okay with it, comes with all kinds of stigma I'm not quite willing to face yet.
  19. Thank you! That's very good advice. I'm sorry you're going through this too but it's nice to know I'm not alone in the decision. I do think it'll be hard at first but I think I'll be happier in the long run. If he's making such a big deal about a 3 hour move then it would only be cruddier to stay together for 5-8 years and then break up when I have to (hopefully) move again for a job. Good luck with your move! I won't be too far away from you. I'm attending UC Davis in the Fall, which is about an hour and a half away by car.
  20. Thank you. That is pretty much where I'm at. I didn't think twice about ending it until recently when I started wondering if I'm being selfish. I tell him I love him and yet I'm not willing to give long distance a try. Then again, he's not willing to be outside of his comfort zone so I guess we've both decided other things are more important to each of us than our relationship.
  21. I'm in a weird position at the moment and could use someone's experienced advice. I'm currently living with my SO. We did long distance for 2 years while I was in undergrad and when I graduated I moved back to my hometown and in with him while I took this year off to apply to grad school. I had a great job in the town where I went to college that would've extended past graduation but I gave that up to come be with him on the agreed upon condition that if I got into grad school this year, he would move with me. Well, now that time has come and he has decided that he doesn't want to move. The school I'll be attending in Fall is only 3 hours away but I told him a long time ago that I never wanted to do long distance again. It was really hard for us and I think it made my undergrad experience less fulfilling (I really didn't socialize much with my peers). I have very bitter, angsty feelings toward him for going back on his word even though I understand that he'd probably be miserable if he moved with me. Thus, I feel like a long distance relationship would just crash and burn if we tried again anyway. We are now basically living together for 4 more months knowing that at the end of it we will be breaking up and I'll be moving away. So here is my concern: Is it worse to endure a tumultuous long distance relationship in my first year of grad school or to deal with the massive life change of a break up a month before classes start?
  22. Your quadruplet here! I am obsessed with youtube, especially beauty gurus. I'd like to think it pays off because my friends ask me to teach them "how to makeup". Haha. I'm actually subscribed to a beauty guru called redheadphd. She's in a grad program and makes videos. It's nice to have some solidarity!
  23. Kind of related: I've been wondering if I should remove the "school X alumni" sticker from the back of my car now that I'm starting a PhD program at a different school.
  24. Oh I was under the impression it was. When we had recruitment day I could've sworn the building said both anthro and soc on the door. Anyway, I know for sure we have the same graduate program coordinator.
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