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Everything posted by Maleficent999

  1. Have any of you begun to look at housing? That is something that is probably stressing me out the most. On my stipend, I'm not sure I can afford to live alone (as I have for most of my adult life) and even outside of that, I'm struggling to swallow the cost of most of the apartments near campus. I understand that its a college town so things are more expensive, but dang. Have you guys considered living in Sac? It's cheaper but also not as nice and I'd prefer to bike to campus. Geodude, did your host live alone or have a roommate?
  2. I'm late to this conversation, but my question is whether or not a school will negotiate funding without broaching the topic of competing offers? Is it adequate to have reservations about x, y, z funding and let the school know your concerns? Or do you think the only way to get more money would be to float around your other offers and make them compete for you? Has anyone had luck getting a better funding package without having to create a bidding war?
  3. Thanks for the heads up but unfortunately the i3 doesn't cut it for me.
  4. It is mainly to post where you have decided to go. We have all been helping each other out and rooting each other on for months now, it's just nice to see how things ended up/congratulate each other and potentially find the people in your cohort.
  5. Nope I don't mind. The old one has been removed.
  6. Yeah, I checked out the X2 and I really like it. I think it had pretty standard hard-drive space, I don't recall the exact specs but I already own a huge external HD so I'm not really worried about. Right now it has an i5 processor (that's pretty good) and the salesman said that before the end of summer they'd have it with an i7 too (that's A LOT of power). I really only liked the X2 so I didn't look at the other HP hybrids very much but the X2 is a totally regular-sized screen (maybe 13in?). The price IS good too. My only concern was that it doesn't have a CD-Rom drive. I could buy an external drive and the salesman said most of the programs I might need are available for download, but just in general I'd prefer to have one. I'm going to keep my eyes out for new stuff through the next several months though. my current Macbook has lasted me since 2008, miraculously, but it needs to retire.
  7. I actually looked at that one but I like the kind where the tablet part physically detaches from the keyboard. If I remember correctly, I didn't like the Yoga because it just folds backward but is still just as heavy and bulky.
  8. I've been really wanting a tablet and I need a new laptop before I start my PhD program. I'd love to have both be Apple brands but I can't really afford that at this point. I've been looking at hybrids. HP has the X2, which I really like so far and is relatively affordable for a tablet/laptop. They have one with an i5 and an i7 processor so I'll probably go for the beefed up processing power if I go with that. I've been saving for a while now so I'll have to see what my financial situation is closer to September.
  9. Always relevant: "Well, I'd rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona."

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Maleficent999


      Are you talking about sportsball? If you're talking about wild animals, my money is on the bear.

    3. 123hardasABC


      I was talking about hoop sphere. Where they put round thing into a round shape thing. #gobears!

    4. Maleficent999


      I cannot compute. 01010001101000111001110101

  10. As the creator of this thread, I'm just going to ask that we all move on from the topic of funding. This is a place to post decisions. Discussions relating to funding can be posted elsewhere, such as in The Bank or by bumping up an old thread. Congrats, Sociolite! How do you like it?
  11. I think I owe it to Davis to at least let them know my concerns regarding funding. If they can't do anything more then they can't do anything. I don't think they're going to rescind my offer for asking questions.
  12. I haven't officially accepted. I'm just pretty sure I will. There's only one program I'm still waiting to hear from that would make me change my mind, and I'm fairly certain I'm on the waitlist at best. I intend to heed your advice and wait until later in the process to formally accept though. I still need to attend the visiting day and that could potentially sway me as well.
  13. The bulk of my notices have come in the later afternoon pacific time, but I also got a notice on Sunday night and one at 8am Sunday morning so it's really hard to tell.
  14. I really wanted a TA-ship. I even said that specifically in my SOP. I talked to several of my undergrad mentors and I decided that the experience would be well worth the extra time constraints. I think it just depends on the person though. I want to be a teacher just as much as I want to contribute to the field on a research level so getting both experiences was important to me. I didn't want to leave grad school without knowing how to wrangle undergrads.
  15. I believe you. I'm in a relationship and it's been a generally shitty month. Having "the talk" about how you are moving for grad school and being told by your SO that they won't be coming with you (after making plans to do just that, and after you moved once to be with them) really f-ing stinks. Good riddance February, on to March!
  16. That's good to hear! Personally, I'm just grateful to have healthcare. I've spent large chunks of my life without it and its not fun at all.
  17. I really, really want to go to Disneyland. I haven't been since I was in high school. The drive from my new school will be too far and I fear the next time I'll have enough free time to go (after grad school?) I'll be too old to really enjoy it the same way I would now.
  18. RE: Boxes Call your local Safeway, Vons, Savemart, FoodMax, Winco, etc. and ask for the produce manager. Once you get someone in that department, explain your situation (student) and that you're moving and wondered if they could keep any banana or apple boxes from that week's shipment for you. I have done this every single time I moved (A LOT OF TIMES) and they were more than happy to give me at least a car-full of boxes....totally FREE. My dad used to be a produce manager, this is how I know it works. If one store says no, call the next one. I assure you someone will be willing to help you out. Free boxes are free and free is good.
  19. Well that is disappointing, but I'll take what I can get.
  20. Thank you for the insight and very thorough answer! I think as long as I can remember to be grateful that I'm doing what I want to do and getting paid for it, even when its hard, I will be fine for the most part. Personally, I'm going to try scheduling in some relaxation time. If I have it on my to-do list (I'm a big list person) then I'll feel good about checking it off while still getting to relax. To-Do: Study for such and such Write such and such paper Watch 1 episode of House of Cards...(x3 because who can watch just one episode?!)
  21. I'd let the schools know that and they might be able to help you set up a separate visit. I know amlobo mentioned last year that two visits conflicted and one of the schools set up meetings for her on a different date.
  22. I have Kaiser right now so it's basically the same (albeit, annoying) idea.
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