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Everything posted by Maleficent999

  1. Thanks both of you! That's great advice. I guess I'll be leaving my banjolele at home... I have some light social anxiety so anything I can do to feel more prepared makes me feel better. I will definitely make sure I have reasonable answers to those questions and ask about the dress code.
  2. How would you guys say this advice compares for recruitment events or visits? I've already been accepted to a school and I'm attending the recruitment event. It'll be some presentations and meeting with professors and students. I'm not sure what to wear or how to behave. It seems rather casual and I don't want to be the only shmuck in jeans or the only shmuck in business attire.
  3. You could probably have admissions put something on there about email contact as your preference. Or do you have a skype or google phone number? How would someone contact you in case of an emergency?
  4. I'm waiting to hear from UCSB too. If you're admitted I'm sure they'll try to make multiple points of contact with you. Can you update your contact info on your app from your computer?
  5. Don't lose hope. More spots will open up as people turn down offers. if there's some kind of unofficial wait-list you could still get in. And some schools send acceptances in waives as funding becomes clearer, etc. I sound like a broken record. I just hate to see my comrades so down on themselves! Truth: I'm freaking out a little too since the funding at Davis is unclear. I could still end up having to try again next year. Bloop. Blergh.
  6. I'm bumping this up because I thought it might be helpful for us 2014-ers. Maybe you can find someone in the program you've been accepted to and get a bit more info. Also, I expect one of us to start a thread like this sometime in the next 3 months!
  7. To the person who got the UT-Austin acceptance today...did the email arrive today or did you read/see it today?
  8. I'm going to sound like a crazy hippie right now, but just think positively. Maybe ban yourself from the results and forums until you hear something. I did that (for a second lol) and it really helped. Sometimes ignorance IS bliss, especially when there's nothing you can do right now.
  9. SAY IT WITH ME THIS TIME: "It's not over until its over." You got this. Try not to let it get to you until you've got a rejection or acceptance in hand.
  10. Sorry to bombard you with questions, obviously a bunch of us applied there. Was it a personalized email from faculty or an email from the DGS? I've got the hunger. haha
  11. Me too Were you one of the people whose financial aid pages changed? Perhaps they WERE on to something?
  12. Say it with me: "IT'S NOT OVER UNTIL IT'S OVER."
  13. I saw that too. Guess things are about to start heating up...and I'm not talking about my fever.
  14. Their website says they don't guarantee funding so I'm not expecting much. If it turns out it's funded, I'll be pretty stoked.
  15. At my undergrad, "packaging" was a specialty you could choose as a business major. My college roommate's boyfriend at the time was a packaging guy. It's exactly what it sounds like, they come up with new, more convenient product packaging. His claim to fame was a twist-up ketchup bottle.
  16. Do you guys think that acceptances for UW are pretty much done for the year? Last year there were a few stragglers after the bulk of acceptances went out. Maybe UW will be like UC Davis and just f*ck with me for a week first? Hopefully? *crosses fingers*
  17. This! Also, I only applied to 1 school where it will snow a lot very regularly out of that exact fear.
  18. Well, it sounds like your only option is to take it. Is there something you're doing wrong? Can you go over past tests or talk to someone about how to improve? Exhaust all your options. At the very least, don't give them any reason to say you didn't do everything you could.
  19. You should start that thread, although I'm sure we could drudge one up from somewhere too. I don't think its uncommon. I definitely have a lot to say on the matter.
  20. Thank you I really needed it. I'm not religious at all but I was having a REALLY low night last night (my relationship is sort of falling apart as a result of my grad school ambitions) and I really needed a win to prove to myself I'm not going through this for nothing. This letter sort of came at the perfect time. Davis doesn't guarantee funding unfortunately, so it's still up in the air as to whether I'm actually going to grad school or not but it gives me hope that other offers could be on the way. Keep your chin up, Chicago. IT'S NOT OVER UNTIL IT IS OVER. That is my new mantra. Or maybe it should be: "What do we say when we are met with death!? NOT TODAY!"
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