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Everything posted by Maleficent999

  1. I just woke up to an acceptance from UC Davis. I wasn't expecting it at ALL since it had pretty much quieted down for Davis. I thought my fate was sealed. The letter wasn't from the department, it was from the Dean of Graduate Studies so I'm thinking its probably not a funded offer. Either way, it gives me hope that maybe I'll get a funded offer from somewhere else. It's not over until its over. Keep your fingers crossed, everyone.
  2. First acceptance! *does dance*

  3. I just woke up to an acceptance from UC Davis! I had "scratched it off my list" since there hadn't been any movement in a while. It's not over until its over, people.
  4. Details please! Did you just get the email? I'm confused because both acceptances say the 26th but it's still the 25th for me. P.S. Congrats!
  5. RE: UT-Austin... I don't know everything or really ANYthing about the admissions process due to how convoluted all the schools insist on making this process. I do, however, know that the websites are usually the last thing to get updated. If you were admitted, they'd probably email or call the few students admitted before taking the time to make any changes to each individual application online. I would guess they do that all in one swoop, including the rejection notices on those whose applications didn't make the cut. It seems strange that they'd update just the financial aid page without updating your entire online application to let you know you've been admitted. That's just my $.02. I know we're all looking for any reason to believe we've gotten into a school, but I think its still too early to tell. Nothing is for sure until you've got physical proof that something has happened. On that note, good luck to all of us still waiting for decisions. I hope things heat up for everyone in the next 7-14 days!
  6. lol yeah I've had my head so far up something waiting for decisions that I had no idea 11 people in my county have died from it this year :-/ Thanks for the well wishes though.
  7. I've been told that more often than not, you (or the hypothetical academic on the job market) are more likely to get employed at a school one to two tiers lower than wherever you received your degree. I don't have any statistics to back this up, it is just what I've been told. For instance, if you go to a UC school, you might be more likely to be employed at a CSU than a higher-ranked program. However, I have always wondered who gets employed at the top-ranking programs if the people at top-ranking programs are getting employed at lower-upper or mid-ranked schools. Ghosts? The immortal professors who just WON'T retire?!
  8. I was diagnosed with the swine flu today. Awesome. Keep yourselves healthy out there, applicants! The stress can really f*ck you up. I've been banned from work for the rest of the week so my pocketbook is crying a little. The silver lining is that if I get an acceptance by the end of the week (unlikely) I won't have to hide my excitement at work. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
  9. I was thinking about perhaps a mug with the logo of whatever school I (hopefully) end up going to and some nice, high quality coffee or tea.
  10. Girl, you've finished applying. Change yo' signature!
  11. I can't decide if I want to ban myself from these forums/the results until I have some kind of hard evidence of SOMEthing happening with my applications. I'm just driving myself mad and I can't really do anything except wait. If I'm MIA you all know why! And if I'm not back by March then send a search party. But let's be real. We all know there's no way I'm going to be able to restrain myself. My typing fingers have a mind of their own.
  12. Mine says, "NO GRE GRADUATE SCHOOLS. Find graduate schools with no GRE requirements." I have no idea why. I've never Googled that topic before, nor do I care.
  13. I keep telling myself I only need 1 "yes". Then I go through my list of schools and systematically break down all the reasons I won't get into that school. And then I cry and want to throw up. I think this is more emotional than anything else I've experienced, and I've gone through some sh*t in my life.
  14. This must be what going insane feels like.

  15. When I was getting my Bachelor's I worked full-time and went to school full-time. The way I made exercise work into my schedule was by utilizing the gym on campus. My school had recently built a REALLY nice state-of-the-art gym, which was free for students to use. I almost always had at least an hour between classes a few days a week so I'd wear my gym clothes to school and then hurry to the gym for a workout between classes. It wasn't ideal because I hated going to class sweaty, but thankfully my school was very fit so a lot of people understood. I would also go to the gym after work or early in the morning (they opened at 6AM) if it was a day I didn't have class. Personally, I think the key is to multi-task. I like to watch YouTube videos. Instead of doing it on my butt at home, I do it at the gym on the treadmill/bike/elliptical. I makes me feel less bad about "wasting time" if I'm doing it while doing something good for my body.
  16. I didn't apply to UCLA but I did apply to UC Davis. I don't want to disclose where else I applied until I have answers. But essentially, I wasn't expecting to hear anything until the end of January through the middle of February like most others.
  17. Agreed. It ain't over until we get an official rejection.
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