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Everything posted by Maleficent999

  1. I did something similar for my thesis advisor in undergrad. He seemed to appreciate it and didn't think it was weird.
  2. I had the same problem for my 12/1 deadlines. I got a really pissed off email in return when I asked on the day it was due if she was going to be able to upload it. She did it hours before the deadline. Alas, she didn't upload them for my 12/15 deadlines on time either but she swears a few days late won't matter. Thankfully, she was an optional recommendation and not one I needed to fulfill the 3 minimum requirement.
  3. I just worry about annoying them too much. I don't want to be THAT person.
  4. Do I just email and ask them if I can submit a revised CV?
  5. I don't think every school does it but the few I've seen asked them to rate me as far as my intelligence, research potential, creativity, etc. (top 1% of students? top 10%?).
  6. 2 things: I forgot to mention some pretty important research experience in all the SOPs I've submitted so far. How I could forget, I have no idea. I also just found out a paper I wrote is being considered for publication so I could've put it as "in review" on my CV but now it can only be on the apps with the 1/15 deadlines. Le sigh.
  7. I actually had a nightmare relating to this thread last night...
  8. I work full-time and I live with my boyfriend so I guess that is pretty time consuming. Still weird to think I won't be able to use, "I have to work on applications..." as an excuse not to be social anymore. lol
  9. I've got either 1 or 2 left with 1/15 deadlines (I'll apply to 2 if I get a fee waiver for either one of them). I don't know what I'm going to do with my life for the next 2 months.
  10. I was originally applying to social psychology programs where, as someone mentioned above, its basically a necessity to email professors to make sure they're taking students. When I decided to switch to sociology, I emailed a few professors at my top schools and was basically met with a "huh? why are you emailing me? I'm sure we will get to meet if you're accepted." kind of responses so I stopped emailing. One caveat is that I noticed on the UCI app they ask if you've had correspondence with anyone and want the names. Soooooooo I don't know if I should leave that blank or last minute email the professors whose work I'm most interested in.
  11. This makes me glad that I don't text any of my recommendation writers. lol
  12. That's such a fast turnaround. Is that normal for your field? Us soc. people have to wait until at LEAST the end of January but more than likely until February.
  13. This entire thread makes me want to throw up. As someone who is applying this year for the first time, I'm realizing how terrible I'll feel if I don't get in anywhere, which is seeming more and more like a possibility after reading this!
  14. Does anyone else keep getting the nervous stomach ache at random moments during the day?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. k_angie


      Hahaha yeah the anxiety pangs with surges of optimism is what I get. Then I think of the awful scenarios that can occur.:/

    3. Maleficent999


      "What if I don't get in anywhere?!"

    4. k_angie


      Exactly. Rather what if I don't make it to my top choices? *shudders*

  15. I need to ban myself from the results search. A bunch of schools I've applied to have invited people from other programs for interviews. It's making me so nervous!
  16. Graduate school admissions seem more and more like the lottery every day. I'd say go for it and re-take the GRE if you don't get in this year.
  17. I always knew I wanted to continue my education after I earned my Bachelor's degree. School is what makes me happy. I took this year off (2013-2014) to test myself and make sure I missed school as much as I thought I would. I definitely, definitely do. I wasn't sure if I would take only one year or possibly two years off before applying, but I felt completely empty almost immediately after graduation. I do work full-time in a job that could be a career for someone else but I just don't enjoy it at all. I dread getting up every day and I never felt like that when I was in school (even though I was working then too). That's when I knew I needed to make grad school happen this year. I can't wait to get back into the environment and get back to work.
  18. I just found out a paper I wrote in the Spring is in review to be published sometime in 2014. Unfortunately I already submitted most of my apps but I'm going to add it to the last few as a publication in review.
  19. Every school I know of sets an April 15th deadline for you to notify them of your decision.
  20. Not exactly what I was getting at. What I meant is that I've been realizing that applying is only one small part of the entire process. It seems really overwhelming right now but it really pales in comparison to what grad school will be like. Thus, my fears kick in.
  21. I agree. Suffering through that BS again is probably one of my worst nightmares.
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