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  1. how did my first year go by so fast...

  2. Happy Boston Marathon Monday!

    1. VulpesZerda


      Best day of the year! Even when you no longer work in Boston and thus have to work still... :(

    2. gk210


      haha it was amazing. it was my first marathon ever and it was FREEZING. thank God the route was right in front of my apartment street so I could just keep going in and out of my house if it got too cold. :)

    3. AKCarlton
  3. is there ever a nice or easy way to tell someone they're stupid

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gk210


      Right? this is an actual real question i'm currently pondering. perhaps there is no way to do it. but it's not fair when you have to take your time out of the day to re-explain or re-hash something to them multiple times because they don't understand an assignment and you have no choice but to walk them through it because you're stuck as their partner.

    3. ss2player


      "You're *being* stupid."

      Not saying *they're* stupid, just stupid at the moment. :)

    4. attackonthedoctor


      I dunno. Some people are sensitive enough to omit the 'being,' but it could work.

  4. it's only been the first day of the new semester and i'm already piled with a ton of work. surprisingly, i'm actually quite looking forward to it.

  5. first semester of grad school is finally done! and now to get the heck out of this weather and back home to sunny california!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AKCarlton


      lucky! safe travels!

    3. gk210


      @starofdawn haha all my friends here blame me for bringing the Nor'Easter storm to california

    4. Threeboysmom


      Enjoy your break!

  6. it's official...taking 20 units plus going to be a TA next semester. alriiiiiiiiight.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ss2player


      Oh damn, I will never personally complain again! Go get 'em!

    3. AKCarlton


      yay we both will be TAs!

    4. spectastic


      if you're not insane, you will be.

  7. getting sick during one of my busiest weeks ever. such FANTASTIC timing.

    1. Gvh


      :( feel better!
    2. Threeboysmom


      Sorry, I am getting over bronchitis this week. Studying for a midterm last week was a challenge. I hope you feel better.

  8. just got paiddd from the department. it's going to be a swell weekend.

  9. they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...well be that as it may, but it's still sure as hell annoying.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ahlatsiawa


      I lose all respect for someone who tries to copy me.

    3. spectastic


      same here. I can't stand it when someone says the exact same things I say

    4. nugget
  10. The tenants who live on the floor above me really need to quit stomping around so hard. You'd think they have a pet elephant up there.

    1. AKCarlton


      i realized that i was happy being on the 3rd floor after i went down to the basement to do my laundry and heard kids running and stomping around up above me...

    2. ahlatsiawa


      On weekends I hear periodic squeaking noises coming from above. I try to imagine it's grandma reading the newspaper on her rocking chair.

    3. Munashi


      I have since moved for grad school, but at my previous residence, the fellow upstairs was out of control. I can sympathize. He once came downstairs, knocked, and let me know that he was "currently demon possessed" and that if I heard strange noises, to not be alarmed. ... Fun place. lol

  11. first day of grad school...let God have mercy on my soul. PS it's going to be 90 degrees today

  12. I don't get east coast weather...HOT rain? Geez.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gk210


      i did notice that on the news. FANTASTIC.

    3. St Andrews Lynx

      St Andrews Lynx

      Better than cold rain, I always say...

    4. gk210


      @St Andrews i guess it's just weird to me because we only associate rain with cold weather...at least, that's how California is. i'm more angry at the fact that it's confusing to me. LOL.

  13. Finally moved into my new condo in Boston!

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    2. ImHis


      Did you buy the condo?

    3. gk210


      lol no i guess i should've rephrased myself. i'm renting out a room in a condo. whoops. i ain't that rich!

    4. ImHis


      it's still exciting! :)

  14. 1 more week till I say goodbye to sunny California...

  15. RIP Robin Williams. My childhood is now dead but I shall try reviving it by watching Mrs. Doubtfire

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Threeboysmom
    3. spectastic


      suicide no less....

    4. Gvh


      :( This was one of the few celeb deaths that felt like the loss of a friend.
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