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  1. Downvote
    ArthChauc reacted in Fat-Friendly Campuses?   
    I'll buy you a Dr. Phil shirt to sport with your fancy mangina.
  2. Downvote
    ArthChauc reacted to persimmony in Fat-Friendly Campuses?   
    Or you could uh... you know, try to lose weight? I don't know your situation at all and don't mean to be judgmental... but if you have to rest after every 20-30 paces you are definitely not getting the exercise you need and should be more concerned about becoming healthier than finding a campus that have seats with no armrests.
    Edit: oh and to answer your original question...stay away from Colorado I guess. Lots of active health nuts here.
  3. Upvote
    ArthChauc reacted to danieleWrites in Working while in Grad School   
    From personal experience, if you don't have to have a job, don't have a job. What constitutes the criteria for "have to" depends entirely on individual circumstances. I know someone who "had to" have a part time job in high school because he "had to" have more access to the Gap than his allowance permitted. Back then, I judged harshly. These days? Who am I to pass judgment on anyone's necessities, beyond the universal ones. The only things I need are food, water, and shelter. Everything else is "want". I'm tangenting unnecessarily.

    Anyway. I recommend against a job simply because they take away hours that can be otherwise engaged in scholarship. Employers (aside from GTA employers) think that everything else in your life is secondary to the job. For those of us who TA, our departments usually tell us that our own education comes first, and our teaching responsibilities second. TAs have a habit of sacrificing their time for students. Employers don't expect people to focus on their work outside of work hours, but when there's a work-school conflict? Or a choice between sleeping and fulfilling an obligation? Employers don't think you can call in sick when you've been up doing school work for two days. They expect you to put the school stuff aside and get rest.

    It comes down to this, in my opinion, there are only 24 hours in a day. The more of those hours you can free up to do your scholarship, the greater the quality of scholarship. I consider a solid 12 hour chunk of that 24 hours to be un-freeable, in general. 8 hours of sleep, commute time, personal care and other chores, personal time (it's important to give one's self time to do leisure, even if that's just watching re-runs on Netflix). That means the other 12 hours are free for school and work. Time is a commodity that has to be factored into any cost-benefit analysis.

    The feasibility of working (not assistanceships, to be clear) comes right down to a cost-benefit analysis and nothing else. What will it cost you to work? What benefits will you have from it? Are those benefits worth the cost? And one question, because it's school, if your cost-benefit analysis makes it clear that work would be beneficial, but you discover, after trying to work a job and do school, that you actually can't do it, what would happen if you couldn't have that income?
  4. Upvote
    ArthChauc reacted to Horb in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    Officially going to be a Tufts Elephant! That sounds so silly, but YEAH!!!!!
  5. Upvote
    ArthChauc reacted to Academicat in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    Yay! I'm going to The Ohio State University in the fall!
  6. Downvote
    ArthChauc reacted to m-ttl in Favorite Field-Related Tattoos   
    I mention I'm native-mexican because it's tiring to see countless folks decide they're experts on my culture and then go and get a tattoo about it, or worse, don't know anything about my culture, and get those tattoos anyways. 
    I don't care if it's your field...there are plenty of other things which represent anthropology besides native tattoos or symbols/art! The fact that you'd be defensive and flippant if someone has a problem - and even if one group says its okay, not every native group will agree or feel the same way - just shows me you don't understand the attitude you need for that kind of honor. 
    You should have read the link I had! It's by tattoo artists who are experts on tattooing. You can put words on a canvas. But for artists (and art historians ) we're very aware that canvas should be in consideration. The human body is not a book, nor is it static. Good lettering is popular in tattoos and looks good. But lines of text (e.g. a poem) will eat up space and look terrible: 
    You, dear tattoo client, are not flat white paper. You're a series of interlocking muscle bands, & you're covered with skin that is anything but white. You are cylindrical, almost every part of you body is long & rounded. But its not rounded evenly, like a pole, each surface is tapered, being much wider at some points & narrower at others. You're also topographical, with some points rising & dipping dramatically. On top of all that, you're also flexible, so unless you've been stuffed by an expert taxidermist, the minute you move, you will morph into even more elastic contorted shapes. When you try to apply text to this living organic medium, the lines waver, the letter size changes, the spacing inside the letter closes up, the spacing between the letters & between the words run together. It looks like crap. And Guttenberg spins in his grave.    [...] Text does the opposite of this. It needs negative space in order to be legible, & since it's read in lines left to right, it needs to be straight, slicing up all that flowing anatomy into ribbons, graphically speaking. It becomes a visual road block, destroying your natural curves. This is why you don't see straight lines or geometric shapes in tattoo flash, every flat surface gets twisted, corkscrewed, & warped. That's not because of all the acid we did in college, its to conform our art with the flow of your physique. If type is snaked along the lines with the muscles, it trashes the leading, & it quickly becomes illegible, & defeats the whole point of getting text. 
    The article goes on to discuss other reasons why tattoo artists despise text tattoo which sort of goes against the medium. I've also never seen a literature tattoo which is plain text that looks better than any tattoo with interprets a text into an image/text combination.
    Personally I think it would be cheating to say that I think any tattoo would relate to my field  but nonetheless, I love American classic tattoos. And though it's not who I study, Mucha prints have wonderful translation into tattoos because Art Nouveau fits into a lot of "good" tattoo qualities, flatter dimensions, rich colors, black outlines, and curving lines which look great translated onto skin. 
  7. Upvote
    ArthChauc reacted to DigDeep(inactive) in Favorite Field-Related Tattoos   
    Sorry it rubs you the wrong way, you'll get over it. I don't expect to "earn" any thing. It seems poor taste to say that, if I were ever in a situation to get a tattoo (which it would take an extreme one), that I wouldn't say "no" to a situation such as an initiation right? I never said I expected it to happen, or that I seek that experience, just that if I were in that situation I would accept one and be proud of it. 
    I didn't say that "omg super cool native tatto bro" tattos are the only examples what would be deemed appropriative.
    " It just doesn't feel like your place to expect or ask for that - especially if they're related to sacred/initiation rites."
    Did you even read what I said?  I don't expect anything, or ask for anything. Furthermore, I don't expect to "push to get" anything. 
    Why mention you're mexican? Does this give you higher ground on this subject if I were white? Please step out from behind your ego for a second and actually read what I said. The topic at hand is field related tattoos. My field is Anthropology, therefore I thought of a hyperbolic situation in which I would think about getting a tattoo. I do not have tattoos, nor would I get one. It would take an extreme situation for me to get one, and thus prompted my answer. Note the words "as if I happen", "it just so happend", which mean we are speaking hypothetically.
    In the end, if my comment offends you - too bad. Go have a sandwich and blog about it. 
  8. Upvote
    ArthChauc got a reaction from Nyctophile in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    Just got into my dream school off of the waitlist. I'm moving to Albuquerque!
    Thank you to everyone who has been there for me from this site for the past three months. Seriously, you guys are the greatest. 
  9. Upvote
    ArthChauc got a reaction from igetstuffdunn in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    Just got into my dream school off of the waitlist. I'm moving to Albuquerque!
    Thank you to everyone who has been there for me from this site for the past three months. Seriously, you guys are the greatest. 
  10. Upvote
    ArthChauc reacted to cfox8806 in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    Thank you, that's actually super helpful! I'm just going to pretend like it's a rejection.
  11. Upvote
    ArthChauc reacted to toasterazzi in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    Annnnnd I just accepted Ohio State's offer!
    *Kermit flails*
  12. Upvote
    ArthChauc got a reaction from Tybalt in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    Just got into my dream school off of the waitlist. I'm moving to Albuquerque!
    Thank you to everyone who has been there for me from this site for the past three months. Seriously, you guys are the greatest. 
  13. Upvote
    ArthChauc got a reaction from BunnyWantsaPhD in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    Just got into my dream school off of the waitlist. I'm moving to Albuquerque!
    Thank you to everyone who has been there for me from this site for the past three months. Seriously, you guys are the greatest. 
  14. Upvote
    ArthChauc got a reaction from toasterazzi in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    Just got into my dream school off of the waitlist. I'm moving to Albuquerque!
    Thank you to everyone who has been there for me from this site for the past three months. Seriously, you guys are the greatest. 
  15. Upvote
    ArthChauc got a reaction from Ozymandias Melancholia in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    Just got into my dream school off of the waitlist. I'm moving to Albuquerque!
    Thank you to everyone who has been there for me from this site for the past three months. Seriously, you guys are the greatest. 
  16. Upvote
    ArthChauc got a reaction from ProfLorax in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    Just got into my dream school off of the waitlist. I'm moving to Albuquerque!
    Thank you to everyone who has been there for me from this site for the past three months. Seriously, you guys are the greatest. 
  17. Upvote
    ArthChauc got a reaction from MedievalMadness in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    Just got into my dream school off of the waitlist. I'm moving to Albuquerque!
    Thank you to everyone who has been there for me from this site for the past three months. Seriously, you guys are the greatest. 
  18. Upvote
    ArthChauc reacted to cloudofunknowing in New Mexico applicants   
    Yea, AC!!!! Just in time for the shoures soote of April. Cause the droghte of March hath been perced. To the roote! (Not a UNM person, but stoked & tipping my medievalist hat to you just the same!)
  19. Upvote
    ArthChauc got a reaction from cbttcher in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    Just got into my dream school off of the waitlist. I'm moving to Albuquerque!
    Thank you to everyone who has been there for me from this site for the past three months. Seriously, you guys are the greatest. 
  20. Upvote
    ArthChauc got a reaction from Kamisha in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    Just got into my dream school off of the waitlist. I'm moving to Albuquerque!
    Thank you to everyone who has been there for me from this site for the past three months. Seriously, you guys are the greatest. 
  21. Upvote
    ArthChauc got a reaction from eku5 in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    Just got into my dream school off of the waitlist. I'm moving to Albuquerque!
    Thank you to everyone who has been there for me from this site for the past three months. Seriously, you guys are the greatest. 
  22. Upvote
    ArthChauc got a reaction from hmd in turned down offers thread   
    I highly approve of this post. I'm wait listed at UNM and it's a special kind of hell.
  23. Downvote
    ArthChauc reacted to holdsteady in What kind of job can I get with an MA in English...?   
    oDesk, elance, and freelancer. You might also want to look up specific content farms as they might have open opportunities that they haven't yet posted through the freelancing websites.
    I'm most familiar with oDesk. You just have to create your online profile (which doubles as a resume/CV), get some writing samples together, and (this is very important) take ALL the relevant Writing & Translation tests. This is the easiest way for clients to get an idea of how skilled you are. You'll attract attention if you score in the top 10% in all or most of these and it'll make up for the lack of experience/star ratings you have on the site.
    Heads up, though. It'll be a pain in the ass, trying to find the right jobs. A lot of stuff on there is meant for Filipino writers who will work for a lot less. That they're actually good at what they do makes things worse for us. Still, a lot of jobs, which are generally higher paid, are looking for native writers (by which they mean people from the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada). If you know some foreign languages, there's a bunch of translation work on there that widens the range of opportunities further. Still, there are thousands of jobs on there within the Writing & Translation category and something will come up that you're suited for.
    For all the fiction stuff, they'll want to see writing samples. I learned the hard way that the more "literary" your creative writing samples are, the less frequently you'll be considered for fiction ghostwriting gigs.
  24. Upvote
    ArthChauc reacted to shortstack51 in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    I'm really excited about UConn- recently learned that they are Among the top 5 in the country for placement. They form a whole committee dedicated to helping you be a good candidate.

    Also, I made friends with someone who I think will be a good friend once I go there. We already text! Always fun. I'm going to wait before I accept just because we're going to make sure my fiancée will still have options if I go there.

    Decisions decisions!
  25. Upvote
    ArthChauc reacted to cbttcher in Fall 2014 applicants??   
    Accepted my offer at UCSD today.
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