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Everything posted by pinoysoc

  1. All I can say is, be yourself! If you try to hard you'll give them this impression that you practiced just to make it through that one interview. On the other hand, if you show them what you're really made of and they see you're doing everything you can, it can be brownie points for your application as well. Hopefully this helps!
  2. I have to agree with Nito! I'm the other side of the planet as well! Since Guam is "Where America Day Begins!" we both have to suffer a couple extra hours. Those things/email/notifications come in at least 1 in the morning on Tuesday. So I'm alawys freaking out when some of the grad programs e-mail me and says you need this or you need to do that. I'm like fLARGHHHHHHHHH RIGHT NOW! LOLOLOL.
  3. CONGRATULATIONS! SheWrote! Where else did you apply this application season?
  4. OMG! Someone posted that they got accepted to Davis. It must the be the season to start sweating like crazy!!!!
  5. I AGREE! I'm dying. I'm trying everything I can and could to get my mind off the super slow decisions!
  6. LeoBixby, I applied to Cornell Development Sociology! To be honest, it's the first grad app I finished in October? Then I joined thegradcafe and saw/read that there's one time the program only had space for TWO new grad students. GOOD LUCK!
  7. Which school is this? It looks like the top schools in Soc drag it out until the end of the month!
  8. Congrats!!!! I'll be honest and I'm starting to have nightmares about decisions! Just this morning, I woke up super early because I got rejected from UT-Austin's Soc program and instead got into their Pokemon Master PhD program... Weirdest dream ever! And why oh why do decisions have to come so late in January?!?! I was looking at the submission forum a lot of programs have gotten back to the applicants!!!! By the way, I really feel that playing Pokemon after graduation last month is making brain cells die every minute... FUDGE MONKEYS!!!!!!!!! Lol.
  9. Haha! He told me himself, he bombed the GREs...TWICE and still got into a great Master's program at Ohio University then he finished his PhD at McGill! Hoping for the best. All the professors at my department were telling me not to sweat it out. One of the adjuncts who's doing their PhD said it all comes down to the whole package. Which I hope is the case! I really have a great relationship with the Sociology professors at my old school. It's come the point where I'm thinking of taking a graduate class in social science methods to ease the nerves of waiting!!!!! GOOD LUCK!
  10. I know how you feel! My advisor suggested that I retake it last month, but I told him I just didn't have the energy to do so since I was super busy. I'm going to follow the same route as you! If I don't get in this season, I'm going to start again this semester and hopefully, better scores! Good luck!
  11. Just wanted to join in on the fun! I graduated last Fall with a BA in Sociology/Anthropology with a minor in English. Finished all my apps to UT Austin, UC-Berkeley, McGill, UToronto, Cornell, UMD-College Park & Sam Houston. To be honest, I didn't so well on my GREs and I'm praying that I get into at least one school! When do decisions start coming out???
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