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Everything posted by pinoysoc

  1. That's good! Congratulations! I thought I was fine with 7 schools, but I realized I needed to have safety schools.. So, back to square one and working on Georgia State's and UNM's applications tomorrow... a L L D A Y! HAHAHA. How's everyone's weekend coming along?
  2. They should!!!! If that were the case, I believe my Fall 2014 meltdown/breakdown should get me in this time around! It's inconceivable that we spend hours, days, or even months planning to meet the 12/15 - 01/15 deadline and all that work is over within a matter of 5 minutes reading/getting a phone call to find out we were "part of a very qualified pool of applicants, but couldn't admit every single one." HAHAHAHA. I lost patience in the past and call for a reform as to how these things work!
  3. Thank you for the information! Is there any way we can pin this for all to see?
  4. Sounds like a great plan! I'm planning to update my CV this month because when I applied last month, I uploaded one from October that just reflected a new research experience/job. I'm also in the process of doing two mansucripts: 1 co-authored from a course while I was in my MA program and another from my thesis that I should've finished over the summer (but life happened and I had to adult and get a job that had weird hours!).
  5. Thank you for the information! I do agree updating/constant activity is the hardest thing to do! Do you know anyone in your field that does this? Or maybe a great example?
  6. Sometimes, I don't what to believe anymore whenever I apply! I'm seriously hoping fit, LORs, and SOPs will be enough because my GRE scores are horrendous!!!!
  7. I can help! Let me know if you guys would like me to look at them!
  8. Nice! I'm in the process of doing the same as well! I'm freaking the freak out at the moment!
  9. Good afternoon everyone! I was wondering if there are any past Soc PhD applicants that have an idea of how interviews work? I got rejected from all programs I applied to in Fall 2014. Finished an MA program this past spring that has a small Soc/Anthro department and I'm not really sure what to expect in the next few weeks. Thank you in advance for the information that could help ease my anxiety!
  10. So, I'm currently taking a break from a work project. And I decided to look up rankings of Soc PhD programs from US News. I just realized that all the schools I applied to are in the Top 40. I know it's not something I should be freaking out about, because what the heck, right? But I feel like the pressure/anxiety just got worse because I picked these schools due to fit of research interests without even caring about school rank. Sorry for ranting...again. It's been a long day at work and it's just spilling all over.
  11. That's hilarious! My mom told me I don't need to become an MD. But, I feel like that if I don't get in (again)... I'm going to seriously consider becoming an MD or something. HAHAHAHA
  12. pinoysoc


    Does anyone have suggestions for post-bacc programs??? I have a BA & MA in Sociology. I only finished Bio 1 with lab in undergrad.
  13. Fun little poll to kill time as we wait for deadlines and admissions
  14. Started from the bottom, now I'm here. 

  15. OH LAWWWWWWD you guys! Being the lurker & worry wart that I am, I saw that some other fields (i.e. Biology/Life Sciences) are already in that stage where interviews are being sent out to prospective students. Here we are, still 3 days away until the December 15th (and for some, 1 month from the January 15th deadline). Applying to Soc programs... or the application season is S T R E S S F U L! The last time I tried applying (I believe last application cycle), I pulled my hair out just starting on the education section because I was still in my M.A. program. One degree later, I'm still a hot mess!!!!! I'm seriously pumped & stressed at the same time that my anxiety levels are crazy high at the moment!
  16. I'm biting my fingernails... OVER AND OVER AND OVER! I'm so nervous about this application season because I haven't' been this eager to get in since the first time I applied for the Fall 2014 application season. God knows that I have changed since then, but still a worrywart basketcase with all the waiting!
  17. Great to hear this, @speechfan222 Usually, with research jobs, you're usually given data to analyze. There are also instances where you become part of the designing process (for the study) within the company and collect the data yourself. Is there a specific field you're looking at to work in?
  18. Does anyone have advice on starting, maintaining, and promoting an academic blog? I've been interested in it, but I'm scared to start one!
  19. Glad you shared this, Nick! I'm in/was in a similar situation at the moment. I just need to preface you that I don't work with live animals, but deal with electronic records. The best thing to do (in my opinion) is to tackle the tasks head on, put together questions/concerns while working, ask your supervisor to set a time to meet, and learn. I know it may seem to be unhelpful, but the saying. there's no question that's a dumb question, is true. Things that may come up usually are a good thing because it showcases another side that may have been overlooked during the planning stages. At the same time, you just need to believe in the work you do because the more you doubt yourself, the more unproductive you would be (not that I'm saying doubting is a bad thing). That's the big takeaway I got at this new research position I started two months ago. Let me know if you need more help. Or if need some clarification, feel free to message me directly. PINOYSOC (Josh)
  20. That sounds awesome! To be quite honest, I want to explore this human-animal relationship through the lens of cultural sociology and sociology of mental health! It somewhat loosely ties to my main interests. I heard USF is a great school!
  21. @GameofLoans16, I give you props for trying again! This is my third time as well, but got lucky in the second time. What are your research interests or which programs did you apply to?
  22. @abenz Interviews, or lack thereof, depends every cycle. I've seen in the past (i.e. Fall 2014 cycle) there were some schools who did interview to send out acceptances. But in more recent years (from what I read in older forums) some schools contact you to schedule telephone or Skype interviews to talk about fit, etc. and wasn't sure how that played into their application. Can someone from last cycle clarify? Or if someone is very knowledgeable, it would be great to hear!
  23. I personally believe that doing an MA may sometimes be a benefit to students. I have a friend who went straight to a Ph.D. program (Fall 2013) and she's struggled academically. And she was smarter/better than I was in every aspect. But sometimes, doing the MA route first helps you refine skills, gain experience, and strengthen your application! Also, if anyone needs help, let me know! I'm always lurking here during work. As if things will get any faster at this point! LOL.
  24. YOU GUYS CAN DO THIS! My strategy was pretty much to act super anxious while at work and turn things in when I was taking a break fro my work project! Now, I'm constantly worrying about decisions since traditionally, some schools I applied to start replying/contacting potential students right after Christmas!
  25. How’s everyone doing with their applications? I know it’s 6 days until most programs are expecting them for mid-December deadline for the fall? How’s everyone coping after?
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